
Home Forums WP User Integration EE4 WP User Integration and spam registrations

EE4 WP User Integration and spam registrations

Posted: June 13, 2017 at 6:55 am

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TLH Senior Center

June 13, 2017 at 6:55 am

We have multiple events running throughout the year and want to make sure all attendee information is recorded under their WP user profile for future reference. So we activated EE4 WP User, but we were getting spam registrations and users created so we installed Stop Spammers Spam Control and New User Approve. While this method has helped to control it has added an extra layer of admin that is becoming too much to handle and some users are getting frustrated waiting to be approved before they can register for an event. Can you recommend a better solution to using EE4 and controlling spam? Many thanks.


  • Support Staff

June 13, 2017 at 8:16 am

Hi there,

The Stop Spammmers plugin is probably fine, it’s not going to prevent new users from getting approved before registering for an event.

If you’re having problems with bots and spammers registering new accounts or registering for events there are some options that are built into EE4 that can help:

In Event Espresso > Registration Form > Reg Form Settings you have the option enable a bot trap. You also have the activate reCAPTCHA. You can get a required reCAPTCHA API key from here.

Another option that can help is use a plugin like Blackhole for Bad bots. It’s similar to Stop Spammers plugin but it does more than protect comment and login forms.

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