
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Moving attendees from one event to another on a multi-site

Moving attendees from one event to another on a multi-site

Posted: July 13, 2021 at 9:23 am

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July 13, 2021 at 9:23 am

Hi Guys,

We do 2 – 3 events per year in different countries and we use a multi-side wordpress installation. So each instance of event espresso is on its on wp site.

Can we still use the Attendee mover add on to move attendees from one event to another with this?

If not, do you have any suggestions on how we can do that?

Thank you.

Seth Shoultes

July 14, 2021 at 9:14 am

Hey there,

The Attendee Mover add-on can only move attendees within the same site or sub-site.


July 16, 2021 at 10:17 am

Ok, so it sounds like we will have to move our attendees manually. Can you explain how we handle the money transactions?
EE seems to want us to refund people if we are canceling their registration in one event and moving it to another this way.

Thank you


July 16, 2021 at 11:30 am

Another related question,

Is there a way to upload a database of attendees to an event in EE?
This would help us quite a bit in doing a manual transfer of a few hundred people.

Thank you


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2021 at 5:07 am

Can you explain how we handle the money transactions?

If they are just moving from one event to another with the same price (I’m assuming it’s the same price?), could you not just manually reapply the payment to the ‘new’ transaction and then remove the previous reference?

So cancel the original registration and create the new one.

IN the new EE Transaction click Apply payment, select the payment method they used and copy the details from the original payment in the original EE Transaction and apply it, then remove the original payment?

Is there a way to upload a database of attendees to an event in EE?

We have an attendee importer add-on:

That basically allows you to import a CSV file of attendees, ‘map’ the CSV values to registration questions and it generates a registration for each row of the CSV.

That will work for individual registrations but it doesn’t work well for group registrations, group registrations need to be manually recreated.

(Just to clarify a group registration is when you have more than 1 ticket selection in a group, so 2+ tickets selected by a single person during registration would be classed as a group reg. They show in the Event Espresso -> Registrations list as 1/X, so THIS example is a group registration of 4)

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