
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Infusionsoft Connection

Infusionsoft Connection

Posted: January 23, 2018 at 3:16 pm

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January 23, 2018 at 3:16 pm


We use Event Espresso and connect it to our Infusionsoft account. When someone buys a ticket for the first time on a new event, a new product is created in Infusionsoft.

I have a few questions about this:

1. Can we change the category of the product that is created in the set-up? Right now, it created a category called “Event Products” with sub-category “Ticket” and “Promotion” – ideally, we could set what category the event product is created into.

2. Can we change the product that is created so that when it is created, it is hidden in the shopping cart? Right now, it shows up on our shopping cart, but this is where we want to sell products, not events. Manually hiding the product each time it is created is not a good solution.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide!

Seth Shoultes

January 24, 2018 at 3:25 pm

Hi there,

Our developer’s will need to add hooks in the code for the Infusionsoft add-on to support these features. Then it will be up to you to add the required code that produces these features, which our developer could create for you.

Is this something you would be willing to sponsor? I’ll need to get a time estimate from the developer if so.

Michael Nelson

  • Support Staff

January 25, 2018 at 3:53 pm

ya @vistelar, item 1 will require a bit of moving code around and adding a filter. So it’s not currently possible (we’d also welcome a pull request on our github repository, if you’re handy with code etc).

Item 2 is possible right now with a simple code snippet, like so:

function my_plugin_hide_new_ee_product($product_data, $ee_object) {
    $product_data['HideInStore'] = 1;
    return $product_data;
add_filter('FHEE__EEE_Infusionsoft_Line_Item___create_IS_product__product_data', 'my_plugin_hide_new_ee_product', 10, 2);

I haven’t tested the above snippet, but it should work for any NEW products automatically created in by EE.


January 30, 2018 at 2:17 pm

Hey Michael – number 2 is really all we are concerned about.

Do we just add this code to the plugin code?

Thanks for the response!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2018 at 2:31 pm

Hi vistelar,

You actually add the code into a separate plugin. We have some instructions on how to put that together here:

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