Posted: April 21, 2017 at 12:41 am
I have like 8000 sent messages, but recently 50 failed to sent. Why are these mails are not getting sent? Is it possible to reset them and re-generate them? |
Hi there, Are all of the emails that are not sending to the same email address or maybe the same domain? To regenerate the email you would need to re-trigger the messages for the registrations the failed messages are for. However I’d recommend doing that for 1 registration and confirming it works first. Go to the Registration list (Event Espresso -> Registrations) Find one of the registrations these messages are for and click the ‘Resend Registration Details’ action in the ‘actions’ column. Then check the messages queue and follow the generation and sending of the message, does it work? |
Hi Tony, no, totally different addies/domains. Could the faulty messages be due to the fact that I changed the global message settings from sending “on a seperate request” to “on the same request” while the messages were being generated. Because I remember to have done something like that. Nevertheless, the resending works. Thanks. P.S.: |
Hmm possibly, I’ll need to investigate that a little further to confirm.
I’m not really sure what you mean, what performance issue are you seeing? Do you need to log all 8000+ messages? There is a setting within: Event Espresso -> Messages -> Settings -> ‘Cleanup of old messages’ If you don’t need to log all of the messages forever you could set that to 3 months to clear any messages from the log that are over 3 months old. |
Yes, the 8000 messages are making it kind of slow. But the cleanup option you pointed out is exactly what I was looking for. |
With what verson of EE did the cleanup of old messages get implemented. |
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