January 23, 2019 at 3:36 am
Hi there!
We have a question about how to use registrant’s custom question values as default Contact Details instead of built-in system questions (First Name, Last Name, Email, etc.).
Right now we have customised the UI of event registration form as in the attached photos. As you can see, we have added custom questions for contact person (Contact Person’s First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Email, and Phone Number) to the form under Organisation Info section (because we think that sometimes the person who purchases the event is not the same person as the one who attend).

The problem is that, after checking the submitted registration in Event Espresso -> Registrations menu, the system chose Attendee 1’s information to be Contact Details for that registration instead of those values from Contact Person fields. Our marketing team isn’t happy with that, and need the form to retrieve Contact Person’s information as Contact Details instead of Attendee 1’s information.
Is there any way to customise Event Espresso (with or without direct customisation of plugin’s files) to achieve this requirement?
We are looking forward to your answer.
Best Regards,
WLH Support Team