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Pre sales questions (26)

Posted: July 3, 2014 at 8:49 am

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jeremie abbou

July 3, 2014 at 8:49 am


I am interested in your plugin but have some questions before buying it :

– Is it possible to present all the events in list (live events) ranked by day / and hours of the day. Example :

– Can you confirm it is possible to have single description post for each of the events. Example :

– Can you confirm it is possible to attribute tags and categories for each of the event so the user can choose the type of events he wants to attend ? Example :

– Is it possible to edit coupons for website users ?

Thank you very much for your answers,

  • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by jeremie abbou.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 3, 2014 at 12:20 pm

Hi there Jeremie,

– Is it possible to present all the events in list (live events) ranked by day / and hours of the day. Example :

By default, events in Event Espresso are show in reverse chronological order with the newest event appearing first and older events appearing in then next order.

We do have some shortcodes available that allow you to customize this order by introducing some other options.

– Can you confirm it is possible to have single description post for each of the events. Example :

Each event that is created will have a title, description, pricing/ticket information, and venue information (if enabled).

– Can you confirm it is possible to attribute tags and categories for each of the event so the user can choose the type of events he wants to attend ? Example :

There are some options to filter a list of events such as the event table template:

You can also do something similar with the event calender.

– Is it possible to edit coupons for website users ?

Yes, promotion codes are available for EE3:

We also have a demo/test site available for EE3:


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