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Presales Questions (5)

Posted: May 5, 2015 at 10:47 am

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May 5, 2015 at 10:47 am

Hi there.

Pre Sales question!

I love your features and would like to confirm the following for a fishing boat business & accommodation package

ACCOMMODATION I offer several packages: WeekendPackage: 2 nights accommodation Midweek package: 5 nights accommodation Need optional extra day of fishing at a cost of $100 per person. Combo Package: 7 nights accommodation Minimum number of people is 8 with maximum of 12 allowed.

FISHING ONLY I also offer 1/2 day fishing on 2 days from 6am – 12pm In summer I offer 2 trips 6am – 12pm & 12pm – 6pm

As I have only one boat I need to ensure there is no double booking, so will be working off the one calendar.

QUESTIONS 1. Is the above possible? I need days or hours available as an option 2. Can I have rules? 3. I would start off with a drop down as per your demo and then have a calendar show with check in and check out field. I would also like to automatically show available = green & not available = red. 4. I also offer an “extra day of fishing at a cost of $100 per person.” which is only available for “Midweek package: 5 nights accommodation” It is not available for other packages. Could I have a rule for this? 5. Is it possible to show how many spots are available in the calendar? 6. Does it work with any SMS gateways? for SMS reminders? 7. Can I generate event tickets? 8. Can customers purchase gift vouchers? & can they be used to book online?

I look forward to your response

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Dee.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

May 5, 2015 at 11:58 am

Hi Dee,

How are you today?

First I’d recommend that take a little time to setup a Event Espresso demo site so you can get a feel for how this would work in your situation. You can create a site for free at: In general, I think you will struggle with trying to make Event Espresso function like a hotel reservation system.

Secondly, it’s important to note that every event/ticket in Event Espresso has to be created with a specific date and time. So, each occurrence of an event/accommodation/trip/reservation has to be pre-configured with a date, time, cost and/or quantity available.

In your situation, you can create an event with several datetimes and several ticket options:


– date 1
– date 2
– date 3
– date 1+n…


– x nights (dates x through y, attached to two consecutive datetimes)
– extra fishing (date 1)
– extra fishing (date x), etc.


The calendar does not provide check-in and check-out filters, that’s done by specifying the dates themselves. There are no “rules” to setup with the calendar.


We have integrations with several gateways, but other gateways have their own integrations with Event Espresso too:


You can pull up a n attendee record and print off their ticket.


We do not provide gift voucher functionality. We are working on promotion codes, but not a credit system.

Does that help? Let me know if I can do anything else for you.

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