
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Forcing login for already registered users

Forcing login for already registered users

Posted: October 31, 2015 at 6:08 am

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Jake Whitfield

October 31, 2015 at 6:08 am

I have “Login Required on Registration” turned off. Shouldn’t that mean any user should be able to register for an event and not be required to log in?

If a user comes to book a second event on my site and they haven’t bothered to set up a user login (some users probably will but some wont). They get this message:
An error has occurred:
You have entered an email address that matches an existing user account in our system. If this is your email address, please log in before continuing your registration. Otherwise, register with a different email address.

If they haven’t bothered to set up an account they then can’t book in to the event! I have lost a few customers like this.

I have it set up so new event registrations will create them as a new user, some people will use their account to access information, others will just simply book events regularly.

can’t you make it optional for users to login or just let them book.

If this is not possible can I get a refund.

Jake Whitfield

October 31, 2015 at 6:08 am

I have “Login Required on Registration” turned off. Shouldn’t that mean any user should be able to register for an event and not be required to log in?

If a user comes to book a second event on my site and they haven’t bothered to set up a user login (some users probably will but some wont). They get this message:
An error has occurred:
You have entered an email address that matches an existing user account in our system. If this is your email address, please log in before continuing your registration. Otherwise, register with a different email address.

If they haven’t bothered to set up an account they then can’t book in to the event! I have lost a few customers like this.

I have it set up so new event registrations will create them as a new user, some people will use their account to access information, others will just simply book events regularly.

can’t you make it optional for users to login or just let them book.

If this is not possible can I get a refund.


  • Support Staff

October 31, 2015 at 12:09 pm

You can make it optional for users to log in by either 1) deactivating the WP users integration add-on or 2) disabling the auto account creation feature.

Jake Whitfield

October 31, 2015 at 2:47 pm

Hmm Deactivating the plug in kind of defeats the purpose of having bought the plus in. Disabling the auto account creation also defeats the purpose.

Wouldn’t it make more sense when I set the force user log in on event registration to NO, that they don’t need to log in.


  • Support Staff

November 2, 2015 at 10:17 am

Hi Jake,

It may help to know your purpose for automatically creating accounts for people that don’t intend to use an account. This is because not logging in before registering can result in they’ll register for an without getting the members pricing and/or saving the event to their member profile. The force log in helps prevent a member from paying full price, then realizing they could have gotten a discount or free ticket had they logged in, then coming back to you and asking you to give them a partial refund.

It may also help to explain that the force user log in one event registration feature is there for restricting non-members from some events. For example, you can set up a free event, but it can only be registered for by members that are logged into the site. It’s a feature that allows you to set an event to require a membership account.

If you decide that the WP User Integration add-on is not a good fit for your site, you can request a refund here:

Jake Whitfield

November 2, 2015 at 10:45 pm

Thanks for your reply.
We are running dance classes, some users after they sign up for an event will log in to the members area of the website to watch instructional videos and use various online resources etc (some people won’t). Then if they want to book into the next block of classes, those that haven’t utilised the log in feature can’t even book in with out going through their old emails to find the password = lost customer or a hassle for them.

It would make more sense to me if I ticked off the below that people wouldn’t have to log in to register:
Force Login for registrations?
If yes, then all people registering for this event must login before they can register

An alternative would be to add another “yes/ no” option in the admin:
Users who already have an account must log in to register

or alternately on the public site the pop up should give them the option to register
An error has occurred:
You have entered an email address that matches an existing user account in our system. If this is your email address, please log in before continuing your registration. Otherwise, register with a different email address.

could be:
We see you already have a user account log in to see our special deals or proceed to make your booking – or something to that effect.

Another problem was that the pop up asks for the user name. It looks like this plug in uses the email as the user name but i guess a new user wouldn’t know that and won’t be sure what to put in there. It would be better to change the wording to “email” instead, to save confusion – and possibly auto fill that field with their email too if possible.


  • Support Staff

November 3, 2015 at 7:33 am

Hi Jake,

So I can understand how you’re using WP Users Integration, is it only for the automatic account creation? You’re not really using the registration form autofill, the member pricing, or the my registrations list for members?

Jake Whitfield

November 3, 2015 at 11:07 pm

Correct. The other features look great and we may end up using them but for now we don’t want to risk losing customers due to log in hassles.

The users integration will be used for various things including email lists and access to content.


  • Support Staff

November 4, 2015 at 7:21 am

Hi Jake,

You can still use another membership plugin (like S2Member or Restrict Content Pro) for access to content and email lists (or even use the MailChimp add-on) without using the WP Users integration. The WP User Integration add-on’s main purpose is for connecting user accounts to event registrations, and it sounds like you don’t want that.

Jake Whitfield

November 7, 2015 at 12:16 am

Do either of these membership plugins have the option to auto create a user when someone registers for an event?
Do you know of any other plug ins that will auto create a user when they sign up to an event in event espresso?

I have been looking through the code in your plug in to see if I can modify it to not force log in for already registered email addresses but it may be a little beyond my skill level. 🙁


  • Support Staff

November 9, 2015 at 8:07 am

No they will not auto create a user when they register for an event. What you could do (or a developer could do this) is extract out the part of the code of the WP User Integration add-on that auto-creates the user account when they register. That way you’ll have a plugin that does the one thing you want it to do.

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