
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Internet connection interrupted during plugin update

Internet connection interrupted during plugin update

Posted: July 18, 2016 at 7:34 am

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July 18, 2016 at 7:34 am

Good morning.
I have an issue that I can’t seem to find a related topic in the forums. If I’ve missed it, please forgive me.

When one of our website peeps was running the EE Decaf plugin update the other day, her Internet connection was interrupted. This caused, at first, a serious failure on our site and, now, just for our event registrations to be unavailable on the website and for the Events menu option in WP to be disappeared. Gone. As in, I can’t access it at all.

I went to the plugins area in WP, and tried to reactivate the plugin, but it’s giving me an error when I attempt to do this. See below, please.

Now, I’ve run Google and EE searches on said error message below, but I’m wondering (because I like to try EASY first) if there is a way to just try to get the plugin update to run again. From the start, with no interruptions?

And, some background: I have a 20 year history in IT and IS, so I’m tech-literate; however, my dabbling into the world of html and code and such is limited (I used Frontpage *years* ago, not a fan of Sharepoint and it’s macho controls). I do know some html and sql statements and I know my way around directories. Just so you know.

Any guidance you can provide will be most helpful.
Thank you,
Heather McCalman

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘EE_Error’ with message ‘The EEH_Base class file could not be located or is not readable due to file permissions.’ in /home/scarolin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg_old/espresso.php:220 Stack trace: #0 /home/scarolin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg_old/espresso.php(227): espresso_load_required(‘EEH_Base’, ‘/home/scarolin/…’) #1 /home/scarolin/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(1934): include(‘/home/scarolin/…’) #2 /home/scarolin/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(164): plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘event-espresso-…’) #3 {main} thrown in /home/scarolin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg_old/espresso.php on line 220


  • Support Staff

July 18, 2016 at 7:58 am

Hi Heather,

This sounds like your site is missing some files from when the update was running but the connection was lost. Here’s what you can do:

1) FTP into the server
2) Delete the copy of Event Espresso Decaf from the wp-content/plugins folder
3) You’ll now be able to log into your WordPress dashboard
4) You go to WP > Plugins > Add new, search for Event Espresso Decaf, and install.


July 18, 2016 at 5:11 pm

Hi, Josh!
Thank you so much for the assistance. May I ask a question, before I delete the EE folder? It’s showing up as “event-espresso-core-reg_old”. I’m totally down with deleting this file, per your recommendation, but will this delete our events and registrations, too.

I mean, I guess at this point, we don’t have a choice but to delete and reinstall, however, if there is a directory in here, at least with the registrations, that maybe I could save prior to deleting, I think i’d like to try that.

Or, if not, I can do as you say.

And, my apologies for the delay. I had to pause on volunteer activity to go make bank for a while. 🙂


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2016 at 6:23 am

Hi there,

Thank you so much for the assistance. May I ask a question, before I delete the EE folder? It’s showing up as “event-espresso-core-reg_old”.

Have you previously had a problem with that site showing a whitescreen and your host (or yourself) had to de-activate EE? Renaming a plugins directory will de-active the plugin, it sounds like at some point that happened (maybe during another update and both versions were kept with one of the directories manually renamed, then the ‘older’ version was used rather than new?)

Either way, in the end we will need to remove the current files and upload the full plugin.

I’m totally down with deleting this file, per your recommendation, but will this delete our events and registrations, too.

All of your event data (including registrations, transactions, pretty much everything) is stored within the database, not the plugins directory. So nothing should be lost.

However… just to be safe we recommend always creating a quick database backup before perming ANY updates (not just EE, but other plugins, themes or event WP) just because if something goes wrong, grabbing the files again for various plugins etc (although frustrating) is relatively simple, if you don’t have a database backup your stuck.

So before moving forward install something like BackUpWordPress (or another backup plugin if you prefer) and grab a copy of the database.

Then… delete the current version of EE installed on your site (you can delete this via FTP or through the Plugins menu, plugins menu is much quicker)

Download the latest version of EE from your account page.

