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Recent Update that Wreaked Havoc with the Calendar

Posted: May 17, 2023 at 1:06 pm

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May 17, 2023 at 1:06 pm

I’ve been using Event Espresso for many years now, in my business. I rely upon a strongly functional event manager/calendar.

Imagine my surprise, and panic, when, attempting to access my calendar this morning, I found it BLANK.

After conferring with my webhost, it was determined to be an error on the part of Event Espresso, during the most recent update — numerous customers found their event calendars also blank.

I had to dig through the weeds in the forum, to find an Event Espresso employee who said that they were aware of the issue, and had implemented yet another update, to reverse the damage.

Why in the world didn’t Event Espresso email all of us who use this service (& are paying for it), as to the problem and the solution? Why are we having to dig and discover it for ourselves?

I am now looking for a more viable alternative for my event calendar plug in, as the support for this one has been sub-par. VERY disappointed in Event Espresso.


  • Support Staff

May 17, 2023 at 2:11 pm

Hi there,

I’m sorry you feel that way but let’s add a little more context to the updates mentioned so it gives some more clarification here.

5.0.4 was released on May 16th at around 10pm UTC.

The first report of an issue with the Calendar was reported on May 17th at roughly 11am UTC and version 5.0.5 was pushed live within 4 hours of that report. At that point, 37 users had updated to 5.0.4. We don’t track the specific users who have updated their installs but the license system does track total downloads which is how we have the above number.

So the only thing we could have done at that point is send a mass email to all registered users (the majority of which were NOT being affected by this issue) to tell them to update to EE5.0.5 but then most of those wouldn’t have received that email until after it was no longer possible for them to install 5.0.4 anyway.

Our recommendation is to always use the latest version available as that’s the version we provide support for. Once we had a report of an issue we fixed it and pushed that live within hours so using the latest version fixed the issue either way.

We don’t intend to cause disruptions, and we acted quickly. We dare say you’ll be hard-pressed to find a team offering quicker support for fixes like this.

Let me know if I can do anything else for you.

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