
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Grid View (2)

Grid View (2)

Posted: October 26, 2019 at 10:11 am

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Matt Shane

October 26, 2019 at 10:11 am

When I put the shortcode on a static page for the grid view it shows the events stacked in one column instead of 3 separate columns next to each other.

Why would this be?


  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Matt Shane.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

October 27, 2019 at 6:47 am

Hi there,

Are you using a page builder to add the shortcode?

It sounds like the EE scripts aren’t loading on that page which can happen if you use a page builder as EE can’t detect the shortcode.

Can you link me to the page so I can take a look?

Matt Shane

October 27, 2019 at 12:32 pm

Hi Tony –

Ok so I took it out of the code block in the fusion builder and it is working.

Interesting is the table view shortcode has no problems with display in the code block using the fusion builder.

A few quick questions:

1)Is it possible in table grid view to pull the featured image into its own column. We like this view but we need to pull featured images?

If not we can use just the regular grid view but on this page:

We dont want the grid view to display like the default with title, description and read more link under the image. A page with just a bunch of images on it that require the user to hover over for details is a bit confusing. So is there a separate shortcode for this specifically? I have seen it used in the demo.

Can open new ticket but thought it might be easier here( notifications & registrants) quick:

1) Need new registration notifications to go to 2 separate admin emails. Is this under MESSAGES? – feel free to just link to documentation as I wasn’t able to find this easily but I would be typing in the wrong search keywords.

2) We have a few folks pay directly in cash or check but don’t want to open up this option to everyone. So we need to manually enter registrants on events. Its possible to do this right? – feel free to just link to documentation as I wasn’t able to find this easily but I would be typing in the wrong search keywords.

Thanks so much for your help and direction with these!



  • Support Staff

October 28, 2019 at 3:37 am

Interesting is the table view shortcode has no problems with display in the code block using the fusion builder.

Did you try using the JS features of the table view? The shortcode itself will parse, as it’s a standard shortcode so parses like any other and the table will be output. However, EE only loads its assets when needed and if it can’t detect that the shortcode was used on a page the additional assets (such as .CSS and .JS files) don’t load. Grid view relies more on those assets than the table view does.

1)Is it possible in table grid view to pull the featured image into its own column. We like this view but we need to pull featured images?

I’m not sure I follow, it is possible to separate the image from the content, but the grid view is already using the featured image so I’m not sure I understand the question.

We dont want the grid view to display like the default with title, description and read more link under the image. A page with just a bunch of images on it that require the user to hover over for details is a bit confusing. So is there a separate shortcode for this specifically? I have seen it used in the demo.

None that I’m aware of, may I ask which demo you saw this on?

1) Need new registration notifications to go to 2 separate admin emails. Is this under MESSAGES? – feel free to just link to documentation as I wasn’t able to find this easily but I would be typing in the wrong search keywords.

Are these admins the same for all events?

You can edit the templates used by EE in Event Espresso -> Messages -> Default message templates.

The email sent as a ‘confirmation’ email is the ‘Registration Approved’ message so find that in the list and click ‘Edit Event Admin’ to edit the event admin context (See here for more info on contexts)

If the address is the same for all events I’d recommend just adding it directly to the CC field. You could add separate emails in the ‘To’ field separated by a comma, however, some mail servers don’t support it so it can often cause issues.

2) We have a few folks pay directly in cash or check but don’t want to open up this option to everyone. So we need to manually enter registrants on events. Its possible to do this right? – feel free to just link to documentation as I wasn’t able to find this easily but I would be typing in the wrong search keywords.

Sure it is, go to Event Espresso -> Events -> {hover over event} -> Registrations.

At the top you’ll see the ‘Add New Registration’ button, click that and you’ll see the Ticket selector for the event within the admin. Add your registration there and you can update the registration status once added if preferred (only ‘Approved’ registrations apply to the ‘sold’ values of an event).


Once you’ve added the registration you can apply a payment within the transaction as a reference to complete the transaction. Just edit the transaction for that registration, click the ‘Apply payment’ button and add the relevant details to the modal.

Matt Shane

October 28, 2019 at 10:50 am

Hi Tony:

Please go here:

We are using the table view and the featured image is not being pulled so maybe I need to add something to the short code if like you said – it should be part of the default.


Thanks for the direction. So this brings up a good point. We have workshops where once a student registers – in our old system – they would get a specific notification to that workshop; like “bring your headshot” or “bring warm clothes etc”… so it would be ideal if we could set notifications specific to each individual event. on the event level instead of a global level. Same thing with admins (teachers). They don’t teach every class so if there is a way we can set admin notifications on an event level and not a global level that would be ideal also.

Thanks so much for the continued help and direction.


  • Support Staff

October 28, 2019 at 4:08 pm

We are using the table view and the featured image is not being pulled so maybe I need to add something to the short code if like you said – it should be part of the default.

