
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Extra Attendees for a single Event

Extra Attendees for a single Event

Posted: May 21, 2021 at 11:39 am

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Lisa Jansen Thompson

May 21, 2021 at 11:39 am

Hello! I’m working with my client to have a Training session added to their calendar. The problem we keep running into is that, for example, a Teacher can register his/her entire class, so we need the full list of attendees.

Is there an extension or addition we can use so that we can gather the name and email of the class of attendees for a single Training event?

George is the Teacher, he goes to the event on the calendar, purchases 12 tickets, then lists his 12 attendees Name and Emails so that when our admin receives the registration, they know who is attending and how to contact them directly. Rather than having each student go through the same process and have 12 different emails.

Do you have a solution for this problem?

Thank you!

Seth Shoultes

May 24, 2021 at 7:19 am

Hi Lisa,

Yes, within the event editor right sidebar, you can add a prepopulated group of questions to the event under the section that reads, “Questions for Additional Registrants.” This video shows the location of those settings within the event editor:

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