
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium [EE4] : How to map/match Registration export with Stripe Report

[EE4] : How to map/match Registration export with Stripe Report

Posted: January 15, 2017 at 2:04 am

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January 15, 2017 at 2:04 am


I have a problem I need help with.
I have exported ALL registrations for ALL Events I have had for 2016 (filtered by Successful payments), month by month and put it into one Excel document. There are several hundreds of them.

I have also exported all payments from Stripe and put them into the same sheet as mentioned above.

I should have an equal number between the two lists/exports, but I don’t.

There is a discrapency of 3 rows. I have 3 more in the report from Event Espresso than compared to the export from Stripe.

Now, when I have several hundres of records in the lists, I’ve tried to figure out a way to match each payment between the two lists in order to identify which three are missing in the Stripe report.

I thought I would be able to find a unique identifier two accomplish this, but interestingly enough I could not.

I thought I’d find the Gateway Transaction ID(s) to be present in the Stripe report, but no. Then I thought I’d be able to find ID from Stripe in the list form Event Espresso, but I cannot.

However, I do find the unique key from Stripe when looking into Transactions list and look into one specific transaction. There in the field TXN ID / CHQ # I find a unique string that I actually can match to in the export from Stripe.

However, I can’t find a way to export each transaction.

And since my book keeping for 2016 now has a small discrepancy, which accountants don’t like 🙂 I really need help to find which three have gone wrong.

Quick assistance appreciated!

Kind regards,


  • Support Staff

January 16, 2017 at 7:45 am

Hi Andreas,

Are you currently using any custom functions to filter the csv?

The reason I ask is by default the export includes the ‘Gateway Transaction ID(s)’ which contains exactly what you are asking for, it includes the value used in the ‘TXN ID / CHQ #’ field for all Approved payments on the transaction.

This is an example from a test event I’ve just created and paid for using Stripe –


January 18, 2017 at 3:16 pm

Hi Tony!

Thank you for your reply.
The only “filter” I have applied is the filter of “Successful/Approved” registrations/purchases.

I will check this out. Hopefully it is the solution!

Kind regards,


January 18, 2017 at 11:03 pm

Hi again,

I’ve now spent some time identifying what is the root-cause and I think I’ve found it.

For one Event that I arranged in January 2016, I see that the “TXN ID / CHQ #” field has a completely different value from what the Stripe report has.

In Stripe all the IDs has a prefix with ch_, like ch_17NQ08
But just for that specific Event, in the export from EventEspresso, the prefix is completely different. Actually, the who field is different in its value.

First, the prefix starts with txn_ and not with cn_ as Stripe has in their records/reports.

But I cannot even find a match for any of the registrations even if I remove the prefix and just search for the rest of of the mixed characters, e.g. 17ERe8GD3buKhhDz1aYuUNVN.

So, my assumption is that something at that time period must have happened, that made the “TXN ID / CHQ #” in EventEspresso not be correctly populated. OR, Stripe has for some reason changed the ID afterwards.

I will however most likely be able to match based on the e-mail address in combination with the amount and the date. Will keep you posted if this solves it.

Kind regards,


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2017 at 4:19 am

I checked into this and we changed which ID the Stripe payment method saved back in Feb to make sure it always saved the ch_ ID for a payment.

The ID with a ch_ prefix is the Charge ID.

The ID with a txn_ prefix is the Transaction ID.

However both can be searched for within Stripe to find the related payments if needed. If you only have the txn_ ID you can search within Stripe to pull up the charge –

Any payments made after updating to 1.0.12+ of the Stripe payment method will use the charge ID.


January 19, 2017 at 12:28 pm

Thank you for checking it up Tony!

Ok, then it makes sense.
Do you know if it is possible to export that txn_ data too?
I was not able to find anything.

Kind regards,


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2017 at 12:39 pm

Export from where?

You can search within your Stripe account using the txn id, but I don’t think there is a way to export that data from Stripe.


January 19, 2017 at 12:44 pm

I was thinking of Stripe. But as you mention, it seems as one can only search the txn id but not have it exported with the cn id.

I thank you so much.

You can now close this post as SOLVED.

Kind regards,


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2017 at 12:49 pm

You’re most welcome, Andreas.

If you do run into any further problems please do let us know.

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