
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium [LISTATTENDEES] Shortcode order by date

[LISTATTENDEES] Shortcode order by date

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 3:30 am

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Daniel Magin

February 5, 2013 at 3:30 am


hi to all,

is there a way to order the output by date?


  • This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Magin.


February 5, 2013 at 3:36 am


I am assuming you want to know if the [LISTATTENDEES] shortcode has an order by date of registration attribute?

If so, unfortunately no it does not.

Daniel Magin

February 5, 2013 at 3:41 am

hi dean,

yes i was see the documentation. but showing all the events without a order is like a random list.
would it not better to order by default the list by date?

daniel ๐Ÿ™‚


February 5, 2013 at 4:12 am

I see what you are saying.

There is actually a default order to the LISTATTENDEES, alphabetical by surname.

I’ll add a feature request for being able to sort these by various options.

Daniel Magin

February 5, 2013 at 4:14 am

hi dean,

this is not what i mean. i use the shortcode on one site to list all events with all attendees.

my question is about the order of the events, not inside the event attendees.

i like to order the events created by the short code by date.

daniel ๐Ÿ™‚


February 5, 2013 at 4:22 am

Ahhh I see, well they are ordered in creation order so via event ID.

I will update the ticket accordingly, to see if we can add further sort orders in future revisions.

Daniel Magin

February 5, 2013 at 1:14 pm

i just changed the source in the event-espresso/includes/shortcodes.php
so other can participate the workaround so long as the new update include the function. so you have here the source to change

LINE 129

if (!function_exists(‘event_espresso_attendee_list’)) {

function event_espresso_attendee_list($event_id='NULL', $event_identifier='NULL', $category_identifier='NULL', $show_gravatar='false', $show_expired='false', $show_secondary='false', $show_deleted='false', $show_recurrence='true', $limit='0', $paid_only='false', $sort_by='last name') {

    global $this_event_id;

    $show_expired = $show_expired == 'false' ? " AND e.start_date >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' " : '';
    $show_secondary = $show_secondary == 'false' ? " AND e.event_status != 'S' " : '';
    $show_deleted = $show_deleted == 'false' ? " AND e.event_status != 'D' " : '';
    $show_recurrence = $show_recurrence == 'false' ? " AND e.recurrence_id = '0' " : '';
    $sort = $sort_by == 'last name' ? " ORDER BY lname " : '';
    $limit = $limit > 0 ? " LIMIT 0," . $limit . " " : '';
    if ($event_identifier != 'NULL' || $event_id != 'NULL' || (isset($this_event_id) && !empty($this_event_id)) ) {
        $type = 'event';
        if (isset($this_event_id) && !empty($this_event_id)){
            $event_id = $this_event_id;
    } else if ($category_identifier != 'NULL') {
        $type = 'category';

    if (!empty($type) && $type == 'event') {
        $sql = "SELECT e.* FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e ";
        $sql .= " WHERE e.is_active = 'Y' ";
        if ($event_id != 'NULL'){
            $sql .= " AND = '" . $event_id . "' ";
            $sql .= " AND e.event_identifier = '" . $event_identifier . "' ";
        $sql .= $show_secondary;
        $sql .= $show_expired;
        $sql .= $show_deleted;
        $sql .= $show_recurrence;
        $sql .= $limit;
        event_espresso_show_attendess($sql, $show_gravatar, $paid_only, $sort);
    } else if (!empty($type) && $type == 'category') {
        $sql = "SELECT e.* FROM " . EVENTS_CATEGORY_TABLE . " c ";
        $sql .= " JOIN " . EVENTS_CATEGORY_REL_TABLE . " r ON r.cat_id = ";
        $sql .= " JOIN " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e ON = r.event_id ";
        $sql .= " WHERE c.category_identifier = '" . $category_identifier . "' ";
        $sql .= " AND e.is_active = 'Y' ";
        $sql .= $show_secondary;
        $sql .= $show_expired;
        $sql .= $show_deleted;
        $sql .= $show_recurrence;
        $sql .= $limit;

$sql .= ” ORDER BY e.start_date”;

        event_espresso_show_attendess($sql, $show_gravatar, $paid_only, $sort);
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT e.* FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e ";
        $sql .= " WHERE e.is_active='Y' ";
        $sql .= $show_secondary;
        $sql .= $show_expired;
        $sql .= $show_deleted;
        $sql .= $show_recurrence;
        $sql .= $limit;

$sql .= ” ORDER BY e.start_date”;

        event_espresso_show_attendess($sql, $show_gravatar, $paid_only, $sort);



  • Support Staff

February 11, 2013 at 8:52 am

Hi Daniel,

I’m not sure whether this modification will make it into a future version, so I can recommend copying your modified event_espresso_attendee_list function into the custom_functions.php file that is included with the custom files add-on.

You’ll notice that on line 129 in includes/shortcodes.php it’s checking to see if that function is being loaded from there first.

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