
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium HELP NEEDED: registration error "Fatal error: call to undefined function es…"

HELP NEEDED: registration error "Fatal error: call to undefined function es…"

Posted: January 30, 2017 at 10:04 am

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January 30, 2017 at 10:04 am

We recently updated our EE3 system and now after you enter in your registration information and hit register/submit this fatal error comes up… “Fatal error: call to undefined function espresso _above_member_threshold()in /home/content/78/10656578/HTML/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/includes/functions/main.php on line 1015”. This is happening on all events site wide. Please help us to correct this issue at your earliest convenience. Thank you so much!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 10:54 am

Hi there,

It looks like you will also need to update to the current version of the EE3 WP User Integration add-on, version v1.9.8 (members). The error you’re seeing is because the older version of that add-on didn’t have the espresso _above_member_threshold() function.


January 30, 2017 at 11:40 am

Thank you. Can you please tell us where that update is processed?? Thanks!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 11:50 am

You go to the WordPress dashboard of your website, then you go to the Plugins page.


January 30, 2017 at 5:01 pm

Hey Josh. We don’t see “User Integration” in our list of plug-ins. Any other suggestions on how to locate it? Or other issues that may be causing this error? Please advise – thanks!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 5:19 pm

Hi there,

The user integration add-on will show up as ‘Event Espresso – Members Add-on’ within your plugin list, here is an example from one of my test sites –

So do you have that listed on your site? If so which version number?


January 30, 2017 at 5:26 pm

Thanks Tony. That was helpful — as we’ve now found ‘Event Espresso – Members Add-on’ wishing out plugins. It is v. but we do not see a place to update. Can you please direct us where to update?

Thank you.


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 5:29 pm

Looking at your account you’ve had both keys from your account active on the site.

Go to Event Espresso -> General Settings.

Find your license key and remove it, then save the settings.

Now go to your account page, copy the key that DOES NOT end _FREE and then paste that in the site license key field on your site. (Check for any whitespace before/after the key and remove)

Save the settings once again.

EE will check for any updates and show them within the plugins menu.


January 30, 2017 at 5:42 pm

We followed your instructions — deleted the license key, save settings, found new key (not in free), copied and pasted making sure no spaces, saved, but still no updates available for that plugin. Any other suggestions or ideas?


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 5:47 pm

You can manually update the members plugin:

That link is directly you to manually update Event Espresso 3 itself, however the steps to update are all the same.

Backup, de-activate and delete the existing version of the plugin, then download the latest version fro your account page and install through Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload plugin.


January 30, 2017 at 5:54 pm

Okay — and just to confirm the up-to-date plug-in for EE3 is not called Event Espresso – Members Add-on but “WP user integration v1.9.8? That’s the same thing? Thanks for your help.


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 5:57 pm

From your account page yes, when you activate it on your site again it will be called ‘Event Espresso – Members Add-on’.

This is what your downloading –


January 30, 2017 at 5:58 pm

And if so, what item in the folder that downloads to you select for the plug-in?


January 30, 2017 at 5:59 pm

Great – thanks. And once I download what item in the file do we select for plug-in? Thanks!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 5:59 pm

I’m not sure what you mean? Can you add a screenshot of what you see?


January 30, 2017 at 6:03 pm

Yes. When I find the fill that downloaded from our menu, it gives me all of these options—>


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 6:09 pm

You don’t extract the zip file, you leave it as is.

Then within your plugins menu you select the full .ZIP file, NOT one of the files from within it.

So save the zip to your desktop for example.

Then select that zip/archive from the plugins menu.


January 30, 2017 at 6:13 pm

When I click on the indicated plugin link — WP User Integration – it downloads the indicated file, not a full .ZIP file. The file I sent you a screen shot of is what keeps downloading not a full .ZIP file. Any idea why that would be? Or is there another place to down the full .ZIP file?


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 6:14 pm

Its automatically opening up on your mac, I’m a windows users so don’t know how to prevent that.

However I can update the WP user integration add-on for you if you prefer?

I can do that if you send temporary login details using this form:


January 30, 2017 at 6:21 pm

That’d be great!! Do I need to create a temporary user name and password? If so, I am not sure how to do that. Please advise – thanks Tony!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 6:28 pm

Its best to create a new user yes.

Just go to Dashboard -> Users -> Add new.

Set a user name (we need this)

Set a password (we need this)

You can use any email address you prefer, a dummy email will work.

Set the role to Admin.

Then create the user and provide the details you used in the above form.


