My interface just updated and the font is now really big. I can’t see as much on my espresso_events page as I used to. I had to eliminate a whole column to get the Event Start dates to have enough space. Is there a way to make the font smaller?
The WordPress standard font size was 13px, and they’ve begun to bump that up to 16px.
With Event Espresso 5, we’ve adopted the industry standard default font size of 16px for improved accessibility (visibility for the visually impaired), and it is easier to read for more people. You should be able to quickly scale a webpage up or down using ctrl++ (mac: cmd++) and ctrl+- (mac: cmd+-).
Changing the scale helped only slightly. The text of the top row of menu buttons inside the page to create an event (File, Edit, View, etc) is bigger than the buttons themselves. And the pending payment and pending approval text in the Update Event section extends past its boundaries as well.
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