
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problem with modified installation

Problem with modified installation

Posted: August 7, 2015 at 1:49 am

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Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 1:49 am

Hello. I have modified EE and used it successfully for several conferences. I have just upgraded it and now I get the error “the requested route_register could not be mapped to any registered modules”. You can see the event here:

Most of my modifications are just textual – changing tickets to registration etc. I have modified several files and have been uploading them as I work.


Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 2:36 am

I have fixed this be overwriting the “event-espresso-core-reg” folder. However in admin when I click on “events” I get a blank page. Everything else seems to work fine. Maybe I just need to overwrite a file or two? Thanks again!


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 4:27 am

Hi Robert,

When you say you updated EE, how did you update? Manually via FTP?

I have fixed this be overwriting the “event-espresso-core-reg” folder.

So are you using a non-modified version of EE now or are your changes still there?

If you enable WP_DEBUG then view the ‘events’ section is there an error shown?

We can not support modifications to the core plugin as we just do not know what has been modified. If the majority of modifications have been text changes then most (if not all) all of those modifications can be done via a custom function or translations files, so there should be no need to modify core for those.

We have a guide to changing text within Event Espresso here:

Other modifications can usually be done through various hooks throughout EE and if there isn’t a hook available we can request one be added.

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 4:48 am

I had automatically installed upgrades. I have not modified code, only formatting and text which I have spent many hours on. Changing translation files is not enough, I’d much rather have templates and CSS to work with as I know messing with core modules is messy and files get overwritten. I still get this error “the requested route_register could not be mapped to any registered modules”. Apart from that everything seems to be working. Any ideas why I am getting this please? If I cannot fix it I can’t use the plugin. Aslo I am not getting email updates to this thread –

thanks again.

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 5:29 am

Sorry another update! Everything works fine, the only error is the error message I mention, it appears to be meaningless. Can I just disable it? The url is still


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 5:43 am

Are you modifying code (any code including text changes) within the plugins directory? Which is wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/

You’ve mentioned its several files, so I can’t ask which file specifically. I’m trying to find out if this is caused by your modifications within core (if that’s where your are changing code)

So if you’ve modified core, then used the one click update, you would be running the ‘standard’ version of EE with no modifications and this should not be happening.

When you update a plugin what WordPress actually does is delete the current plugin, download the latest version and replace the plugin with that. If your modifying core and then use the standard once click updates you’ll lose all of the modified code because of the above.

This error:

“the requested route_register could not be mapped to any registered modules”.

Means that EE can not find the route for ‘route_register’, problem is there is no route for route_register because it shouldn’t be looking for that route in the first place (it will never exist)

Right now the only cause I can see for this is modified code within core that’s causing problems looking for ‘events’, I’ll check in with developers on troubleshooting steps for this. However due to time differences it will be a little before the respond.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tony.

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 6:02 am

Thanks for your input Tony – to be honest I have forgotten exactly what and where I changed stuff but I don’t touch PHP code, only formatting and style. The bits I changed were all modules – nothing in the core after checking, If I can swtch the error modal off that will do fine for now.


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 6:20 am

What I don’t understand is, as mentioned above, if you’ve modified core then used one click updates you would no longer have a modified version of Event Espresso. Yet it seems you have?

So are you modifying code (any code including text changes) within the plugins directory? Which is wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/ or another directory?

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 6:54 am

There is a directory within the plugin called “core” – which I have not modified. I think the only file changed is “EED_Event_Single.module.php” because I needed to re-order the contents. There is no way of doing that without modifying stuff in the “modules” folder. In this case my event had the ticket selector displayed before the venue details which to me and my client was incorrect – the ticket selector should be at the bottom of the page. So I re-uploaded my modified file as I do not want to spend several hours wroking out how I managed to change it last year.


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 7:49 am

Ok, any files within the plugin directory is considered Event Espresso ‘core’ in the same way any modifications made to WordPress core files is considered to be any of the standard WP files.

The internal structure of the directories/files makes no difference, modifying /core/ or /modules/ is still modifying the core code for Event Espresso.

