
Home Forums Community Forum Payments returning as incomplete

Payments returning as incomplete

Posted: July 13, 2021 at 5:10 am

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July 13, 2021 at 5:10 am

Hi as per this post:

When we check the transaction page, the payment from payfast shows up correctly. When checking the registrations page however, it shows the transaction as incomplete.

What could be the problem?


  • Support Staff

July 13, 2021 at 6:34 am

Hi there,

Has PayFast made any changes on your site since the last thread you posted for this issue?

When we check the transaction page, the payment from payfast shows up correctly.

Which transaction page? Within EE or PayFast?

Can you add a screenshot of the page you are viewing?

(You can mark your reply private so only EE staff can view it)


July 14, 2021 at 1:18 am

Hi Tony, let me rephrase the above:

After registration on reg page and transaction page all transactions are showing incomplete.

When I manually update the transaction as paid by paypal(payfast is not an option) then on the reg page it states approved/paid via paypal.

When viewing it on the transaction page it then shows via payfast. So it seems the EE system is receiving information from payfast but not applying it correctly?

Here is the screenshots as an example:

Registration Manually Updated

Transaction Page after manual update


  • Support Staff

July 14, 2021 at 12:58 pm

After registration on reg page and transaction page all transactions are showing incomplete.

So exactly the same issue as your previous thread?

Has PayFast made any changes on your site since the last thread you posted for this issue?

When I manually update the transaction as paid by paypal(payfast is not an option) then on the reg page it states approved/paid via paypal.

Go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods.

Select PayFast.

In the ‘Usable From’ section, make sure the ‘Admin Registration Page (no online processing)’ checkbox is enabled.

Only payment methods set to load for Admin Registrations will show up in that section.

When viewing it on the transaction page it then shows via payfast. So it seems the EE system is receiving information from payfast but not applying it correctly?

I’m not sure how you’ve come to that conclusion?

When you select PayFast as a payment option during registration EE creates a ‘payment object’ which is related to the transaction.

That payment object stores various details, one of which is the payment method you selected. The ‘via PayFast’ is EE pulling the transaction and then pulling the ‘last’ payment method used on that transaction to display.

Nothing so far indicates that EE is receiving information from PayFast but then not applying it correct?

As mentioned in your previous thread, the payment method itself (in this case the PayFast payment method they created) is what handles updating the payment object I mentioned earlier. If that payment object isn’t updating then it is something that needs to be addressed in the PayFast payment method.

If you add a registration to the site and then pay through PayFast… then open up the EE Transaction and view the payment assigned to it, what status does that payment have without you making any changes?

This section:


July 15, 2021 at 4:42 am

So exactly the same issue as your previous thread?


Has PayFast made any changes on your site since the last thread you posted for this issue?


Go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods.

Select PayFast.

In the ‘Usable From’ section, make sure the ‘Admin Registration Page (no online processing)’ checkbox is enabled.

Done, thank you.

If you add a registration to the site and then pay through PayFast… then open up the EE Transaction and view the payment assigned to it, what status does that payment have without you making any changes?

Here you go: Screenshot


  • Support Staff

July 15, 2021 at 6:02 am

Did you complete the payment through PayFast?

The screenshot shows a payment object created during your checkout but with no additional details from PayFast and that payment object has a status of ‘Cancelled’ (grey status bar).

Noting you’ve shown so far shows any issues with Event Espresso so as in your last thread, this looks like an issue with PayFast and is something they need to fix as we don’t provide support for 3rd party plugins.


July 21, 2021 at 4:19 am

Ho Tony, attached is the fix and the problem for future use if needed.





  • Support Staff

July 21, 2021 at 5:02 am

Thank you for sharing your findings.

I’m assuming the person in those screenshots (Reggie) is not from PayFast themselves? As mentioned this is indeed an issue with the PayFast payment method itself so it is something they need to address as it isn’t an official Event Espresso payment method from us.

I obviously don’t know what Reggie has changed within that function but would advise against just commenting it out or forcing the check to always return true if that is what has been done.

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