
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Payment in several times

Payment in several times

Posted: September 10, 2024 at 3:08 am

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Melanie Pin

September 10, 2024 at 3:08 am

I am looking for a solution to offer payment in several installments for my customers. There are solutions on the market like Alma, Klarna, Floa etc… I can’t find any that are compatible with Event Espresso.

1) Are there plans to release a plugin offering payment in several installments?

2) “Stripe Checkout” offers this functionality. Currently EE uses “Stripe Elements” is it not possible to update?

Thank you very much in advance to everyone for your help


  • Support Staff

September 10, 2024 at 7:02 am

Hi there,

Currently, the payment method I am aware of that allows for ‘PayLater’ options would be PayPal Commerce as it allows you to use the PayPal credit options they provide. Alma, Klarna etc don’t have their ‘own’ payment methods but rather they are credit options provided by other providers so it depends on the integration users and what that then supports.

1) Are there plans to release a plugin offering payment in several installments?

Eventually, we would like to support partial payments directly within Event Espresso and whilst we are not against supporting paylater/credit options such as the above within the payment methods available currently it depends if those require a whole new integration method to do so.

Which leads me onto Stripe….

2) “Stripe Checkout” offers this functionality. Currently EE uses “Stripe Elements” is it not possible to update?

We created the Stripe elements integration as an ‘On-site’ payment method and since that integration was created Stripe have improved their ‘elements’ to allow for some of the paylater options. However, the problems with adding those into EE is some of the payment methods also require additional configuration on the server to allow for directs to 3rd parties and they also don’t have the option to support a URL/Query string to direct back to from there (which means they wot work with EE’s checkout).

So adding the above into Elements adds more complexity to setting it up and supporting, then ome payment methods work and others can’t etc.

Stripe checkout isn’t just an update for elements to allow it to work, it’s a completely different integration method to Stripe elements and is basically another separate payment method.

I’ve been working on a Stripe Checkout integration separately and if you are interested in testing it out I can send a copy over for you. It doesn’t support all of Stripe features as is, but should allow for Stripe’s alternative payment methods to load.

Melanie Pin

September 10, 2024 at 7:19 am

First, many thanks Tony for your reply and the time you take to explain. Really really appreciate.
I’m going to watch avout paypal (paylater option). But I prefer the other solution with Stripe (because i already use it).
I’m interested to receive a copy of your Stripe Checkout integration to test and see if I can manage a solution with that. How you can send me it ?
All my best.

Melanie Pin

September 10, 2024 at 8:40 am

It’s seems that pay later with paypal is not available here in france. So i’ll be more than interested to test your stripe checkout integration.


  • Support Staff

September 10, 2024 at 8:53 am

PayPal pay later is available in France:

I’m waiting on a review of some changes I’ve just made to Checkout, once those changes have been reviewed I’ll send a copy over for you to test.

Melanie Pin

September 17, 2024 at 8:54 am

Hello everyone, Hello Tony,

I have created my own new payment method (based on and stripe api) and all works fine ! 🙂
It’s an « onsite » payment method for flexible payment.
I can paid with this and that’s great.

Except one scenario : When the credit card requires 3d secure verification
– Stripe send me a redirect url (to authentificate the payment).
– I redirect the user on that. No problem.

But after ??

I need a return url when the 3ds authentification is finished (where the user will be redirected). There I can ask the api to check if the paiement is good and then redirect to « thank you » page.
Ideally in the checkout process.
I read on documentation that there is a « transaction » page. Perhaps it’s possible with that… But how to do it ?

Could you please help me ?

Many thanks


  • Support Staff

September 17, 2024 at 4:04 pm

If I follow the above correctly, you’ll need an instance of the current checkout.

$checkout = EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->checkout();

$return_url = add_query_arg(
        'action'                     => 'process_gateway_response',
        'selected_method_of_payment' => $checkout->selected_method_of_payment,
        'spco_txn'                   => $checkout->transaction->ID(),

Melanie Pin

September 18, 2024 at 3:20 am

Thank you for your reply Tony.
Which function will be executed when you’re back on the checkout page ?
Many thanks


  • Support Staff

September 18, 2024 at 4:47 am

That’s the action above, so process_gateway_response.

Actually, that may not work as it’s on ONsite payment method (the above is expected for OFFsite), I’ll check with one of our developers on this.

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