
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Issues After Migrating to EE4

Issues After Migrating to EE4

Posted: September 15, 2015 at 9:53 am

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Hadley Kia

September 15, 2015 at 9:53 am

Hi There,

I just migrated from EE3 to EE4 this morning and I’m having a couple of issues:

1) I created a new event that is now open for signups in order to test the new system. After creating it, it’ll show up for a split second on and then disappear. I was able to mitigate this issue by manually placing a shortcode within a page: — but I’m wondering how I can fix the issue so I can just use the default event page that EE created.

2) On the upcoming events page, when I click “View Details” to register for the event I just created, it takes me to a nonexistent page and I’m not sure why.

I appreciate your help.




  • Support Staff

September 15, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Hi Hadley,

You can correct these issues by going to Event Espresso > Events > Template settings, and change the event list slug setting to something other than “events”. For example you can change it to something like ‘sas-events’. Then you save the options page.

Hadley Kia

September 15, 2015 at 1:32 pm

When I try that, I get taken to an error page that says “You do not have access to this route.”


  • Support Staff

September 15, 2015 at 1:46 pm

You’ll need to make sure you’re logged in as a WordPress administer will full capabilities, and if you are, you can go to Event Espresso > Maintenance > Reset and click the button to Reset the Capabilities. If you do not see a Event Espresso > Maintenance option, you can try browsing to a URL like this (you fill in your sites URL where it says siteURL)


Hadley Kia

September 15, 2015 at 1:50 pm

Ok I was able to change it after that, but I’m still having the same disappearing issue:


  • Support Staff

September 15, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Can you try deactivating the EventON plugin?

Hadley Kia

September 15, 2015 at 2:08 pm

I’ve deactivated it now.. still having the same issue with EE events page.

Hadley Kia

September 15, 2015 at 10:34 pm

I really need to make sure that everything works by Thursday night because I’ll need to open up some events for registration at that time. If there’s anything I can do to help you troubleshoot this, such as providing admin login access or FTP, please let me know.


  • Support Staff

September 16, 2015 at 7:46 am

Hi Hadley,

What we normally do to troubleshoot something like this, and I can suggest you try, is temporarily switch to a default theme like twentyfifteen and deactivate all other plugins. This will help narrow down what’s causing the breakage.

Hadley Kia

September 16, 2015 at 5:38 pm

Hi Josh,

I’m in a tricky situation because I can’t switch everything to default right now, as the site’s getting a lot of new visitors coming in and signing up for membership throughout this week. Would it be possible for me to provide you with a wp-admin login and have you take a look, to just see if this is something that can be diagnosed without having to disable the theme and plugins? I would really appreciate this.



Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 16, 2015 at 6:07 pm

Hi Hadley,

As this point we would be guessing so that is why we regularly recommend temporarily testing on defaults. It is also the quickest way to pinpoint the source of the conflict.

Could you schedule a brief testing window of say 5 minutes during off-hours and then share your findings here?


Hadley Kia

September 16, 2015 at 10:54 pm

Hi There,

I got the events to list on and I have a few questions:

1) The events list has weird spacing, I’d prefer to just have the date/time aligned with the “View Details” button as that would eliminate that weird gap between the event title and details. How can I go about fixing that?

2) When you click “View Details” for the event, it takes the user to what looks like a blog post. How can I change it so that it just takes the user to a regular page with the ticket options? Also, the weird gap between the ticket options and the time/date of the event (and event description) is present on this page too — is there an easy way to eliminate that with a line of CSS?

3) I have a paid and unpaid option for registering for the event that I’m using to test the page. The payment process works great, as does the checkout process with the free tickets. However, I’d like to just have a button that says “Print Your Ticket Now” on the final page, that will link to the ticket the person just bought. Someone from your team changed one of the template files to make this happen when I was using EE3, so I was hoping you could help me do that now with EE4.

4) I love the new EE4 confirmation emails. For the one that goes to the user entitled “Your Event Registration Details,” how can I remove the gray areas so that it just shows the basic registration info? And for the one that arrives with the event ticket, the subject line of the email was “Your Student Accounting Society at UCLA Tickets” — how can I change that to automatically just place in the name of the event, such as “Your Interviewing 101 Admission Ticket” ?

