
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Generating file Unknown…CSV Export

Generating file Unknown…CSV Export

Posted: April 5, 2017 at 9:05 am

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April 5, 2017 at 9:05 am


When trying to create a filtered CSV file I am getting this error- Nan% (0/0)

The file will download automatically when done, and then you will be redirected.
An exception of type EventEspressoBatchRequest\Helpers\BatchRequestException occurred while running BatchRunner::create_job(). Its message was The class EventEspressoBatchRequestJobHandlersRegistrationsReport does not exist, and so could not be used for running a job. It should implement JobHandlerInterface. and had trace #0 /home/ EventEspressoBatchRequest\BatchRequestProcessor->instantiate_batch_job_handler_from_classname(‘EventEspressoBa…’) #1 /home/ EventEspressoBatchRequest\BatchRequestProcessor->create_job(‘EventEspressoBa…’, Array) #2 /home/ EED_Batch->_enqueue_batch_job_scripts_and_styles_and_start_job() #3 /home/ EED_Batch->enqueue_scripts_styles_batch_file_create() #4 [internal function]: EED_Batch->enqueue_scripts(‘admin_page_espr…’) #5 /home/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 /home/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #7 /home/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/ do_action(‘admin_enqueue_s…’, ‘admin_page_espr…’) #9 /home/ require_once(‘/home/15664-632…’) #10 {main}

Any ideas of the problem?


  • Support Staff

April 5, 2017 at 11:09 am

Hi there,

Can you FTP into the server and check for a RegistrationsReport.php file in this location?


If it’s not there, you can reinstall the Event Espresso 4 plugin by downloading a fresh copy from your account page, then deactivate/remove/replace the plugin on the WP Plugins page of your website.


April 5, 2017 at 11:37 am

Hi Josh,

No the file is there, and it’s updated to the latest version.



  • Support Staff

April 5, 2017 at 4:06 pm

Thanks for checking on that. I had a chat with one of the developers and what we suspect is there’s something on your server that’s already stripping the slashes in the $_GET variable before Event Espresso does.

So, if you want to try out a temporary fix, you can open up


then go to edit line 166, which has this:

$job_handler_classname = stripslashes( $_GET[ 'job_handler' ] );

and you change it to this:

$job_handler_classname = $_GET[ 'job_handler' ];

If the above change fixes the issue for you, then we’ll add a conditional check there and only run the stripslashes() if the slashes are present.


April 5, 2017 at 5:39 pm

Hi Josh,

I actually fixed it separately in the meantime. There was a conflict with the ‘Web Directory 2.0’ plugin, so I disabled and now working perfectly

Thanks for the help



  • Support Staff

April 5, 2017 at 6:15 pm

Thanks for the update Mark.

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