
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Nothing in your Event Queue (4)

Nothing in your Event Queue (4)

Posted: August 5, 2014 at 10:56 pm

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Jon Ang

August 5, 2014 at 10:56 pm


I posted a topic about this issue in this thread

I’ve just wiped the files clean, installed a new WordPress and Events Espresso 4.3

This is still happen.

I’ve tried with my clients, some of them get the dreaded – Nothing in your Event Queue back. And some of them don’t.

In my office, all the computers get afflicted by it through our office internet. But when I tether my iPhone to use the phone’s network, it gets through to the registration page.

I seriously need some help on this.

(By the way, which files do I look at to understand what it is doing between the event’s single page and the registration page?)


  • This topic was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Jon Ang.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


August 6, 2014 at 2:14 am

Hi Jon,

Referring to the previous thread, did you contact your host (and intranet tech support if needed) in regards to this?

“I’ve tried with my clients, some of them get the dreaded – Nothing in your Event Queue back. And some of them don’t.”

Can you expand on this please – were the clients trying from their own computers outside of your office network/internet connection?

Was their any correlation between the clients that got the message – e.g. browser, location, etc?

As previously mentioned, we still think that this is an issue localised to you, and I think it’s likely a server issue. As such it’s quite hard for us to pinpoint the exact issue, as the issue isn’t occurring for us.

Jon Ang

August 6, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Hey Dean,

Thanks for your reply.

The clients were all trying from their own home network.

2 of them got the error while the 3rd was fine.

The server is nothing but a Debian 7 (LAMP). Does not have anything fancy installed on it.

Can you please point me to the files that control the behaviour so that I might do some debugging on my own?

Brent Christensen

  • Support Staff

August 7, 2014 at 11:48 am

Hi Jon,

I’m Event Espresso’s lead dev.

The Event Single page, is generated by the EED_Event_Single module located at:


The Ticket Selector that gets displayed in both the Event Archive and the Event Single page is also a module located at:


When you make your ticket selection and click the “Register Now” button, the form gets submitted to the EED_Ticket_Selector::process_ticket_selections(). If everything validates correctly and there are no errors, your ticket selections get added to the EE_Cart, found at:


which then gets saved to the EE_Session:


The EE_Session uses the PHP Session ID as an identifier, so that your cart and ticket selections can be found on subsequent page loads. A redirect then sends you to the registration-checkout page.

The registration-checkout page also uses a module called EED_Single_Page_Checkout which can be found at:


the first thing that the EED_Single_Page_Checkout module does is attempt to pull your ticket selections from the EE_Cart which, as stated above, was saved to the EE_Session using the PHP Session ID as an identifier.

If ANYTHING interferes with the PHP Session ID or your browser’s cookies (which is where the PHP Session ID is stored), then Event Espresso will be unable to find the session associated with your cart and ticket selections, which results in the “Nothing in your Event Queue” message.

The usual suspects for interfering with sessions includes (but is not limited to):

– any kind of server caching
– firewalls
– proxies
– intranets ?

You mentioned that the registration page works when you use an iPad or connect via an iPhone, but not via the office computer’s regular internet connection. Are the mobile devices connected via a separate router than the other computers? There is likely something on the regular connection that is blocking cookies.

A simple way to check this is to print out your PHP session ID in your theme’s footer template via something as simple as:

(feel free to hide that in a comment or hidden div)

I’m quite certain you will see your session ID changing on every page load from the office computers using the regular internet connection. If so, then you need to debug that connection and not your website.

Hope that helps.

Please keep us updated on your progress with this issue.

Jon Ang

August 12, 2014 at 2:03 am

Dear Brent,

Thanks for your reply.

I have some updates from my side.

I setup another new development using a hosting account I still have. I did not encounter the ‘Nothing in your Event Queue’ bug.

Now back to my original LAMP server, I put in the code to echo the session_id, but I’ve noted that the session ID remains the same – (in this case: eiverkr89c0tpoi60dbk5530r1)

There are no server caching, nor firewalls, nor proxies nor intranets.

My development server setup =

Debian 7
PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u7
MySQL 5.5.33

I take it that there must be some server module that I must activate to get EE4 to work? If so, we should work that out so that future users don’t get stuck on this bug.

Brent Christensen

  • Support Staff

August 12, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Hi Jon,

No there is no “server module” that must be activated.
You yourself have confirmed that EE works on a new server, and it has already been established that people accessing the existing server from outside of your office network do not experience any errors, so far, unless some new information comes up, this does NOT appear to be a bug with EE4. This appears to be a problem with your office network.

Just to confirm, do you have WP_DEBUG turned on in your wp-config.php file ? You don’t want to leave it turned on for a live site, but at least while trouble shooting things, you should turn it on so that any error messages are not suppressed.

Maybe that will bring up some other error that is the true culprit.


  • Support Staff

August 12, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Along with that you can set up debugging so that it logs to a file instead of displays errors, which would be recommended in this case.


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2014 at 9:31 am

Hi Jon,

There’s one other thing that I think you should check: Are cookies disabled for the browsers where it returns nothing in the event queue?

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