
Home Forums WP User Integration Error opening Event Espresso –> Registration Form –> User Integration Settings

Error opening Event Espresso –> Registration Form –> User Integration Settings

Posted: September 21, 2022 at 6:13 am

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Bart De COck

September 21, 2022 at 6:13 am

I get an error opening Event Espresso –> Registration Form –> User Integration Settings

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Unknown named parameter $admin_page_object in /customers/1/4/9/ Stack trace: #0 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Admin_Page->_route_admin_request() #1 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Admin_Page->route_admin_request() #2 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Admin_Page_Init->initialize_admin_page(”) #3 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #4 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 /customers/1/4/9/ do_action(‘event-espresso_…’) #6 {main} thrown in /customers/1/4/9/ on line 1024


  • Support Staff

September 21, 2022 at 7:11 am

Hi there,

That error realtes to PH8 which Event Espresso is not fully compatible with at this time.

We have a ticket to address this but in the meantime, I recommend switching down to PHP7.4. Many hosts have an option to do this within your control panel but if not you may need open a ticket with them requesting they change it for you.

Bart De COck

September 21, 2022 at 7:23 am

Hi PHP 7.1 is the only downgradable option and will be out of option end of September.
PHP 8.0 is the only supported option for the moment.
I will see if this is the only error I get otherwise I leave it like it is as it is on the admin side only for now.

Bart De COck

September 26, 2022 at 5:32 am

Hi, when would you expect an update on the PHP version? My hosting provider will turn off PHP7 by November.


  • Support Staff

September 29, 2022 at 2:23 am

Hi there,

Version 4.10.39.p has been pushed live and should fix the above issues.

If you don’t see the update available in your dashboard just yet, go to Event Espresso -> General Settings and just hit save to force EE to run an update check.

The update should then show up in Dashboard -> Plugins.

Bart De COck

September 30, 2022 at 6:46 am


After installing the latest version that supports PHP8.0+ I still get errors.
This error came when viewing my invoice.
I also get an error during payment redirection.

Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier “v” in /customers/1/4/9/ Stack trace: #0 /customers/1/4/9/ sprintf(‘Dit resulteert …’, ”, ”) #1 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Event_Shortcodes->_init_props() #2 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Shortcodes->__construct() #3 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Event_Shortcodes->__construct() #4 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Parse_Shortcodes->_set_shortcodes(Array) #5 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Parse_Shortcodes->_init_data(‘[COMPANY] Ontva…’, Object(EE_Messages_Addressee), Array, Array) #6 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Parse_Shortcodes->parse_message_template(‘[COMPANY] Ontva…’, Object(EE_Messages_Addressee), Array, Object(EE_Receipt_message_type), Object(EE_Html_messenger), Object(EE_Message)) #7 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Generator->_setup_message_object(‘purchaser’, Object(EE_Messages_Addressee), Array, Object(EE_Message_Template_Group)) #8 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Generator->_assemble_messages(Array, Array, Object(EE_Message_Template_Group)) #9 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Generator->_generate() #10 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Generator->generate(false) #11 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Processor->generate_and_return(Array) #12 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Messages_Processor->generate_and_send_now(Object(EE_Message_To_Generate_From_Request)) #13 /customers/1/4/9/ EED_Messages->run(Object(WP_Query)) #14 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Module_Request_Router->_module_router(‘EED_Messages’, ‘run’) #15 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Module_Request_Router->resolve_route(‘ee’, ‘msg_url_trigger’) #16 /customers/1/4/9/ EE_Front_Controller->pre_get_posts(Object(WP_Query)) #17 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #18 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #19 /customers/1/4/9/ do_action_ref_array(‘pre_get_posts’, Array) #20 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Query->get_posts() #21 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Query->query(Array) #22 /customers/1/4/9/ WP->query_posts() #23 /customers/1/4/9/ WP->main(”) #24 /customers/1/4/9/ wp() #25 /customers/1/4/9/ require(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #26 {main} thrown in /customers/1/4/9/ on line 88


  • Support Staff

September 30, 2022 at 9:30 am

Hi there,

If you temporarily set the site language to be English and retest, do you still get a fatal error then?

