
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Espresso and WordPress SEO by Yoast Plug in

Event Espresso and WordPress SEO by Yoast Plug in

Posted: August 28, 2017 at 7:47 pm

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Couples In Step

August 28, 2017 at 7:47 pm

I use the Word Press SEO by Yoast plug-in on my website. Up until the beginning of August there was never any conflict between the Yoast plug in and event espresso 4.

According to this page: the Yoast plug in is a 3rd party plugin that has been known to cause issues with Event Espresso

The description of the problem is this:  
“…the redirect ugly URL’s feature under the permalinks settings breaks how Event Espresso works.”

However I did not make any changes to the permalinks settings.

The description goes on to note:
“Update: A recent update to the WP SEO plugin breaks the registration page in Event Espresso 4, if the Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ meta tags feature is enabled.”

Please advise: Does the “recent update” date line up with the approximate time I started having trouble with EE?

Couples In Step

August 28, 2017 at 8:23 pm

Let me add that the WordPress SEO Plugin is version 5.3.3. The problem began with version 5.3.2 or 5.3.1 Might version 5.3.3 fix this?


  • Support Staff

August 28, 2017 at 8:54 pm

Can you explain the trouble you’re having on your site? Have you confirmed that the trouble goes away if you deactivate the WordPress SEO plugin?

Couples In Step

August 29, 2017 at 7:05 am

On July 26 I received a registration with no problem. Then early in August 2 other parties tried to register and told me they were unable to register. At that time I did some research and found the page I referenced above. I deactivated the WordPress Plugin and since that time I have received numerous registrations again.


  • Support Staff

August 29, 2017 at 8:06 am

That’s interesting. We’ve not seen an issue where registrations were not able to process because of the WordPress SEO plugin.

What may be the issue is your server is running low on memory, and deactivating other plugins frees up enough memory to allow the registration process to function. In which case your site could use a memory limit bump. You can increase the amount of memory available for WordPress by following this guide:

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 2:53 am

Thanks for the response. I find it interesting/odd to hear that you’ve not had this issue before. I went to the link you gave, and it is beyond my level of expertise/understanding. Before moving ahead on the possibility that the server is running low on memory, I am wondering if I should reactivate the WordPress SEO plugin and do a trial registration with the goal of getting a more accurate description of the problem (such as error messages, etc) that I can pass on to you?


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 3:25 am

That may help, do you also have access to the servers error logs? (Your host will usually have a section within their control panel that allows you to view the servers error log)

If you enable WP SEO and provide a link to a test event we can use to run registrations on we can also take a look.

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 4:11 am

So now I have another problem.

I just enabled WPSEO, ran through the registration process myself. The process broke down after I completed the registration form and then needed to proceed to payment. I could not proceed to payment options and had to abandon the registration process. Did this twice. Same result each time.

Then I deactivated the WPSEO again, expecting that I’d now be able to register. Not.

Same thing. Completed registration form. Wanted to click through to payment options. Unable to. Had to abandon registration. Did this twice as well. Same results.

I’m in worse shape than before! A few days ago I could accept registrations with the WP SEO plug in deactivated. Now that appears no longer to be possible either.


Here is the registration link:

The WPSEO plug is activated.

You asked me if I have access to the servers error logs — I just checked, I do…

Thanks a lot, by the way. Totally appreciate the support I’ve received from EE over the years.


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 4:37 am

I can add registrations to your site however your registration form text is white on white so it’s really easy to miss adding text to the required fields, which will prevent registrations.

For example –

If you look really close you can see I have 111111 in that field. If I highlight the text you can see it –

What that means is if a user misses a field its really hard to see which field.

You can add some CSS to your site to force the text to be black:

#ee-single-page-checkout-dv input {
    color: #000;

I’m in worse shape than before! A few days ago I could accept registrations with the WP SEO plug in deactivated. Now that appears no longer to be possible either.

It’s the theme doing the above, not WP SEO so this would have been the same before trying the above.

You asked me if I have access to the servers error logs — I just checked, I do…

Do you see any errors from Event Espresso there?

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 5:14 am

Yes, the white on white is a problem. It just happened. As I noted above, I did about 4 test registrations. The first one, maybe two, was not white on white, it was as it was supposed to be, black on white. Working fine. I didn’t mention it, because i didn’t want to bring up too many problems at once. (And I had a magical hope that it would go away)

Error log: there’s only1 (Or maybe I don’t know how to access more?) Here’s what’s listed on the error log:
[Thu Aug 31 07:24:52.580589 2017] [:error] [pid 726] [client] preventing possible attempt to enumerate users, referer:


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 5:28 am

Did you use your browsers auto fill function for the registrations? That will override the text colour.

If you add the CSS I posted above within Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS it will set the text colour to black on the registration form.

Then try registering onto the event again, manually entering all details (don’t use the autofill function at all) do you still have a problem?

The error posted doesn’t help unfortunately and looks like an access log rather than an error log.

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 6:13 am

White on white problem: Not sure if it is white on white. I think more accurate to say white on background colour (which does make the white difficult to read)

I added in the CSS as per above. I completed the registration form. The white on background problem is now intermittent. Some fields are as they should be: black on white. Others are white on background colour.

I registered again: The second time the white on background colour or black on white were in different fields from the first time.

Truth be told: the above two times I still used the auto fill function. I went into the settings of my browser and turned off the auto fill function.

Registered a third time, completing everything manually (though I did check “Use Attendee #1’s information for ALL attendees”–no change in problem)… still the same: some fields white on background, some black on white.

Deactivated WPSEO plug in…. registered a forth time …. same problem…Activated WPSWO plugin.

