
Home Forums Community Forum PayPal throwing a generic error – not sure cause

PayPal throwing a generic error – not sure cause

Posted: July 7, 2023 at 8:34 am

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Stephen Feher

July 7, 2023 at 8:34 am

Event Espresso ver 3.
Using PayPal for payment processing. Last correct payment was received on June 16th.
Now, when customers try to click the PayPal button to pay, they receive a “generic error” at Nothing on our website or EventEspresso changed since 6/16, so I completely anticipate that this is a PayPal issue. But, I have to at least ASK if there’s any issues at Event Espresso…

Link to what customers see:


  • Support Staff

July 10, 2023 at 3:45 pm

Hi there,

Everything related to your events/registrations/payments etc all goes directly through your own site, we don’t sit in the middle of your transactions which means that even if was having issues (and I’m not aware of any) it couldn’t affect payments on your site.

Have you made any changes within your PayPal account recently?

What PHP version is running on the server? Has that changed recently (its common for hosts to have changed PHP version)?

Double-check your PayPal payment method settings within Event Espresso -> Payment Settings.

(I know you said nothing has changed, but its easy to miss a missing character etc, so double check as its the low hanging fruit in situations like this)

I assume your using PayPal standard EE gateway?

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