
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to Pre-Register my club roster for all events, membership is fixed

How to Pre-Register my club roster for all events, membership is fixed

Posted: February 20, 2018 at 8:22 am

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February 20, 2018 at 8:22 am

Our website is for a club with a fixed membership roster. Members are entitled to attend all events, registration is not required, but in order to use the beta upcoming notification feature, recipients must be registered. I don’t want to have to individually register 110 members for nearly 30 separate events during the year.

Seth Shoultes

February 20, 2018 at 10:39 am

Hi there,

One of our developers is building a solution to import registrations but I’m not sure how long until it will be ready.

I’ll ask the team if they have any other suggestions.


February 20, 2018 at 11:14 am

Is there a way to use the contact list in EventEspresso to send a announcement of an upcoming meeting by email?


  • Support Staff

February 22, 2018 at 10:52 am

Yes it’s possible. You go to Event Espresso > Registrations > Contact List, then check the boxes next to contacts to select them, then click the “Send Batch Message” button. Then you’ll follow the prompts to select a template and customize the message.

Please note that Event Espresso (and the shared servers that WordPress-powered sites run on) are not optimized for sending email newsletters so you’ll likely have better success with importing your contact list into a newsletter service like MailChimp or Emma.


February 23, 2018 at 2:11 pm

If I download the multiple event registration add-on, could that be used to register each member for all events during the year. At least, that would involve adding each of 110 members only once annually. Another option would be to have a primary registrant who registered himself and all other members. If this could be combined with the multiple event registration process, then one member could register all members for all events during the year only one time.


  • Support Staff

February 23, 2018 at 3:03 pm

Technically you could use Multi Event Registration to add each of the 110 members to all 30 events annually, but I think you’ll find that to be extremely cumbersome.

One slightly less cumbersome option would be to create one event with 30 datetimes, then register all 110 members for that event.

One streamlined approach you might consider that doesn’t involve registering for the sake of registering would be to use a service like MailChimp or Emma where you can import the contact list and send them email updates about the upcoming events throughout the year.


February 23, 2018 at 3:27 pm

MailPoet, which uses MailChimp as the mailing service, does not allow the Event information to included automatically, including updated information. This is why I am trying to find a way for the Event itself to send the event reminder. That way the shortcodes will send the current information about speakers and topics. We then only have to keep event itself current, rather than updating the event, then updating the email notice. We know how to send a reminder, but it must be updated with current information before sending. If the event would send the advance notice, we could just update the event and the notice would send whatever the event had currently. If the notice can be scheduled for a week in advance, then we can quit dealing with email notices altogether since the event will send the notice. EventEspresso seems to require a registration in order to send any kind of contact. If I could use shortcodes in the batch email, that would work except for the automatic scheduling, but batch does not permit shortcodes in the body nor does it send emails on a schedule. What I am trying to do is condense the work required to set up events and send reminders to our members. Right now, there does not seem to be a solution that works very well. If your automated notice add-on becomes workable, then the bulk registration feature would be the next step to solving my issue. I am sorry to keep bothering you on this matter, but I am surprised that a club such as ours has not asked this question before me. There must be clubs that have fixed rosters that want to send meeting reminders of their events without having to create an event and a separate email, both of which must be coordinated to be current.
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it and I am still trying to work out a reasonable way to make our club administration a little easier. We are not developers and we don’t hold meetings or events as a business, but we have many of the same needs.
Best regards,
Joe M. Bridges
Chairman 2018
River Oaks Breakfast Club


  • Support Staff

February 26, 2018 at 10:28 am

MailChimp actually allows Event Espresso event information to be automatically included in an email newsletter via RSS. Here are step by step instructions that show how:


  • Support Staff

August 8, 2019 at 9:34 am


The Event Espresso 4 Importer add-on is released and its feature allows for importing registrations into events. You’ll find more information here:

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