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Multiple ticket takers logged in as the same ee-admin?

Posted: March 13, 2017 at 9:58 am

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Idaho State Journal

March 13, 2017 at 9:58 am

I have questions about scanning tickets with multiple devices.
Question-1: For us, this system needs to be able to have 2 people logged in as the same event-admin so that multiple people can take tickets without needing to create a bunch of users. This is because the ee-admins in our system can’t see other events. We don’t want a ticket taker to go in and delete someone else’s event or change it in any way, so an ee-admin has no “other” role permissions. That means when an event happens, only that ee-admin should be allowed to scan tickets, but there will need to be several ticket takers at the door, so they must be allowed to use the same account from multiple devices. Is that possible in your system?
Question-2: Is there some sort of problem with the iOS app or was the issue (described below) due to multiple people taking tickets?

Below is the situation, as emailed to me from the person who will be setting up events and creating/assigning users.

I created an event entitled “Test Event” on my site and assigned a user to be the event administrator.

I then registered for the event as two different users. The first user’s email was the same as a wp-admin, the second was just a subscriber, but both were WP users. I printed out the tickets, then logged in as the event admin on the phone app using my Samsung Galaxy S7. Both ticket scans were successful, both registrants were shown as checked in.

A co-worker has an iPhone, and we wanted to see how the app would behave on the Apple platform and if changes to the registration status of attendees would reflect on another device if two people were logged in as the same person at the same time (trying to simulate if there were two people checking in attendees for the same event at the same time). So I manually checked out the attendees for the event on my device. When I refreshed, viola, they were shown as checked out. I checked them back in on my device, and then the co-worker tried manually checking them in on his iPhone. That worked, then when I refreshed the attendees on my phone the check ins did refresh and those people were shown as checked in.

However, then when the co-worker manually checked people out on the iPhone, then refreshed or changed the sort order, the changes did not reflect and it showed that those people were still checked in. Those changes were reflected on my Samsung, however, so that sounds like a disagreement between iOS and the Event Espresso app.

I then wanted to test scan those tickets with an iPhone. So I checked those registrations out, then the co-worker logged in to the app and tried scanning the QR codes. Two different errors were given: “Registration denied” and “Invalid ticket.”

I thought that maybe that was because they had previously been scanned in, and even though I had manually checked those registrations out on my phone maybe there was some caching to where the tickets would not scan in because it was showing they’d already been used.

So I deleted all of the registrations from the test event so that I could start from scratch with a new ticket. On my Samsung that change reflected on the app and it then showed that no one was registered for that event, however on the iPhone it still showed all the registrations.

Then I created another registration for the test event and tried scanning it in with my Samsung and got “Invalid Ticket” and when I tried scanning it on an iPhone I got “Registration denied”.

So to sum up; scanning the QR code on the Android device works, as does manually checking people in and out. When a registration was removed from an event entirely and another ticket purchased for that event under the same email the second ticket was rejected, even though they were different ticket numbers. I am wondering what would happen if a person bought tickets and then later decided to buy more. Would the scan only accept the tickets purchased in the first transaction?


  • Support Staff

March 13, 2017 at 1:08 pm

1 – Yes, as far as I know, you can share a login and use it with multiple devices.

2 – I’ve never see the apps work differently, but it’s possible. What iOS device and OS version, what Event Espresso app versions with the iOS device?

What type of caching do you have on your website? I wonder if there was some stale data that was being used by the apps?

I can try myself using two different devices and see if either of them can change the status independently.


  • Support Staff

March 13, 2017 at 1:42 pm

FYI, I was able to check-in and check-out the same attendee independently with the two different apps using the same user login.

Idaho State Journal

March 14, 2017 at 3:22 pm

Thanks, Can we pass you login credentials so you can see where we are having difficulties?


  • Support Staff

March 14, 2017 at 3:49 pm

Idaho State Journal

March 15, 2017 at 1:58 pm

Any progress here?


  • Support Staff

March 15, 2017 at 3:10 pm

Testing now…


  • Support Staff

March 15, 2017 at 3:20 pm

I successfully logged in with both devices (iOS and Android). I brought up the Testing event and the attendee with the last name of “Hopkins”.

I checked-in “Hopkins” with the iOS app, then pulled down on the Android screen and “Hopkins” was checked-in.

I then checked-out “Hopkins” on the Android device and then pulled down on the iOS device to see if it was updated but it did not; on the iOS device the attendee looked like it had not been checked-in nor checked-out.

I’m testing this on my site to see what happens.


  • Support Staff

March 15, 2017 at 3:25 pm

I don’t experience the same issue. On my test server, whatever action I do in one app, it syncs via the other app.

So, I go back to your server. Who is your host, what type of hosting do you have, what caching is enabled?

Idaho State Journal

March 20, 2017 at 9:27 am

We are currently using SiteGround as the host and it’s on their managed wordpress service. It is on an apache server with no cache that I know of (neither cloudflare nor a wp plugin).

Idaho State Journal

March 20, 2017 at 9:30 am

Do you have a host environment that is preferred? We had to write a line into the htaccess file just to get the ee phone app to be able to successfully log in.

Seth Shoultes

  • Support Staff

March 23, 2017 at 5:25 pm

Hi there,

The .htaccess changes are needed when the security headers are not accepted by the server. We’ve seen this happen with many hosting platforms for various reasons, so we’ve made some updates to the EE4 REST API and the mobile apps that should rectify the issue. The updates should be released soon.

Regarding the issue with the mobile apps not reflecting the checkins between devices, it seems related to caching or maybe a delayed response between the device and the server. We are looking into it.

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