
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Overpaid


Posted: April 28, 2016 at 3:24 pm

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Laurita Winery

April 28, 2016 at 3:24 pm

We had a customer write in saying, “I purchased tickets for Sunday thru PayPal & I have a receipt saying the transaction went through but on your site its still saying payment pending.”

So we of course went in to see what we could see, and found 2 transactions were “abandoned” and 2 others that were “overpaid.”

She then wrote back to say, “I see the problem. Somehow after I paid, it added another 2 tix & is waiting for me to pay for those. Are you able to remove those so I can print my tix? Transaction 134187(2KU2625119772033) was paid.”

I assume there’s no harm in just deleting the 2 “abandoned” ones?

How is overpaying even possible though?

Laurita Winery

April 28, 2016 at 3:25 pm

To go along with my last post:


  • Support Staff

May 4, 2016 at 10:31 am

If the amount paid is more than the amount owed, EE will mark the transaction as overpaid.

Laurita Winery

May 4, 2016 at 10:50 am

I get that, but how would they paid more then what is owed? It’s not like they have an open ended field where they can just pay any random amount.


  • Support Staff

May 4, 2016 at 11:36 am

Do you know if the user used a link within an email or had the previous registration open?

It looks like some kind of session conflict, as in the user opened the session for the ‘old’ registration, then managed to add another set of registrations in which the payment was assigned to.

It sounds like she is viewing her ‘old’ registrations (the pending payment registrations from April 25th) rather than the new registrations.

If you view that overpaid transaction do you see a payment within that and does it show anything within the ‘Transactions items’ or does it show up like this –

Laurita Winery

May 4, 2016 at 11:53 am

I have no idea what link they were clicking, but what you’re saying makes sense.

Can I just delete the 2 abandoned transactions?

For the “overpaid” transactions, here’s a screenshot: ** Removed – Tony **

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Tony. Reason: Remove screenshot


  • Support Staff

May 4, 2016 at 12:43 pm

You could delete them, or you can delete the payments from the transaction in your screenshot, and if applicable, apply them to the other transactions.

Laurita Winery

May 4, 2016 at 12:45 pm

The “abandoned” transactions are dead now that they came back and registered again, successfully.

I’m just still not clear on how they overpaid.


  • Support Staff

May 4, 2016 at 12:58 pm

The screenshot you shared shows why. There were additional payment notifications for that transaction. You can avoid this sort of thing by using an onsite payment method like Stripe or Braintree.

Laurita Winery

May 4, 2016 at 1:10 pm

I know, you keep saying that. I’m doing the best I can to convince them to do so. At the very least, they seem willing to go to PayPal Pro.


  • Support Staff

May 5, 2016 at 3:16 am

The screenshot of the transaction shows ‘valid’ payments with different transaction ID’s from PayPal, have confirmed if this user has actually paid twice within PayPal? (it would appear they have)

I’m just still not clear on how they overpaid.

We can’t tell you how they have overpaid, its not expected and not something we see usually see so there’s no common cause for this. From the information we have above all we can see is that they have multiple payments from PayPal assigned to the transaction. EE is correctly showing them as overpaid because of those payments but we can’t say how they have happened without more information on the steps taken during payment.

As mentioned above, it looks like ‘something’ has wrong with the session.

The “abandoned” transactions are dead now that they came back and registered again, successfully.

Whilst I understand why you would say that, this comment from the user:

I purchased tickets for Sunday thru PayPal & I have a receipt saying the transaction went through but on your site its still saying payment pending.

Means they are likely still accessing the old registration as its pending payment. If she was viewing the Approved registration she would be able to print her tickets (regardless of the fact that the transaction is overpaid)

How are they viewing this pending payment registration? From a link within an email?

So to confirm, this user should only have 2 tickets correct?

If so you can use the ‘Resend Registration email’ and ‘Resend Ticket Notice’ icons within the actions section to send those to the user –

If you click the ticket icon next to the ticket notice icon highlighted above you can view the tickets they will see visible when they receive the ticket notice. It should show 2 tickets from those approved registrations.

Then confirm with the user they have received access to their tickets. If so then you can delete the other 2 registrations (or just set them to cancelled)

At the very least, they seem willing to go to PayPal Pro.

PayPal pro will work better than standard although personally I find Stripe more reliable (and similarly priced).

Braintree is still a PayPal company and also offers standard PayPal through the payment method. However they will also waive the transaction fees on the first 50k’s worth of transactions to sweeten the deal, take a look here:

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