January 30, 2017 at 6:35 pm

Great! Done and sent — please let us know. Thanks you, Tony!


January 30, 2017 at 6:48 pm

I am hoping that I didn’t goof anything up — please let me know if we need to get you anything else. Thanks!


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2017 at 7:09 pm

No, you didn’t goof anything up 🙂

The update has been applied to your site, however it looks like there is a conflict on your site and it appears to be with the theme.

Some of your pages are throwing this error:

Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0

This only happens when logged in, logged out users don’t see the error (which is strange), so for example the public-events page will show that whilst logged in, but works fine logged out.


January 30, 2017 at 7:14 pm

Bizarre. Any ideas on how to correct/fix?


January 30, 2017 at 7:17 pm

I am seeing that same error — even when I am logged out. Do you have any other things we can try to trouble shoot this so we can get out site back up and running?


January 30, 2017 at 8:05 pm

Hey Tony, if there is anything else we can be doing in the immediate or plan to do please let us know — we are all ears. Otherwise please let us know next steps to correct this issue so we can get this back up and running. Thanks so much for all your help thus far. Best.


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 8:09 am

The Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0 error is usually related to a caching plugin. So if you have a caching plugin installed in your website, you go to the caching plugin’s settings page and flush/rebuild the cache and the error will go away.


January 31, 2017 at 8:11 am

Thanks Josh. Would you know what that plugin would be called so we can find it? Also, will be clear on how to “flush/rebuild the cache” once in the settings? Any help there would also be appreciated.


January 31, 2017 at 8:15 am

When we search for ‘Cache’, 2 things show up in the plugin library but the “Quick Cache” isn’t activated — as seen here:

Also please note the warnings that are in the top of the screen. And the Atos gateway being removed. Would have have anything to do with this?


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 8:19 am

No the ATOS message has nothing to do with the other warnings. The warnings are for the older EE3 add-ons that are installed on your site, that still need an update. Your account page has the newer versions of the EE3 add-ons.


January 31, 2017 at 8:21 am

Okay — so to the immediate issue. Please let us know if there is another cache plugin we should be looking for? Or what other issue could be causing this so we can resolve this right away. Thanks.


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 9:19 am

Hi Nick,

Apologies for the delay in my response.

The error your seeing often happens when a plugin is trying to start buffering, inside another buffer. It’s common for caching plugins to buffer the entire response which can cause this however looking over your site there are no caching plugins other than a ‘drop-in’ plugin which currently states is inactive as you need to enable it within your wp-config.php file for it to work.

Another possible cause is the PHP is running out of memory during a buffer and then throwing an error but we can’t see it because of lack of memory and the fact that’s its within the buffer. Your site is currently running on 40 MB of memory which is considered a little on the low side, personally I would recommend 96 MB or more.

So my first recommendation is to increase the amount of available memory to the site, to do that your going to need FTP access to the server, do you have those details?

You need to add this to your wp-config.php file (its within the root directory of your site):

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' );

(Or if there is a value already set in the file increase it to 96)

If you don’t have FTP access to the site or are in any way unsure about making the above change I recommend creating a ticket with your hosting company to have them increase the value for you. The wp-config.php is vital for your site to function, do not remove any values from it and make sure you have a backup of the original file before changing it.

Its also possible this is a theme conflict as mentioned above, I see there is an update available for your theme which may include a fix for this, however I don’t use that theme so I’m not 100% sure if that’s the case.


January 31, 2017 at 9:32 am

Hey Josh. Thanks for the note and the list of possible issues here. Because everything was working before we did this update with EE3 my assumption is that the air is found there, but that could be a naïve assumption. Because we are aiming to get this fixed ASAP which of these options would you suggest we move forward with first. If I’m hearing you correctly it appears that the cash plug-in is not the issue, as it is not activated. I do not understand why the memory would be an issue since this was fully functioning before we purchase the new support license with you and did the upgrade to the newest version of EE3. Finally if it’s a theme issue, and again pardon my naivety, but wouldn’t there be issues on the main pages and not just on the EE registration pages? Your continued help is very appreciated and if it comes down to me having to buy one of these coins so that we can rectify this soon I will do that too. We are at a loss and desperate for some assistance here, and feeling much regret for making the upgrade.


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 9:55 am

Because everything was working before we did this update with EE3 my assumption is that the air is found there, but that could be a naïve assumption.

Whilst I do fully understand why this would appear to be an issue with EE3 its important to note we’ve not had any other reports of this from any sites running the latest version of EE3 which points to a conflict rather than an issue with the code.

As there’s no error message to point to EE and no other reports this again points to a conflict.

