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Pre purchase questions (3)

Posted: April 24, 2013 at 3:42 pm

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mike todd

April 24, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Im trying to find out all the information i can about groupon integration, update, calendar functionality and such before spending the $180 on a business license but every forum i go to is restricted until i purchase it. Not a great practice when your trying to sell people on upgrading. Where can i go or who can i talk to before making this purchase. I have a Groupon going live Saturday and need to make a decision whether to use your program or go elsewhere. Please help

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

April 24, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Hi Mike,

How are you today?

What are your questions about the Groupon/social coupon voucher add-on?

mike todd

May 4, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Sorry for the delay, i never got a notice that you replied.

My Groupon is live today. I dont have a set range of Groupon codes, does that affect the ability to take vouchers when people come to the site or the add-on to redeem it?

Ill have a specific page for people to go to with Groupon: Example at the moment is    Will this work on a page solo for them to register with the groupon or does it have to be attached to a date off the calendar?


Sidney Harrell

May 6, 2013 at 8:12 am

The “official” way of entering groupon codes is to use the “add new groupon code” button on the groupon codes options page. However, if you have a lot of codes, (I’m guessing that groupon gives you a list of them) you may want to try this to save some time. Enter at least one code using the “add new groupon code”. Then, using phpmyadmin, go to the wp_events_groupon_codes table in the database. Use the “Export” tab to get a SQL dump of the table. Open the .sql file in a text editor, and after the line that starts with “INSERT INTO” you should see the line with the code you put in with the “add new groupon code” button. You can make a copy of that line and edit it to put in your next groupon code. You should see something like:

INSERT INTO `wp_events_groupon_codes` (`id`, `groupon_code`, `groupon_holder`, `event_id`, `code_used`, `code_max`, `code_type`, `code_value`) VALUES
(4, ‘abc’, ‘Sidney’, 0, 15, 2, ‘%’, 100),
(10, ‘def’, ”, 0, 16, 17, ‘%’, 100);

Mine is slightly different, with different fields, since it’s from a development version I’m working on, but you can get the idea. The first field, the “id” must be different for each line. Just increment it by one for each new line that you make. The second field, the “abc” and “def” in my example, is where you want to enter the codes that groupon has given you. Once you have made rows and entered all your codes, save your sql file, go to the “Import” tab in phpmyadmin, and import the sql file. All your codes should then be in the EE groupon admin page.
When you activate groupon for an event, it will add a text field to the registration page for that event where they can enter the groupon code.

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