
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium I need help changing the event espresso font and box color from black to white

I need help changing the event espresso font and box color from black to white

Posted: September 15, 2019 at 7:42 pm

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Donna Scully

September 15, 2019 at 7:42 pm

I recently transitioned my site,, and now the site has a black background. This presents a problem with all Event Espresso pages. The template provides boxes, lines, and fonts all in black. Can all of these Event Espresso pages be changed to white to accommodate the new theme?

Please provide the necessary code to change the elements listed above (boxes, lines, and fonts) to white.
Here are the pages that need those elements fixed:

Donna Scully

September 15, 2019 at 7:43 pm

I recently transitioned my site,, and now the site has a black background. This presents a problem with all Event Espresso pages. The template provides boxes, lines, and fonts all in black. Can all of these Event Espresso pages be changed to white to accommodate the new theme?

Please provide the necessary code to change the elements listed above (boxes, lines, and fonts) to white.
Here are the pages that need those elements fixed:

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Tony.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Tony.


  • Support Staff

September 16, 2019 at 6:25 am

Hi there,

Generally, EE applies minimal styling and relies on your theme’s styling to be applied to the elements, this is so that EE automatically follows your theme’s style without any additional work.

Looking over your site it looks like a lot of the elements are already displaying correctly but there are no active events on the site I can run through to test and confirm.

Can you publish an event so I can take a look?

Donna Scully

September 19, 2019 at 7:32 pm

Hi Tony,
I have published an event in the footer of my homepage.

Please QA these pages for black text and black elements and provide any code necessary to make the text and elements white. Thanks!


  • Support Staff

September 20, 2019 at 6:35 am

The font colour styles are from your theme so this isn’t an issue with Event Espresso.

For example, if you look here:

Notice how the color: #000 (black) if set within your themes styles.css file, it’s setting the font colour to black

Within the content, it looks like you are explicitly setting the font colour to black on your elements using inline styles:

As mentioned above, Event Espresso intentionally sets minimal styles. It doesn’t set a font colour to use (unless absolutely necessary) for this very reason.

So right now your theme’s styles are setting font colours to black and as you have a black background your running into this problem.

Does your theme allow you to set the site wide font colours?
Does it have a control panel with settings you can use to look for this?

Some sections, like in the second screenshot above you’ll need to edit the contant and remove the inline styles as right now you essentially setting the colour on certain elements specifically to use black which obviously you don’t want.

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