
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium List view, determine if Ticket Selector set to be shown or not

List view, determine if Ticket Selector set to be shown or not

Posted: October 30, 2020 at 9:01 am

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October 30, 2020 at 9:01 am

I’m using the following to create a query of events.
$wp_query = new EventEspresso\core\domain\services\wp_queries\EventListQuery( $atts );

This is working as expected and I’m able to loop through the resulting post objects and have a nice list of events.

I’m using <?php the_permalink(); ?> to output a link to the Event’s detail page.

I would like to not show that link if the event in question has “Display Ticket Selector” set to NO.

I use this snippet to get the first datetime for the event
$x = $post->EE_Event->first_datetime();

But can’t figure out how to get this value from the post object
[“EVT_display_ticket_selector”]=> string(1) “1”

The following does not work for me

Any suggestions?


  • Support Staff

October 30, 2020 at 9:31 am

Hi there,

You can use the display_ticket_selector() method on the EE_Event object.

So something like:

if( $post->EE_Event->display_ticket_selector() ) {
    // Display the ticket selector.

I highly recommend you take a look at our model system docs:–Model-System

The methods provided within the models give you access to pretty much anything you would need within EE and also allow you to pull in related data relatively easily.

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