Go to Dashabord -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin.

Select the newly downloaded zip file and install EE using that (it will install to /wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/)

Activate the latest version and confirm if works.

There is a small problem with this and it depends on why the current directory has _old, if EE was setup using the directory with _old then the message system will have URL’s that us that directory for some icons in the Invoices etc. It’s a simple fix within the Invoice and Receipt message templates.

Load up a registrations Receipt and check them over to make sure the icons load –


July 19, 2016 at 6:46 pm

Oh dear!!! So, first, yes, I have a backup of our site and the sql dbs (there were two and I can’t tell which one we’re using, so I backed up both of them.)

But, when I went to install the plugin, it got to the point where it showed the button to activate the plugin and when I clicked it, this is what showed up: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3072 bytes)…ah, well, with a file path and the line in the file that the error is being thrown in.

Yipes! And, now, I can’t access WP at all. That’s what it shows when I try to navigate to the Dashboard. (Before, EE was the only thing that wouldn’t show up.)

Please help.


July 19, 2016 at 6:48 pm

Ah. Ah-ha. But, now the events are back on my site…. but I’m still unable to access wp. ????

{so confused!!}


  • Support Staff

July 20, 2016 at 2:31 am

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3072 bytes)

Means your site is running out of the allocated memory it has available on the server.

Your site has 64MB available, the amount of memory required depends on the plugins/theme you are using but right now your site needs more.

Using FTP navigate to the root directory that you installed WP within, you should see a wp-config.php file.

Within that check for something like:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M' );

If you don’t have anything like that you need to add it somewhere above the line /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */, like this –

Then rather than 64M you need 96M or maybe 128M.

Note some web hosts don’t allow you to increase the available memory, if after you add the above you still get the same error you’ll need to contact your host and have them increase the available memory for you.


July 20, 2016 at 7:27 pm

Hi, Tony!
Thank you so much for this assistance. It worked like a charm. And, if anything starts to go funky, I’ll check with our hosting provider, about increasing our memory.

Y’all are wonderful! Thank you so much!!


  • Support Staff

July 21, 2016 at 2:50 am

You’re most welcome, Heather.

I released you may have a small issue with your Receipt message template based on the old directory name (event-espresso-core-reg_old).

If you open up a receipt for one of your users, does these icons load? –


August 1, 2016 at 8:01 pm

Hi, Tony,
My apologies for it taking me so long to get back to you on this. I just had a chance to check (because we’re now having issues uploading images, too), but no those icons are not loading on receipts.

How do I fix this problem? And, is this possibly related to the other problem we’re having with images? (When we try to upload directly to the Media area, it acts like it’s loading, and then gives an “http error”–and that’s all, nothing more specific.)


  • Support Staff

August 2, 2016 at 3:57 am

How do I fix this problem?

Go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Default Message Templates.

Find the Receipt message template in the list and click to edit that template.

Search for ‘event-espresso-core-reg’ within your browser and you should find it 4 times –

Yours will show ‘/event-espresso-core-reg_old/` and you need to remove the ‘_old’.

There is also the option to ‘reset’ the Receipt template and EE will automatically generate the correct paths for you. If you have modified the template at all you will lose your customizations so this is best used if the template is the default one.

On the same page as above you’ll see a ‘Reset Templates’ button –

Clicking that will reset the template back to default an generate the correct path for the icons.

And, is this possibly related to the other problem we’re having with images? (When we try to upload directly to the Media area, it acts like it’s loading, and then gives an “http error”–and that’s all, nothing more specific.)

This is often due to a permissions issue on the site, or the max_upload_limit is set to low. Are the images you are uploading large?

Does it happen with every image you try to upload?


August 6, 2016 at 10:02 am

Thank you, Tony, for not closing this ticket yet. I keep getting interrupted from being able to work on this.

Problem 1: The ‘event-espresso-core-reg’ showing in the receipt template is not showing the “_old” append. It’s showing the correct thing; however….