5) On the actual event ticket page, it has “Event ticketing powered by EE” line at the bottom — how can I remove that from the ticket template?

I appreciate your help with these questions and I’m looking forward to getting this all running smoothly very soon.




  • Support Staff

September 17, 2015 at 7:17 am

Hi there,

1) The events list has weird spacing, I’d prefer to just have the date/time aligned with the “View Details” button as that would eliminate that weird gap between the event title and details. How can I go about fixing that?

Something like this:

.event-datetimes {
    margin-top: -80px;

Will move the datetimes up within the event list and single event pages.

2) When you click “View Details” for the event, it takes the user to what looks like a blog post. How can I change it so that it just takes the user to a regular page with the ticket options?

EE4 uses your sites theme to output the events, without creating templates within your theme (or a child theme) it is not possible to style the events to match pages. Are you confident editing theme template files?

Also, the weird gap between the ticket options and the time/date of the event (and event description) is present on this page too — is there an easy way to eliminate that with a line of CSS?

The above CSS should fix that.

3) I have a paid and unpaid option for registering for the event that I’m using to test the page. The payment process works great, as does the checkout process with the free tickets. However, I’d like to just have a button that says “Print Your Ticket Now” on the final page, that will link to the ticket the person just bought. Someone from your team changed one of the template files to make this happen when I was using EE3, so I was hoping you could help me do that now with EE4.

Generally we can not provide/support custom coding, however we have received a few requests for this so I’ll see if we can add this within a small snippet.

Say a button similar to the ‘View full order confirmation receipt’?

4) I love the new EE4 confirmation emails. For the one that goes to the user entitled “Your Event Registration Details,” how can I remove the gray areas so that it just shows the basic registration info? And for the one that arrives with the event ticket, the subject line of the email was “Your Student Accounting Society at UCLA Tickets” — how can I change that to automatically just place in the name of the event, such as “Your Interviewing 101 Admission Ticket” ?

All of the message templates can be edited within Event Espresso -> Messages.

Each template can have multiple ‘contexts‘ so you’ll need to ensure your editing the correct one.

Changes can not be applied to multiple templates at once, so each template and each context will need to be modified to suite.

4) I love the new EE4 confirmation emails. For the one that goes to the user entitled “Your Event Registration Details,” how can I remove the gray areas so that it just shows the basic registration info? And for the one that arrives with the event ticket, the subject line of the email was “Your Student Accounting Society at UCLA Tickets” — how can I change that to automatically just place in the name of the event, such as “Your Interviewing 101 Admission Ticket” ?

Dynamically adding the event name within the subject currently is not possible.

Although you can create a custom message template for the event, manually add the event name to the subject, then assign then template to that specific event.

It would mean creating templates for each event, but would that work?

5) On the actual event ticket page, it has “Event ticketing powered by EE” line at the bottom — how can I remove that from the ticket template?

You can remove that from the Ticket template itself –

Event Espresso -> Message -> Ticket -> Recipient –

Hadley Kia

September 17, 2015 at 12:07 pm

Thanks for all of the tips, I think I’ve made everything nearly look perfect now. A couple of points:

-If you check the Events page, next to the calendar icon (under the event) is a weird blue dot, and it’s throwing off the alignment of the date line with the time line. I know this can be removed with a custom CSS snippet.. do you happen to know what I should put in to do that?

-Yes, to respond to your comment about #3 above — Ideally, I would really like for the “View Full Order Confirmation Receipt” button to not exist, and just put “Print Your Ticket Now” in its place, with a linkthrough to the ticket purchased.



Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 17, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Hi Hadley,

You can inspect any element on a page using a free tool like Chrome Developer Tools (available with Google Chrome) or Firebug (available as a web browser extension).

This will show you the CSS that is handling the styling including the file and line number. Then you can add new styling to your child theme’s stylesheet or via a plugin that adds an additional stylesheet to your WordPress site such as My Custom CSS or Reaktiv CSS Builder.

Try this CSS to remove the blue o which your theme is adding:

.page-id-729.single .hentry ul li:before, .page-id-729 aside ul li:before, .hentry ul li:before {

Then refresh the page to see the changes.


