
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Heroic Knowledge Base Plugin

Heroic Knowledge Base Plugin

Posted: December 15, 2015 at 10:46 am

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Alexander Ford

December 15, 2015 at 10:46 am


I just purchased the Heroic Knowledge Base plugin and after extensive troubleshooting I have found that Event Espresso is breaking it’s functionality.

I am hosting our knowledge base at

What happens is if I update the permalink settings via WordPress Settings > Permalinks, then hit save, the knowledge base and related pages work properly for a few seconds to a minute. Then, I start to receive 404 errors and none of the knowledge base pages can be found. This process can be repeated systematically.

If I disable Event Espresso, the knowledge base works perfectly without issue.

This leads me to believe that Event Espresso is interfering somehow with the permalink configuration in WordPress that is not being reflected in my .htaccess file (as it does not change).

Can you please assist?


  • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Josh.


  • Support Staff

December 15, 2015 at 1:58 pm

Hi Alexander,

Does the above happen with Post Name permalinks, default permalinks, or both?

Alexander Ford

December 15, 2015 at 2:33 pm

Hey Josh,

Our permalink structure is /%category%/%postname%/.

I just changed the permalink structure to post name and retested the site. As always, the knowledge base worked, but after a period of a couple minutes, the page reverted to “No Results Found”. (

I have since re-set the permalinks to /%category%/%postname%/, and the issue remains. The knowledge base works for a few seconds, then reverts to No Results Found.



  • Support Staff

December 15, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Hey Alexander,

Do they have their plugin up on Github so we can take a look at what it does?

Also, you might try default permalinks to see if you can narrow down what’s happening.

Alexander Ford

December 15, 2015 at 3:03 pm


No, they don’t, but you can access my WordPress – you guys have credentials.

Another weird thing that is happening is that even after disabling all plugins (including EE), if I attempt to activate ANY other plugin that is not Event Espresso, it’s navigating me to the page and giving me the error message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

If I hit back then refresh the page, the plugin I was attempting to access then displays in the list as activated.

There is definitely something strange happening related to your plugin.



  • Support Staff

December 15, 2015 at 3:13 pm

Sounds like server caching, which could cause a number of issues with many plugins. Can you check with your host to see what kind of caching is set up there?

Alexander Ford

December 15, 2015 at 3:20 pm

Hi Josh,

It might have been server caching issues as we were previously using W3 Total Cache (and it was disabled).

What I did to test your theory is re-enable it, empty the caches, and since then I have been able to install plugins without issue.

That being said, I have re-started the process of re-enabling all my plugins, this time avoiding Event Espresso and I’ve not had the knowledge base break yet, so that issue still remains.



  • Support Staff

December 15, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Once you confirm, you could try checking the wp_options table for an option named ee_flush_rewrite_rules. If there, it should be set to false.

Alexander Ford

December 15, 2015 at 3:55 pm

Hi Josh,

I’ve re-enabled all my plugins in order and got to the point where only two were left disabled: Event Espresso and LearnDash LMS.

I checked the database for ee_flush_rewrite_rules and there were no entries in my wp_options table.

I then activated EventEspresso again and immediately my knowledge base broke. I deactivated your plugin, navigated to WordPress Settings > Permalinks, clicked Save, and my knowledge base came back.

Please advise.



  • Support Staff

December 16, 2015 at 3:09 pm

Hi Alexandar,

I then activated EventEspresso again and immediately my knowledge base broke.

At that exact moment is when you should check the database for the presence of a ee_flush_rewrite_rules option in the options table.

Alexander Ford

December 17, 2015 at 1:39 pm


I activated the plugin, verified it was breaking the permalinks, and checked the wp_options table as you requested.

ee_flush_rewrite_rules did not exist at that time.

I have since disabled the plugin again and re-saved my permalinks to fix my knowledge base.

Please advise what the next step is.


  • Support Staff

December 17, 2015 at 4:14 pm

Hi Alexander,

I can advise contacting the Heroic support staff. This appears to also be an issue on sites that do not have Event Espresso installed. We invite them to send us a copy of plugin or better yet github access if they so happen to be there and we can work with them on a solution.

Alexander Ford

December 18, 2015 at 1:54 pm

Hi Josh,

I appreciate your assistance and I can see that others have experienced a similar issue, but there must be something common in terms of where these plugins are interacting with each other.

I provided them with your plugin to take a look at, will you also please take a look at theirs? Here is a dropbox link where you can access it:

I really do need both plugins to work on my site, and I have an event coming up on January 6 that I cannot market until I get this resolved. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.



  • Support Staff

December 18, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Hi Alexander,

It may be that Event Espresso isn’t breaking anything with the Heroic KB plugin. I have both loaded up here and I’m not seeing any issues.

Have you checked on the memory stats on your site? The reason I ask is because if your site is already running low on memory, then you activate Event Espresso, then somewhere in the load process an error like this one could be thrown:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of *some amount* bytes exhausted

You can check your server’s error logs for an error like the one above, and even try the suggestions in the WP codex:

Alexander Ford

December 18, 2015 at 6:02 pm

Hey Josh,

It looks like your suggestion regarding memory limits was on the money. I found the error message you were referring to in the logs. I increased the memory limit and was able to activate Event Espresso successfully.

It did initially break the permalinks, but after navigating to WordPress Settings > Permalinks and hitting the Save button, the links started working again and have kept working since.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion and for your help with this one.


Alexander Ford

December 18, 2015 at 6:04 pm

That being said, I just updated Event Espresso via the plugins upgrade page and it broke the permalinks, which I could then repair by saving my permalink settings again.

Is there any particular reason why EE needs to flush the permalink settings every time it’s activated/upgraded?



  • Support Staff

December 18, 2015 at 6:30 pm

You should not need to save the permslinks settings. Refreshing the permalink settings page or simply loading it should do the job. The reason that EE and any other plugin for that matter flushes the permslinks on activation is to ensure that its custom post types will work.

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