Because we are aiming to get this fixed ASAP which of these options would you suggest we move forward with first.

My first recommendation is to increase the available memory to the site.

I checked within your theme options system report and they actually recommend 128MB, your site may have just been getting by on 40MB but no longer does (again, no error message so just educated guesses currently)

If I’m hearing you correctly it appears that the cash plug-in is not the issue, as it is not activated.

Correct, as far as I can tell the drop-in cache plugin is currently de-activated. It may well still be caching, server side maybe? But as far as I can tell you don’t have caching enabled.

I do not understand why the memory would be an issue since this was fully functioning before we purchase the new support license with you and did the upgrade to the newest version of EE3.

Same reason above, you may have been just on the end of available memory, the updates now take you over the amount of memory needed.

Finally if it’s a theme issue, and again pardon my naivety, but wouldn’t there be issues on the main pages and not just on the EE registration pages?

Depends if every other page uses output_buffering, if not then whatever is using the buffer can continue to do so, its when something else tries to use a buffer this seems to happen.

What I did to test if this is a theme conflict is to live preview one of the default themes from within the dashboard.

If you go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes.

Hover over the ‘twentyfourteen’ theme and click the Live Preview button –

What that does it use that theme to load your site to let you (the admin) view the pages and how it would look. You’ll notice the public events page works fine within that theme –

As do the EE pages –

So if EE was throwing that error it also should not work when viewing that theme.

I’m more than happy to increase the memory limit on your site for you if you can provide FTP details using the same form you did previously, however if increasing the memory limit then shows this is a conflict with the theme/plugin you will need to purchase a support token for us to investigate further.

Does that work better for you?


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 9:57 am

To be clear, the upgrade you did was incomplete. When you upgrade software on your website, you need to upgrade all of it, not just some of it. So the upgrade you did wasn’t complete.

The caching plugin may still cause issues even if it’s deactivated. Caching plugins can write instructions into configuration files on your server, and those instructions can be followed even while the caching plugin is deactivated.

I do not understand why the memory would be an issue since this was fully functioning before we purchase the new support license with you and did the upgrade to the newest version of EE3.

The newer versions of software can require more memory.

Finally if it’s a theme issue, and again pardon my naivety, but wouldn’t there be issues on the main pages and not just on the EE registration pages?

Not necessarily.

Are you able to update the older Event Espresso 3 add-ons on your website using these instructions?


January 31, 2017 at 10:24 am

Thanks to you both for your responses – not at all trying to throw EE under the bus, I’m not versed in this at all so trying to understand. Our web guy did the upgrade and left on holiday so I’m trying to get this back up and running as we’re hurting without the ability to sell tickets. So let’s start with FTP as it sounds like this could fix:

#1-memory: we house everything through, is it something that I could just reach out to them and ask them to do? I’m just not sure where to find the FTP login info. If you could please guide me on where to find that I could easily send another login request as I did yesterday. Please let me know.

#2-other initial action items: is there anything else I should be doing right now to help to correct this proactively? Please advise


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 11:55 am

Hi there,

Godaddy has some information on how to get the FTP information from your hosting account:

You should also update the older add-ons that have not bee updated. Your account page has all the newest versions of Event Espresso 3 add-ons.


January 31, 2017 at 12:19 pm

I am on with GoDaddy now — they have gotten our PHP memory to 512MB so we have a ton more room there, as shown here –> It appears that everything is now functioning. Which is great.

As to upgrading the plug-ins. Is there a way for me to send you what we are currently running at and what needs to be updated? Unfortunately, nothing – except for the ‘Ninja Forms’ plug-in. I can get you all login information again if it would be easier for you to just hop in? Please advise.



  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 12:58 pm

Hi there,

It looks like you have the following add-ons that need to be updated:

Plugin Old New
Espresso Ticketing 2.2.0.p
Recurring Events Manager 1.1.8.p
Roles and Permissions Basic 1.5.5
Calendar 2.2.6.p 2.2.7.p
Social Media Add-on 1.1.7


January 31, 2017 at 1:12 pm

Okay great, thanks Josh.

And to do that since there isn’t an upgrade option, would we need to deactivate, download new plugin from my account, delete outdated plugin, and add new plugin and select the new (up-to-date) plugin?

Also, this was the same for yesterday, but when I click on the plugin in my account it downloads a file automatically vs. a .ZIP file. Is there way to get the full .ZIP file with a MAC?



  • Support Staff

January 31, 2017 at 1:21 pm

Hi Nick,


see also:

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