As you mentioned modules its likely that error is being caused by modifying:


On line 46 you should have:

EE_Config::register_route( __( 'event', 'event_espresso' ), 'Event_Single', 'run' );

Is yours different? (You may have a slightly different line number), I’m guessing yours doesn’t have ‘Event_Single’ on that line but something else.

There is no way of doing that without modifying stuff in the “modules” folder.

Sure there is.

You want to move the ticket selector to the bottom of the content? You can use this gist:

Add that to a Site Specific Plugin, it will hook in and place the ticket selector at the bottom of the single event page. No core modification needed.

You can get event more granular control using template files within your theme archive-espresso_events.php or single-espresso_events.php for example, this is much more involved (just those two templates are not enough) and is not usually necessary but is available if needed.

So I re-uploaded my modified file as I do not want to spend several hours wroking out how I managed to change it last year

Then your back to running a modified version of core. The problem here (especially if your replacing whole files from previous versions) is that any fixes or new code we’ve introduced within those files now isn’t included within your copy of Event Espresso, this could cause fatal errors within other sections of EE if for example we call a function that should exist but doesn’t (or even leave your site open to exploits if we’ve patched a hole).

Whilst it may seem like currently the only issue here is the error message, this is only going to get worse if you continue to modify core files this way and we can not provide support when this happens. Currently it may seem a hassle but the longer you replace files within core the more likely you are to running into deeper issues.

You will find that almost all requests to make changes to the output of EE can be done through hooks and/or template files if your confident with dealing with those. If you do find something that it appears you can not change just let us know, it is likely there is a way to do it and if not we can request a hook be added to allow it to be done.

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 8:09 am

I have downloaded the plugin and overwritten ALL files – single event works ok, it is the single page registration that gives the error. I changed to the newly downloaded files and still get the error.

Please can you suggest a hack to stop the alert pop-up? I can disable all pop ups but then the user does not see the registration complete window. I really need to fix this before the end of today, many thanks again.

Hooks are new to me but I can see your point, I need to customise correctly to avoid more frustration!


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 10:43 am

Hi Robert,

I’ve just ran a registration on your site and didn’t see any errors on the checkout page, do you still see this?

I did notice ?ee=_register within the query string which would cause the error you mentioned, however I’m unsure where that is from.

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 11:29 am

I removed the ajax pop ups with css. Re: query string, maybe from an old installation? I tried the older version and did not get any errors but admain pages did not work.

Another topic whilst I’m here.. The venues show “unknown” if outside the USA. I realise most of your business is there but hey there is “the rest of the world” and there are many ways of adding countries etc. Now i have more work trying to stop “unknown” being displayed in the venue address before I can finish.. sigh.



  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 11:50 am

Hi Rob,

I can weigh in on the unknown addresses. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an address outside of the US for that to happen. Can you let me know the address you’re having issues with?

Robert Endersby

August 7, 2015 at 11:52 am

Thanks Josh, I have already seen how to add countries and regions – nice and easy to do!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 7, 2015 at 2:43 pm

Hi Robert, on an earlier version of Event Espresso 4, there were success messages that appeared. Those no longer appear in the current version of Event Espresso 4 while a registration is taking place.

The only pop-ups that you should see are related to an error made by the registrant. For example, if they forgot to enter an option for a field, then they should see a popup that has help messaging to remind them to complete that field.

I do not recommend hiding this because the registrant may not immediately understand that they skipped a specific field (question) and they could think that the registration process isn’t working when it actually isn’t letting them proceed because a required field has not been completed.


Robert Endersby

August 10, 2015 at 7:09 am

The error message that appears (when someone goes to the checkoutpage) in an ajax modal reads: “the requested route_register could not be mapped to any registered modules” Obviously a bug of some sort, please can someone find out why it is happening?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 10, 2015 at 9:44 am

Hello Robert, that does not look familiar and I was able to find a couple reports from last year.

You mentioned that you overwrote the old files. Was this done via SFTP or FTP?

Event Espresso 4.7.x has a different folder structure than older versions like 4.4.x. If you overwrote the files and folders, then please deactivate and remove Event Espresso 4 from your WP dashboard.

Then download a new copy from your account page and upload the zip file and activate through the WP plugins screen in your WP dashboard.

Let us know if that helps with the issue.



