
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Error when attempting to download invoice

Error when attempting to download invoice

Posted: September 1, 2016 at 9:59 am

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September 1, 2016 at 9:59 am

Hello! We are currently unable to download our registration invoices/receipts and receive this error when we click the download button:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /home/speregional/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/third_party_libs/dompdf/ on line 329

From reading other posts, it seems this probably has to do with the mbstring extension not being installed? Unfortunately, that is greek to me, but I would definitely appreciate some help getting it fixed!

** Removed – Ploease don’t post this info on a public forum – Tony **

I have a VPS server through ServInt, so I would appreciate any instruction to solve this issue through WHM. If it is too complex, could you help me with what I should ask the ServInt support to change for me? Thank you so much!

I also activated the EE requirements plugin and received the following warning:

Espresso Requirements Check could not find apache_get_modules.

Apache function apache_get_modules() was not found. This is most likely due to your PHP version or your PHP configuration. This function is used by the requirements check plugin to identify what Apache modules are enabled and, if not found will result in warning messages having to do with your server configuration. While this is not a problem, it does result in less-accurate results in the Espresso Requirements Check. Please contact your webhost if you are concerned and ask them if it is possible to run PHP as an Apache module rather than CGI.
Click here for more information about apache_get_modules()

Some recommended Apache modules appear to be missing from your installation. This may be because of your PHP configuration or because they have not been enabled in your Apache configuration. While this may not cause any obvious errors, some features may not work correctly. Please contact your webhost about activating additional Apache modules or upgrading Apache.

Your site may be vulnerable to spam registrations without the Apache module mod_security active on your server. We recommend enabling reCAPTCHA on the Event Espresso General Settings page to avoid spam registrations.

Thank you for your help!

  • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Tony.


  • Support Staff

September 1, 2016 at 10:44 am

Hi sehouser,

You really don’t want the information within those two links you included publicly available, although it does not reveal any passwords etc they do provide in-depth information on your server setup.

I have removed the links from your initial reply but support can still seem them currently.

From reading other posts, it seems this probably has to do with the mbstring extension not being installed? Unfortunately, that is greek to me, but I would definitely appreciate some help getting it fixed!

Yes that’s correct.

From looking over your php.ini file it looks like mbstring has been installed on your server but is not enabled. Search through the php.ini file for ‘mbstring’ and you will find multiple instances throughout the file.

Take a look within this post:

You can see the various sections that need to be enabled for mbstring on the server and you will find them all within your current php.ini file but with a ; at the beginning to comment them out. Remove that comment to enabled each line.

Note in order for the changes to take effect you may need to restart apache on the server.

Be sure to make a backup of your php.ini before you make ANY modifications just in case.

If the above doesn’t make any sense I would recommend contacting ServInt support and asking them to help you enable mbstring on your site, they should already know how to enable that module for you.

(Note – Whilst we we can generally point you in the right direction, none of the EE support team are server admins so for server side support setting up the server its usually best to contact either your host support team or a server admin for help)


September 1, 2016 at 1:22 pm

Thanks Tony,

I appreciate the warning about not publishing too much server information. I have deleted those files and will bear that in mind in future. I had my host enable mbstring, and the invoices are downloading beautifully. Thank you!

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