
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Paid registrations being randomly deleted….

Paid registrations being randomly deleted….

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 6:18 am

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March 6, 2013 at 6:18 am

Hi there,

We seem to have an intermittent problem of people registering through our site, paying for their class (either through paypal or groupon code), and receiving an email confirmation (we get the email confirmation on our end as well). But, then we find out that they do not show up on the class list, or anywhere in our event espresso portal for that matter!

The problem seems to be quite random, and I can’t determine any unifying factor (this glitch shows up in different classes, prices, payment methods, etc). We’ve recently updated our plugin and all addons, which I was hoping would help, but we’ve just had several new instances of this happening…

I’m happy to send the email confirmations of our problem registrations, but in the meantime was wondering if you know of any reason this might be happening, or can suggest any way to avoid it?

Thanks very much!
running v with calendar (2.0.4), members (1.9.6), recurring events (1.1.7), social coupons (1.5.3), social media (1.1.4), ticketing (2.0.9), SSL (1.0), and Voucher Import (0.1)


March 6, 2013 at 6:21 am

One thing I’ve just noticed…on the emails of the disappearing students – the link to the “download / print ticket” doesn’t work – it just takes us back to our home page…


  • Support Staff

March 6, 2013 at 8:22 am

Hi Irene,

I’d first recommend updating to, as there have been a few bugs fixed since 30.4.

With these missing attendees, are they members of the site? The reason I ask is if they are, they can delete their own registrations by viewing their “My Events” page and checking on events they’ve registered for and clicking “Cancel Registration”. You could check to see if they have intended to cancel their registrations.

Once an attendee record is deleted, it’s expected for the ticket link to not work, the registration is not in the system anymore. Since you have an email record of these, you can re-enter them in the system while we investigate this.


March 6, 2013 at 11:32 am

Thanks Josh, I will update later tonight or tomorrow. It’s hard to tell if it will be fixed because it seems to be quite a random issue. I was just wondering if it is something you had come across before and if you could figure out the reason.
We do not currently use the member function, so I don’t think that was the issue.


Seth Shoultes

March 6, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Is it possible that they are registering themselves, then pressing the browser back button and entering another registration? If so, then updating should fix the problem.

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