
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to start with custom post types ?

How to start with custom post types ?

Posted: September 15, 2014 at 8:30 am

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Michael Psalidas

September 15, 2014 at 8:30 am


I have a custom post type that is for events, until now I used the EE3 and the connection between EE3 and CPT “Events” was the shortcode, so my customer have to fill 2 times the event (One in EE3 and one on CPT “Events”). Just purchased the EE4 because of the CPT connection, but apparently cannot find any documentation or any starting point with this.

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

September 15, 2014 at 10:18 am

Hi Michael,

Within EE3 the events were not Custom Post Types, so the ‘Events’ CPT you mention was added to allow users to use Event Espresso in the normal way, but also give advanced users the option of using the Custom Post Types which would update when a EE event was updated.

Within EE4 there is no separation of EE Events and the Events CPT. The EE Events are the custom post types. We do also have custom tables (as the information we need to store just would not work within post meta)

EE4 is vastly different to EE3 and it depends on what you would like to do.

Since installing EE4 have you refreshed the Permalinks? (Go to Permalinks and hit Save) then when you go to you should see a list of events from EE4.

However, you can also change the slug for the EE4 events to anything you prefer.

What is it you would like to do with the Custom Posts?

Michael Psalidas

September 16, 2014 at 3:42 am

Hi Tony,

I use a template that is for event managment, this template have already a Custom Post Type called “Events” when u add a post “Add Event” (Not at EE3 but on the CPT that the template had from deafult) there is a custom field “Event registration”, in this field I add the EE3 event shortcode. A visitor in fact view the CPT “Events” (the CPT that the template had from default) and proceed at registration from the EE3 (Event shortcode that added to the custom field). In this case the Admin had to add an Event 2 times,,,
– at the default template CPT “Events”
– and for event registration at EE3

In this way we have numerous problems, first of all is that the Admin must add an event 2 times. Also the Events Calendar navigate you at the EE3 Registration and not at the default CPT “Events” (OK that sounds normall 🙂 ). When I saw the features of EE4 i thought that this will solve both of the problems.

What i’ve like to do is to have all events in one place. As I can understand the default template CPT “Events” have not use any more because the EE4 it’s already a CPT that called “Events”, right ?

If I’m right, this means that I can add custom taxonomies on event espresso and create taxonomy templates like taxonomy-archive.php and single_events.php etc.. ? This would be cool as i would use the same template files and just change the deafult template post meta, with that from EE4.

I refreshed the permalinks and I get a 404 error page when I navigate to . I thought that was propably a conflict with the deafult CPT “Events”, so changed the slug of EE4 to “workshop” ( but I get again a 404 error when I navigate to, any thought on this ?


  • Support Staff

September 16, 2014 at 4:40 am

What i’ve like to do is to have all events in one place. As I can understand the default template CPT “Events” have not use any more because the EE4 it’s already a CPT that called “Events”, right ?

Not strictly no. The EE4 Custom Post type is ‘espresso_events’ and uses the slug ‘Events’ by default.

Event Espresso events will not integrate with the themes ‘Events’ Custom Post Type (or the themes Events section) they will be separate.

So whilst what your trying to achieve (having the events all within one section) will work with EE4, the events will be within Event Espresso, not the themes ‘Events’ section. Essentially you would handle all of your events through the Event Espresso menu and they will be displayed within ‘Events’ (in this case Workshops as you have changed the slug) so you will no longer use/need the Events CPT from the theme.

Does that make sense?

If I’m right, this means that I can add custom taxonomies on event espresso and create taxonomy templates like taxonomy-archive.php and single_events.php etc.. ? This would be cool as i would use the same template files and just change the deafult template post meta, with that from EE4.

Yes you can. You can style EE events the same way you style regular posts. We have many helper functions/tags to help with this. We recommend styling EE events using a Child theme, there is an example included within EE4 (event-espresso-core-reg/public/Espresso_Arabica_2014)

For more info look here:

Can you add your support license to the site so we can take a look please?

Just copy your license key from Your Account Page, then on your site go to Event Espresso -> General Settings. Add your support key (be sure to check there is not whitespace before/after the key before saving) to the Support license key field and save the settings.

Is the site running any caching plugins?

Are you running any re-direct plugins or Permalink editing plugins?

Can you also provide the exact code you used to change the slug to workshops here so we can check that.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Tony.
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Tony. Reason: Added more info

Michael Psalidas

September 16, 2014 at 5:57 am

It’s a development site where I have the EE4 installed. “Adding a valid Support License Key will enable automatic update notifications and backend updates for Event Espresso Core and any installed addons. If this is a Development or Test site, DO NOT enter your Support License Key.”

It’s OK to Add the license now and revert to production later ?


  • Support Staff

September 16, 2014 at 6:57 am

Sorry, if you add the license key to your development site it will require a reset when moving to live, so best not to add it for the time being.

It may be easier if I could take a quick look at the site if that’s ok? Is so please send temporary login details using this form:

Michael Psalidas

September 16, 2014 at 9:48 am

I filled out the form and sended to you.


  • Support Staff

September 16, 2014 at 11:59 am

Hi Michael,

I looked into your site and can’t see any issue with Event Espresso events?

The ‘Events’ section within your theme is not a part of Event Espresso, you will only need to create your events within EE4 and they will be viewable within currently.

Are you wanting to use both Event Espresso and the ‘Events’ section of your admin? This is possible, but you would once again need to input the events twice, which it appears you are trying to avoid.

I would recommend creating all of your event from within Event Espresso and use that to manage/display your events.

Michael Psalidas

September 16, 2014 at 2:44 pm

Hey Tony,

Just realised that the cause of the “Not found” page was the lang (polylang), I use GR lang but before give you credentials switched to EN (and works!!!).

I would recommend creating all of your event from within Event Espresso and use that to manage/display your events.

That’s my plan from the begging, but didn’t realise that the events espresso was the CPT, this confused me a bit.

Thanks for your time and advices


September 17, 2014 at 12:53 am


Is there anything else we can help with or has Tony answered everything for you?

Michael Psalidas

September 17, 2014 at 7:34 am

Hi Dean,

Really appreciate your interest on this issue, Tony helped and guided me excellent! For the time being all my doubts have gone and exactly know how to proceed for further development.

If any other issue or need some help, will let you know.

Have a nice time EE team 🙂

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 17, 2014 at 1:25 pm

We appreciate the kind words Michael! If you need help with anything else, just create a new support post so we can assist you.


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