Bart De COck

October 2, 2022 at 8:07 am

Hi, this solved my problem. I’ve set the site to English and back to Dutch.

Bart De COck

October 3, 2022 at 1:05 am

Hi, there is still an issue with the page [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS]

Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Missing format specifier at end of string in /customers/1/4/9/ Stack trace: #0 /customers/1/4/9/ sprintf(‘Link to %’, ‘Cinema4You’) #1 /customers/1/4/9/ include(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #2 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Template::display_template(‘/customers/1/4/…’, Array) #3 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Template::locate_template(Array, Array, true, false) #4 /customers/1/4/9/ include(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #5 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Template::display_template(‘/customers/1/4/…’, Array, true) #6 /customers/1/4/9/ EEH_Template::locate_template(Array, Array) #7 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\WpUser\domain\entities\shortcodes\EspressoMyEvents->loadTemplate(Array) #8 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\WpUser\domain\entities\shortcodes\EspressoMyEvents->processShortcode(Array) #9 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\core\services\shortcodes\EspressoShortcode->EventEspresso\core\services\shortcodes\{closure}() #10 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\core\services\cache\BasicCacheManager->get(‘SC_MY_EVENTS-51’, ‘ee_cache_post_S…’, Object(Closure), 0) #11 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\core\services\shortcodes\EspressoShortcode->shortcodeContent(Array) #12 /customers/1/4/9/ EventEspresso\core\services\shortcodes\EspressoShortcode->processShortcodeCallback(”, ”, ‘ESPRESSO_MY_EVE…’) #13 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #14 /customers/1/4/9/ preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(ESPRES…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[ESPRESSO_MY_EV…’) #15 /customers/1/4/9/ do_shortcode(‘[ESPRESSO_MY_EV…’) #16 /customers/1/4/9/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘[ESPRESSO_MY_EV…’, Array) #17 /customers/1/4/9/ apply_filters(‘the_content’, ‘[ESPRESSO_MY_EV…’) #18 /customers/1/4/9/ the_content() #19 /customers/1/4/9/ require(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #20 /customers/1/4/9/ load_template(‘/customers/1/4/…’, false, Array) #21 /customers/1/4/9/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #22 /customers/1/4/9/ get_template_part(‘tmpl/page-tmpl’) #23 /customers/1/4/9/ hu_get_template_part(‘tmpl/page-tmpl’) #24 /customers/1/4/9/ hu_get_content(‘tmpl/page-tmpl’) #25 /customers/1/4/9/ include(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #26 /customers/1/4/9/ require_once(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #27 /customers/1/4/9/ require(‘/customers/1/4/…’) #28 {main} thrown in /customers/1/4/9/ on line 25


  • Support Staff

October 3, 2022 at 4:03 am

That’s an issue with the translation again.

Click this:

On the site, upload that file to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/languages/

Make sure the filename is

That should override the default translation file with the version above.

Does that fix it?

Bart De COck

October 3, 2022 at 4:49 am

Hi, no that didn’t help. Same error.


  • Support Staff

October 3, 2022 at 5:48 am

Hmm, strange, looks like we’ll need to push an update for this.

In /wp-content/plugins/eea-wp-user-integration/templates/content-espresso_my_events-event_section.template.php line 25 you should see:

__('Link to %', 'event_espresso'),

Change that to be:

__('Link to %s', 'event_espresso'),

I’ll create a ticket to fix this in the next version of the user integration add-on

Bart De COck

October 3, 2022 at 5:55 am

Thanks for your fast support!
Hope this will be the last error I get.


  • Support Staff

October 3, 2022 at 2:06 pm

Hi there,

Just noting that I’ve pushed version 2.0.19.p of the User integration add-on live with the above fix.

If you don’t see the update available on your site right now, go to Event Espresso -> General Settings. Make no changes and just hit save to force an update check.

The update should then show in Dashboard -> Plugins.

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