Initially seemed intermittent, (i.e., no logic or pattern as to what is black on white, and what is white on background). However it is possible there is a pattern that I didn’t notice at first…As I registered the last time some of the fields/text boxes themselves were white (clearly white, not light colored) — on those fields the data I entered appeared black. Some of the fields/text boxes were same colour as the background. In those fields the text appeared white on background.

As for the initial problem: needing to abandon the registration because it doesn’t click through to payment options… that problem was present in all test registrations.

Access Log vs Error Log. You asked for information from the error log. That is what I gave you. There is also an access log button in the control panel. The access log has many, many line items in it. Many of them have today’s date.


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 8:56 am

Hi there,

I did a test and was able to get to the payment options step:

However, the section that loads transaction information is stuck:

The reason it’s stuck is because the WordPress Heartbeat API appears to be deactivated on your website. Can you contact your host or website administrator and ask them to reactivate the WordPress Heartbeat API?

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 12:07 pm

My hosting service WPengine (they are as helpful as you folks are, I just wish everything would work smoothly so I wouldn’t need them or you!) told me the following:
“I can certainly enable the Heartbeat API! We only have it enabled on editing pages by default, but I can turn it on for your entire site…”
And they then did.

Now what? Do I run test registrations again? Please advise.


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 12:30 pm

I just checked and the Heartbeat API isn’t activated yet. You can actually go to this URL and see that the loading transaction information is still stuck:

And if WPEngine staff can check the page source of the above URL, they’ll see that there isn’t a Heartbeat API script loaded there.

The other important thing about WPEngine is you need to make sure the caching is bypassed for the registration-checkout page and for your site, the event-thanks page. It looks like they’ve got the caching bypassed for the registration-checkout page, but caching is still activated on event-thanks. Can you follow up with them and share the above information?

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 12:41 pm

Will do… and will get back to you ..

By the way… what about the way in which the EE registration form broke down as you (Tony) and I were going through the problem of the payment page not being accessed? Anything further on that? Or one problem at a time?

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 12:49 pm

Here’s the news from WPEnginge:
“I will go ahead and add a cache exclusion for event-thanks. Heartbeat is turned on for wp-admin but not the front end…
Ok, the change has been made. Please test again to make sure this fixed the issue”

What now?


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 12:55 pm

They will also need to turn on Heartbeat for the front end, specifically on the event-thanks page. Other pages on the front end do not need the Heartbeat API.

The problems with the way the forms aren’t very readable is something that can be fixed by the theme’s developer.

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 1:09 pm

From WPEngine:”Hearbeat is not disabled on our platform but it is throttled by allow one hit every 60 seconds”
I asked “What does that mean?”
WPENGINE response: “Means that it would only run once a minute. I am able to confirm that it is not disable on our platform. The only difference on a default API setup would be that our platform would throttle it to be able to run once every 60 seconds. This might be some valuable information they would need for their troubleshooting”

Does this help?


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 1:20 pm

No. That’s not. Of course it’s correct to say Heartbeat API is not disabled wholesale across their platform. They mentioned earlier it’s not activated on the front end, and that’s causing an issue on your website.

Ideally they should allow the Heartbeat script on the event-thanks page. If they continue to not help with that, we’ll have to come up with another way to work around what they’re doing.

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 1:21 pm

OK, I will pass it on…..

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 1:50 pm

From WPEngine:
“It appears that we already have
exclude from caching”

and because I wanted to double check: I asked “Is caching bypassed for the regitration check out page?”

answer: “Yes that is correct :)”

Now what?

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 1:51 pm

From WPEngine:
“It appears that we already have
exclude from caching”

and because I wanted to double check: I asked “Is caching bypassed for the regitration check out page?”

answer: “Yes that is correct :)”

Now what?


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2017 at 2:18 pm

Heatbeat now appears to be loading on the thank you page, if you go to this link:

Notice how the ‘transaction details’ section loads up, that’s using Heartbeat, so it wouldn’t load if it wasn’t enabled.

Viewing the headers for that page I can’t see any caching so the exclusion seems to be correct.

By the way… what about the way in which the EE registration form broke down as you (Tony) and I were going through the problem of the payment page not being accessed? Anything further on that? Or one problem at a time?

I still can not reproduce any issues with the registration form.

The only time I am prevented from proceeding to the payment options is if one of the required questions has not been answered, for example –

If that happens and you click on the proceed button you won’t be able to go to the payment options until a value is entered in the field.

So are you 100% sure you answered all of the questions on your registration form when you ran into the problem?

Did you add the CSS I mentioned above to set the font color to black? The issue with the text is from the theme, any ‘text’ input field has the color set to white, text areas (the boxes) don’t have that set so that’s why you see some showing white and others not –

That coupled with the fact that autofill adds styles within your browser that overrides the site’s settings to show it’s been auto-filled, for example, if I use autofill on your form I get this –

If I don’t and manually fill the sections I get this –

It’s the browser highlighting the autofill in the first screenshot which makes it show black text, but it’s your theme that is setting the text white in the first place. So if you add the CSS I provided to your site, it forces the inputs to use black text.

If I submit that form I get through to the payment options –

When you run into problems and can’t proceed is there no error shown on the page at all? Just you can click the button multiple times and nothing happens? If so, go back through the registration form and confirm no fields have red text showing they are required and have no value set.

Couples In Step

August 31, 2017 at 7:00 pm

I have taken the font colour issue to my website developer and she will check it out tomorrow.
When the font colours are showing as they should, I’ll try a registration again.
I’ll keep you posted.

Couples In Step

September 5, 2017 at 6:44 am

Hello Josh and Tony. My web developer fixed the font so that it shows up dark instead of white (ie., invisible). I just ran a test registration. Looks like all is functioning as it should. Thanks for all your help.


  • Support Staff

September 5, 2017 at 8:41 am

You’re most welcome, I’m glad it was a simple fix 🙂

Any further problems please do let us know.

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