Hadley Kia

September 17, 2015 at 12:23 pm

That code did not seem to do anything, unfortunately…

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 17, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Hi, I adjusted the spacing. It should now work:


Hadley Kia

September 17, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Awesome, that fixed it. Thanks!

Only thing left now is to just get the receipt button to be a “Print Your Ticket Now” button instead. Do you or Tony happen to have a custom snippet I can use to make that change?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 17, 2015 at 1:01 pm


We do not at this time but Tony will look into it and share feedback here once we have an example available.


Hadley Kia

September 17, 2015 at 3:22 pm

Great, thank you.

By the way, I noticed that the blue dot appears next to the date again on the actual event details page still… is there any way to consistently remove it using CSS so that it doesn’t appear on the event list or details pages (for current and subsequent events)?




  • Support Staff

September 18, 2015 at 5:36 am

The blue dot is actually from your sites theme –

Notice the style is from styles.css? That’s directly from your theme. Its styling list items (LI tags) adding the ‘dot’ before them and setting its color.

To override that specifically for the event datetimes use something like this:

.espresso_events .event-datetimes .ee-event-datetimes-ul li:before {
    display: none;

Note that doesn’t ‘fix’ the themes styling, it simply sets what the theme is doing to not be displayed within the datetimes li item.

As for the download tickets button, I have created a simple gist as an example of how to add that to the thank you page:

You will need to apply your own styling depending on how you want this to be displayed.

Hadley Kia

September 19, 2015 at 12:20 am

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the tip, the blue dot issue was fixed with that snippet.

For the download tickets button, I’m not too familiar with Github — how would I implement that gist on the site? Is there a specific file I need to edit, or do I drag the php file to a specific directory in FTP?



Hadley Kia

September 19, 2015 at 1:19 am

Also, a couple other questions came up as I was adding events tonight:

-Whenever someone registers for an event, I get an Event Registration email as the site admin that lets me know about it. How can I turn that off?

-Is there any way I can edit the thank you page template? I’d just like to remove the receipt printing button and under congratulations, change the text to something that tells the registrant to print their ticket.



Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 19, 2015 at 2:33 am

Hi Hadley,

The sample code that Tony shared can be copied into your child theme’s functions.php file or a site specific plugin (

For the messages system, that is the default behavior but you can change it by going to Event Espresso –> Messages. Then look for the Registration Approved message type and then click on the Event Admin context.

You’ll now be viewing the event editor. Remove the shortcode from the TO field and save changes.

The following code snippet is an example on how to change that congratulations messaging:

//* Update the messaging for the congratulations messaging that appears at the top of the thank you page
add_filter( 'FHEE__thank_you_page_overview_template__order_conf_desc', 'ee_change_thank_you_page_congratulations_messaging' );
function ee_change_thank_you_page_congratulations_messaging() {

 return 'Your registration has been received! View your registration details by scrolling down.';

It can be copied into your child theme’s functions.php file or a site specific plugin (

You can inspect any element on a page using a tool like Firebug or Safari Developers Tools to find the CSS that is in use.

This CSS will hide that button from the thank you page:

#espresso-thank-you-page-overview-dv .ee-attention .extra-padding-sides .jst-rght {display:none;}


Hadley Kia

September 20, 2015 at 1:36 am

Thanks! Is there a way I can disable the locking thing that is preventing me from trashing paid registrations?


  • Support Staff

September 21, 2015 at 4:38 am

Thanks! Is there a way I can disable the locking thing that is preventing me from trashing paid registrations?

Registrations are locked when a payment is applied within the transaction, this does not need to be an completed payment but any. You’ll need to first remove all of the payments within the transaction

Edit the registration and click ‘View Transaction’

Within that page you should see a list of payments, like this –

If you click the trash icon you can delete the payment from the transaction, once that’s done the registration will no longer be locked and can be trashed.

Hadley Kia

September 22, 2015 at 6:33 pm

Perfect, thanks. On the page that lists all my events, the button leading to the registration page says “View Details” for each one — how can I change that to say “RSVP Now” instead?


  • Support Staff

September 23, 2015 at 5:38 am

You can use a function such as this:

function ee_my_custom_view_details_text() {
	return 'RSVP Now';
add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Ticket_Selector__display_view_details_btn__btn_text', 'ee_my_custom_view_details_text');

We have some documentation on this here:

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