
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 error

EE4 error

Posted: February 19, 2014 at 10:37 am

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Dov Goldstein

February 19, 2014 at 10:37 am

I get a fatal error when I try to add an event. I removed ee3 and put on ee4.

Something has gone wrong with the page load because we are unable to set up the object for the Event. This usually happens when the given id for the page route is NOT for the correct custom post type for this page DMN-DMNPGCPT-VERCPTOBJ-627

Please advise:

2) Also on ee3 I want to add a waitlist option to a full event where it will take there info and send a waitlist confirmation. How do I do this?


  • Support Staff

February 19, 2014 at 11:23 am

Hi Dov,

How are you today?

1) A couple questions to try and figure out the issue:

a) Did you try migrating your data from EE3 to EE4 or did you just start fresh with EE4? What was your process? Are you trying to edit an event in EE4 that you created in EE4?
b) Does that object error occur on the first event you tried to add or did it occur on a subsequent event?
c) Did it happen when saving the draft, or publishing?
d) Which button did you click to add a new event? Was it the “Add New Event” button at the top of the Events Overview page?
e) What plugins do you have installed? Are there other plugins that event posts that might conflict with EE?

2) Are you trying to run EE3 and EE4 at the same time? EE3 and EE4 are designed to run with only one activated. We’d discourage trying to run both of them at the same time too because your data will be out of sync in EE4 unless you delete the EE4 data and re-migrate from EE3 to EE4.

  • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Garth. Reason: asking more questions
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