
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 CPTs and Gravity Forms

EE4 CPTs and Gravity Forms

Posted: January 12, 2015 at 3:08 pm

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Greg Cole

January 12, 2015 at 3:08 pm

I am trying to use Gravity Forms to submit Events and having no luck. While I can see a post type of ‘Events’, no post fields/custom fields are registered to hook into for creating actual usable events. How can we get EE4 fields registered in Gravity Forms to make these items work together, please?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 12, 2015 at 4:04 pm

Hi Greg, we do not currently offer an integration with Gravity Forms. However, you should be able to use both plugins on the same site without any conflicts.

If sending data between the platforms is critical to your project, then please check with an Event Espresso professional here:


Greg Cole

January 12, 2015 at 7:07 pm

Yes, I can use both plug-ins, but the fact that Event Espresso fields are not registered like others makes these two tools incompatible. Such a shame as other similar products offer this. Event Calendar Pro, for example, allows me to use GravityForms to create events, etc. Is such an integration anywhere on the development road-map???


January 14, 2015 at 6:05 am


I can certainly add this to our feature request list, but no it is not on our roadmap right now.

Can I ask, how are you wanting to use Gravity Forms and EE together? Are the EE registration forms not sufficient? If not, in what way are they insufficient?

Greg Cole

January 14, 2015 at 7:30 am

It is not registration that is the problem, it is the ability to add events from the front-end using the flexibility of Gravity Forms. I can create new Custom Posts (Events in this case) with Gravity Forms, but only the title and body would be passed to EE due to no other fields being available. It would be nice to be able to have users submit events as custom posts, have those remain in a ‘Pending Review’ status, and carry over things like Start and End Dates/Times, Venue, Cost, Etc. Integration with GravityForms then allows us to handle things like email notifications, tracking of submissions, and other items.

Darren Ethier

January 16, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Hi Greg,

Just saw your thread and thought I’d pipe in. I dig what you want to do and why you want to do it, however it’s not going to be as straightforward for you with Event Espresso as it is with Event Calendar Pro. Here’s why:

While EE4 does use custom post types, due to the nature of the system, core WP database tables do not provide the structure and efficiency for the complex queries and data structure required. So we made a decision in our design to build EE4 using custom post types for the basic data but integrate with custom tables for the more complex data. So while EE4 DOES use custom post types for basic event data, things like dates and times, tickets, prices etc are all stored in custom tables. This means that for plugins like Gravity forms which are looking only for connections with core WordPress database tables, they don’t see or automatically interface with the custom tables EE4 is using.

I haven’t examined the code of Event Calendar Pro lately, but likely their core data is all in WordPress tables and post meta which definitely makes it easier to integrate with other plugins such as Gravity Forms but once an event management platform requires advanced ecommerce capabilities and enterprise level reporting and queries, these kind of db structures hit bottlenecks in efficiency and scale. One way of getting around this is to just not do any ecommerce stuff in ones own plugin and instead integrate with other plugins for that (which is what Event Calendar Pro has chosen to do).

The good news is that it’s still possible to build something like what you want with Gravity Forms and EE4, the bad news being of course, that it will require custom development.

We do have frontend event creation on our roadmap tho, just no eta at the moment because there are other features and addons that we have heard higher demand for from our users that we are focusing on first.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Darren Ethier. Reason: grammar
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