Problem 2: I think I pulled down the wrong file: I downloaded and think I may have installed the Decaf version of EE, and we should have the Developer version. We’ve been unable to resort our tickets on registration pages, and we’re having all sorts of issues with regs showing in EE as pending payments, but they were actually paid, the charges came off the person’s account.

I’m about to work on the images issue, but, no, the files I was uploading were not large. In fact, I reduced their size to try to get them to upload, as I thought that may be an issue, too.

Thank you for all your assistance!!


  • Support Staff

August 8, 2016 at 7:04 am

Can you link me to an event I can run a test registration on please?


August 8, 2016 at 7:47 am

There are two the “pending payment” situation is happening with. The first one, if you look through the tickets, they are all out of order; all tickets for the full weekend should be listed first, and they were originally in a particular order that made sense based on our discounts. When I loaded the “Decaf”, this got all messed up and I lost the ability to rearrange the tickets.

The first URL is:

On the second one, the tickets are still in order, but I’m getting all new registrations, since the original foul-up with the site, as pending payments.

I also wonder, Tony, is there a way on the backend to make those pending payments actually show as real registrations? Right now, they are split between pending and approved, even though the ones showing as pending have been paid for. (I have been in our PayPal account and verified that we’ve received payment for these registrations. I also poked around and can’t see any reason why there is a hiccup on PayPal’s side.)

Thank you!!


  • Support Staff

August 8, 2016 at 8:16 am

Ok, so the first thing you need to do is de-activate and delete Decaf.

Download Regular version from your account page and install it.

You can download the regular version by clicking the blue icon for EVent Espresso core –

Install that the same way in did above. Decaf is the free version of EE, it does not have all of the features included within the regular version.


August 9, 2016 at 10:36 pm

Hello, Tony!
Ok. I got the Decaf version deactivated and deleted. I uploaded and installed the full version, was able to move the tickets around like we used to do, and set all the registrations that were showing as pending to an approved status. I have been rocking and rolling tonight (early this A.M., really) and thought I was golden……….

Until I went to try to upload those images. I even went through and deleted some files from the gallery prior to attempting the upload just now. The max upload is 16mb, and the pic I was working with just now is a whopping 462kb…so we’re no where near the max image limit.

Funny thing, in my FTP client, I can find and see all the various copies of the image files I’m trying to upload in the “/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/08” directory. They are there, and it is the legit image file, because I can View and see it is indeed the .jpg file I’m trying to upload.

Oh! We’re so close to having this resolved…… any suggestions for this image issue?

PS. You are a beast, Tony. Did you know that? Yeah, you probably did. In the course of doing stuff just now, I went to Support and searched for a topic; you were the resolver, the fixer on that issue, and that was 2yrs ago. Just thought I’d mention that I noticed that.


  • Support Staff

August 10, 2016 at 4:00 am

Until I went to try to upload those images. I even went through and deleted some files from the gallery prior to attempting the upload just now. The max upload is 16mb, and the pic I was working with just now is a whopping 462kb…so we’re no where near the max image limit.

So that confirms its unlikely an issue with max_upload_limit.

Funny thing, in my FTP client, I can find and see all the various copies of the image files I’m trying to upload in the “/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/08” directory. They are there, and it is the legit image file, because I can View and see it is indeed the .jpg file I’m trying to upload.

Sounds like a fatal error is being thrown after the upload during the processing of the images.

Its unlikely to be an issue with EE as it doesn’t hook into any functions during upload, you can try de-activating all non EE plugins and re-testing an upload to confirm, then activate one plugin at a time to see which causes the problem.

OR, add this to your wp-config.php file:

That enables WP_DEBUG and sets the server not to display errors but log them to a debug.log file within /wp-contet/

Once you have that in place take upload an image and look at the log to see what errors are being thrown, then post them here.

PS. You are a beast, Tony. Did you know that? Yeah, you probably did. In the course of doing stuff just now, I went to Support and searched for a topic; you were the resolver, the fixer on that issue, and that was 2yrs ago. Just thought I’d mention that I noticed that.

Not sure what that is referring to, but thanks 🙂

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