
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Event Cart Killing Everything

Event Cart Killing Everything

Posted: December 19, 2024 at 5:33 am

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Chris Bouse

December 19, 2024 at 5:33 am

hello all, I have been using EE for quite a while now and we were recently notified that our website was broken and people were unable to register for our events. In short, after many hours of turning off plugins and registering for multiple classes, i think i narrowed it down to the Event Cart plugin.

in short, if activated, the plugin seams to kill the cart & checkout process. I can add events to the cart but if i try to check out i get an error that there are no events in my cart. if i try to edit the cart i get a mix of the no events error, to getting sent to the registration form. if i try to complete the form and checkout, the entire form errors saying the required fields have no data, even though they do.

Now when i deactivate the multi-cart plugin the issues it causes still linger in the system. its not unitl i go in and deactivate and re-activea all the EE plugins, except the multi-cart, that it will work normally.

just FYI, i always reset my browser data and the Ticket and Datetime Reserved Counts after resetting all of he plugins to assure there is no lingering issues.

This killed us for a week or so and we didnt even realize it. can someone help pleases?

Chris Bouse

December 19, 2024 at 12:50 pm

we found the culprit. one of the other plugins we are using (Elementor) came out with a caching feature in of their latest releases and that was screwing everything up. Thank you


  • Support Staff

December 19, 2024 at 1:14 pm

Ah, good find. I was just in the process of reviewing your header responses for caching… 🙂

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