
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Help with getting promo discount to show on auto-generated email message

Help with getting promo discount to show on auto-generated email message

Posted: March 17, 2016 at 12:53 pm

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Christina De Melo

March 17, 2016 at 12:53 pm

I’ve successfully installed the promotions plug in and setting it up was a breeze. Now that some users have actually used it, I realized there is a bit of a problem that is causing some confusion. The promotional discount is being properly applied and displayed on their invoice, but not on the registration pending payment OR registration complete emails that users receive. When they click on the link in that email to look at the invoice, the right (discounted) price is showing up, but the fact that the discounted price isn’t showing up in their email is causing confusion. They are worried and I am getting a lot of phone calls having to explain. I thought I followed the help files to a tee… did I miss something here?


  • Support Staff

March 17, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Hi there,

Which shortcode are you using to output the price currently?

Christina De Melo

March 17, 2016 at 6:36 pm

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your help. Here it is:

Payment Details:

Payment Status: [PAYMENT_STATUS]
Transaction ID: [TXN_ID]
Total Cost: [TOTAL_COST]
Payment Amount: [AMOUNT_PAID]
Amount Due: [TOTAL_OWING]


  • Support Staff

March 18, 2016 at 3:57 am

So you’ve added the contents of the payment received message to the Registration Pending Payment and Reg Approved message types?

I’ve added the above to both and it shows the correct amount in both emails for me.

Registration Pending Payment –
(That’s a £10 with a 10% Promotion applied)

Registration Approved –

Does it show differently for you?

Is there an event I can test this is on? (We’ll also need the promotion code)

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