Robert Endersby

August 11, 2015 at 7:39 am

I only use the WP installer. All old files have been deleted but the problem is still there – even when I switch the ajax window css to display:none it is still whowing in some browsers (IE). The event is open for registraion now but could someone work out why the error is showing please?


  • Support Staff

August 11, 2015 at 9:28 am

Hi Robert,

We are trying to work out what could be causing this, it isn’t a common issue, nor a bug within Event Espresso. Event Espresso is doing what it should, looking for a route called _register which is being passed with the query string.

So can you confirm you have remove all modifications to Event Espresso? You have deleted Event Espresso from the plugins menu, downloaded a clean copy from your account page and installed that through the Dashboard as is?

I notice the single event page is showing the ticket selector at the bottom of the page, has that been done using the Gist I provided above or through another method?

Do you have any site specific plugins to add/change the checkout page? Or functions within your themes.php file to do the same?

If you switch to one of the default themes such as twentyfourteen and retest, does the same error message show?

Robert Endersby

August 12, 2015 at 5:11 am

Hello again Tony – I think the problem must be with my templates that reside in my theme directory. I cannot switch themes as the site is live and they are taking bookings for an important conference. The file I moved the ticket selector on is “single-espresso_events.php” I believe. It would make sense if the error then shows when a user selects a ticket and clicks to porceed to checkout. I cannot attach it so is there a way of you checking it for me please? Just changing one file and testing it would be ok as it will only take a minute or two.


  • Support Staff

August 12, 2015 at 5:59 am

You can switch themes for just admins using the Theme Test Drive plugin.

That allows you to enabled a theme within the admin and you can view your site using that theme but your visitors will continue to use the regular theme.

I can take a quick look at the template file and see if I can see anything obvious that is causing it, however can you please confirm if you have done the above steps to now run a ‘clean’ version of Event Espresso.

So can you confirm you have remove all modifications to Event Espresso? You have deleted Event Espresso from the plugins menu, downloaded a clean copy from your account page and installed that through the Dashboard as is?

Otherwise the template files could be leading us in completely the wrong direction if there are still modifications within core.

Robert Endersby

August 12, 2015 at 7:22 am

Yes, I installed the new version from wp admin and deleted the old one. I have tried test drive and I get no errors when I switch to 2015 theme. I have a few EE files in my cutom theme- how can I get these to you please?


  • Support Staff

August 12, 2015 at 9:08 am

The easiest way is to host a zip file containing all of the templates and include a link here that I can use to download them.

You can add the files to the wp install through the Media Library on your site if your prefer, or use something like DropBox.

Robert Endersby

August 12, 2015 at 9:30 am

Great – here’s a zip of the theme in use:
thanks yet again,

Robert Endersby

August 12, 2015 at 9:31 am

Please note ccs changes to EE are at the end of style.css, I switched of notices with #espresso-notices{display:none;}


  • Support Staff

August 12, 2015 at 11:21 am

I don’t get any error messages with the theme and can’t see any issues with the EE template files.

The theme looks like it uses widgets for display, so it doesn’t look correct on my install, but EE works without issue –

I think the best way to troubleshoot is to create a development copy of the site, this can be on a subdomain or locally but should be an exactl copy of the current live site.

An easy way to do this is using the Duplicator plugin to create a clone. Then on the dev copy of the site you can de-activate all non-EE plugins and retest (with the current theme) then see if you get the same issue.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

November 18, 2015 at 8:54 am

Hello again Robert,

As of Event Espresso 4.8.21, there is a custom display re-order option available in the WordPress dashboard.

Backup your WordPress and update your software

You can see the change log for Event Espresso 4 here:

Remove existing filters for adjusting the order

If you have used some of the suggested filters to adjust the order of your event elements, then you’ll want to first remove those from your website and they may have been added to your child theme’s functions.php file or a site specific plugin.

Set a custom order through the Templates screen

Afterwards, go to your WP dashboard (WP-admin) –> Event Espresso –> Events –> Templates. The Use Custom Display Order options in the Templates screen can be used to reorder the events elements on the single event page as well as the events listing page.

Again, be sure that any of the filters for adjusting the order have been removed from your site specific plugin or your child theme’s functions.php file before turning on the template reorder option. Otherwise, you may see duplicate content.



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