
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Invoice Payment Method (1)

Invoice Payment Method (1)

Posted: August 12, 2018 at 1:18 pm

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August 12, 2018 at 1:18 pm

We activated invoice payment method and keep getting the error you see in screenshot after finalizing payment.

The email is sent to the test customer as a pending payment notification AND there is an email sent our admin email to notify us about the pending payment.

But that error appears everytime.

I tested by typing our email address on the invoice settings page where it says “Payee Email” and I tested with the field blank.

Also, it doesn’t redirect the customer anywhere. That error just stays on page for about 10 seconds then dissapears but the test customer is still stuck on same page saying to click “Finalize Registration”. Even though the system does indeed create a pending payment registration.

You can test it by visiting our website listed for this account and adding any event to the cart and choosing invoice.

I also have another pending support ticket about using the payment methods addon becuase I was going to just allow invoices for specific classes. But I could also work around by making invoice always visible.

Anyway, please test and let me know how to fix. Thank you

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Jarred.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


August 12, 2018 at 1:30 pm

I can conform the same error is happening on credit card payments. The system is processing the registration but it is staying stuck on the same page.

So the registration is made, the payment is also accepted. Like I can see the money in the account. And the emails are sent to the customer confirming they were registered.

However, on credit card payment and on Invoice payment. We get the same erro message and the page does not redirect to the tickets page.

The only setting that has been changed in last few days was yesterday I had to change to make the emails all go out in one method becuase since last update it was only sending one email at a time.

Tony had helped on that issue.

Please advise. This is more serious then first thought.

This is another screenshot showing what page the customer sees even after they have clicked “Finalize registration” once already, AND they receive an email confirming payment and registration AND everything is working how it should.

BUT, they see that error in screenshot above AND they remain on this page and aren’t redirected to the correct tickets & confrimation Thank you page.


  • Support Staff

August 13, 2018 at 3:01 am

I can conform the same error is happening on credit card payments. The system is processing the registration but it is staying stuck on the same page.

The problem has nothing to do with the payment methods, EE is triggering the emails and your mail server is returning false when doing so, meaning as far as EE is concerned there was an error sending he emails.

Do you have WP_Debug enabled on the site?

So the registration is made, the payment is also accepted. Like I can see the money in the account. And the emails are sent to the customer confirming they were registered.

So are the emails actually sending to the user/admin or do they not receive any messages?

The only setting that has been changed in last few days was yesterday I had to change to make the emails all go out in one method becuase since last update it was only sending one email at a time.

That’s not since the last update.

The messages system uses WP_CRON to schedule the messages in a queue, as users hit pages on your site, the messages work through the queue. So if use A registers onto the site, their messages are added to the queue and wait for someone to hit a page on your site.

WP then checks if any jobs have been scheduled when a page it hit and works through 1 step of the queue, next hit, 1 more step and so. There’s a delay between each step of about 5 mins, so 2 hits directly after each other will not mean 2 steps.

This is another screenshot showing what page the customer sees even after they have clicked “Finalize registration” once already, AND they receive an email confirming payment and registration AND everything is working how it should.

That’s because wp_mail received an error from whatever server you are using to send emails so as far as it knows, there was a failure, although it sounds like the messages are still sending, do you have wp-debug enabled on the site?


August 13, 2018 at 11:01 am

Im gonna use my priority support token to have you guys help becuase it has to do with the mooolagh 🙂 So I would rather let the pros get it working.

Creating that now and will reference this post. Thanks


August 13, 2018 at 11:20 am

Okay I created the support token. If you need access to cpanel as well just email at the address on priority support token. Thanks guys


  • Support Staff

August 13, 2018 at 11:30 am

Hi Jarred,

I checked the Messages Activity log and it’s showing the message failures are happening only with the event admin context messages. So I’ve changed the shortcodes set in the to field so they use a more email-server friendly format.


  • Support Staff

August 13, 2018 at 11:36 am

After making those changes, I did a test registration and there are no errors, and the emails are logged as sent with no errors.


August 13, 2018 at 3:04 pm

awesome. I just tested the invoice payment method and credit card method and it seemed to work flawlessly. I will test again tomorrow just to be certain. But thanks for the help.


August 13, 2018 at 3:05 pm

Oh I did have one question.

Will this be a change that I need to make every time I update?


  • Support Staff

August 13, 2018 at 3:09 pm

Hi Jarred,

No, the messages system saves the templates used to the database so you should not need to change that setting again.


August 13, 2018 at 3:20 pm

Thanks Josh

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