
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Not able to login in EE4 mobile app

Not able to login in EE4 mobile app

Posted: July 19, 2019 at 12:16 am

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July 19, 2019 at 12:16 am

Hello There,

We have faced issue when try to login with our site url and admin details.can you please check whay i am not able to logged in in app.

getting following error: Sorry, you are not allowed to list events. Missing permissions: ee_read_events,ee_read_others_events,ee_read_private_events
I have also read you site blog and add the following to .htaccess
# Begin Custom htaccess
SetEnvIf Authorization “(.*)” HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
# End Custom htaccess
But still not working
we are using AWS apache

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Tony. Reason: Removed creds


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2019 at 2:29 am

Hi there,

Often it means your server isn’t passing the authorization headers on the request, which is what the above tries to fix.

However, before moving forward, can you please reset the above password and resubmit using this form securely:

These forums are public and that account info has been available here for a little while so it’s not something I’m going to use to test this.


July 20, 2019 at 1:04 am

For passing the authorization headers please let me know what needs to be done at server end.


July 20, 2019 at 2:31 am

Thanks for your response.
I have already removed the given credentials above.can you please tell us what exact should we need to set in the server setting.We use AWS apache server.


  • Support Staff

July 22, 2019 at 1:06 pm

For passing the authorization headers please let me know what needs to be done at server end.

Adding the above code to the start of the .htaccess file usually fixes it in apache.

I have already removed the given credentials above.can you please tell us what exact should we need to set in the server setting.

None of us at Event Espresso are server admins so I can’t give you that information.

Can you submit credentials using the link I provided earlier so I can try logging in with the app and monitor the request/response to/from your server, please?

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