When I said it was pulled in by default I was answering your question in regards to the grid view, not the table view template.

The table view template does not pull in the featured image and will require customizations to the template for it to do so. You can copy the default template into your theme’s (preferable a child theme) root director and edit that custom template which will be used in place of the original.

So yes its possible, but you’ll need to add some custom code to the template to do it.

Thanks for the direction. So this brings up a good point. We have workshops where once a student registers – in our old system – they would get a specific notification to that workshop; like “bring your headshot” or “bring warm clothes etc”… so it would be ideal if we could set notifications specific to each individual event. on the event level instead of a global level. Same thing with admins (teachers). They don’t teach every class so if there is a way we can set admin notifications on an event level and not a global level that would be ideal also.

You can create custom message templates and then set those templates on specific events.

For example, you can go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Default message templates -> Registration Approved -> Create Custom (button to the right on the row).

That will create a custom version of that template and direct your to the page to edit it, set a meaningful template name there so you can identify each custom template. You then setup that specific template to how you need it to, for example, if you have events that go to a specific admin set their email in that template, add the custom text such as “bring your headshot” or “bring warm clothes etc” into the template.

Then on the events that you want to send that template for edit the event and in the notifications section, select the custom template you created –

Any registrations made on an event with a custom template set will use that template for the messages.

Is that what you are looking for?

Matt Shane

October 28, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Ah OK. I got it. So unfortunately I cannot use the grid view. It pulls the featured image but isn’t intuitive at all and the visitors were getting really confused being presented with a static page with 20 images and having to hover over each image for more details. The class images do no explain themselves enough so the users were having to hover over a bunch before they found what they wanted and were getting frustrated.

So as far as the events archive goes… I hope I can explain this clearly. When I use table or grid view I put in the shortcode on a static page. When I do not use the shortcode on a static page I simply go to general settings and enter an events URL… so alexandertechworks.gom/at-workshops where its simply pulling the slug and there is no static page called at workshops. This gives me a format I can work with because it pulls the featured image, then below it shows the title, description and an option to read more. Since this isn’t familiar to you I am assuming it is pulling from the post-archive.php file and is styling and pulling the same way the site pulls posts since essentially each workshop is handled as a post type. Is that correct? So my question is… what is the best way to implement this but KEEP the current URL structure. We have already sent out marketing materials with the current URL which is shortcode on a static page… My guess would be to delete the static page and quickly change the url for the events page in general settings. That should keep the URL structure the same as it currently is as the event page titles are the same and update the archive page without attaching it to a static page? We might have a few minutes of down time in this area but I can’t think of another way. Think this will work or do you have a better alternative?

Thanks so much 🙂



  • Support Staff

October 29, 2019 at 7:05 am

When I do not use the shortcode on a static page I simply go to general settings and enter an events URL… so alexandertechworks.gom/at-workshops where its simply pulling the slug and there is no static page called at workshops.

That’s correct and it’s the archive of Event Espresso event ‘posts’.

The event slug will be used for all of your events, meaning if you set it to at-workshops all of your events will use:


And so on, so don’t use an event slug that is for a specific type of event if you have others.

Since this isn’t familiar to you

It isn’t? How so? I think there’s some confusion here as the replies switched from the Grid template. My response regarding features images was specific to the grid view.

I am assuming it is pulling from the post-archive.php file and is styling and pulling the same way the site pulls posts since essentially each workshop is handled as a post type. Is that correct?


Event Espresso events are custom post types, so they are ‘posts’ and display as such in your theme (your theme control almost all of the output). We inject various other details into the_content such as the ticket selector and venue details but the EE event itself, is a post and so uses the Template hierarchy to display.

You can create your own version of this specifically for EE event by copying the archive.php (or whichever template file you theme is using for archives) and renaming the copy archive-espresso_events.php.

However, EE will then also stop injecting additional details for you as it is assumed you are taking full control of the template, this can be re-enabled and still allow for you to use the template using a filter but it depends on what you want to change, or if you want full control calling each individual section yourself?

So my question is… what is the best way to implement this but KEEP the current URL structure. We have already sent out marketing materials with the current URL which is shortcode on a static page…

Starting from the beginning, why do you need to change the URL?

If using \at-workshops\ as your event slug, does that fit all of your events?

My guess would be to delete the static page and quickly change the url for the events page in general settings.

You don’t actually need to delete the page to test this, archives have a higher priority so if you set the EE event slug to match a page slug, the archive output ‘wins’ although you may need to flush permalinks for it to show (visit Settings -> Permalinks, just opening the page does it for you).

Changing the archive slug to something else will show the page on that original slug once again.

It’s not really clear what you are trying to achieve, do you want to change the output of the event list on a static page and that statis page’s URL has already been sent out?

Have you tried the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] event list shortcode? Is that not what you are looking for?

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