Posted: March 28, 2017 at 5:55 am
Hi, I hope somebody can help me to fix the issue on my website. First some important imformation: The registration form is broken. There should be a iframe with a submit button, but it disappeared and instead of I see a copy of the website in the website. See: Currently, visitors can’t registrate for the event. I hope to find a solution asap, as our event is in two weeks. Beside that, I have to notice that more functionalities/tools crashed. I’m not able to edit pages anymore, because they are not loading. It happened several times now, so I restored a backup and after it’s working again. So I guess there is a connection between the issue and new updates. |
Can I ask why you are using the iframe embed rather than the ticket selector shortcode? For example
What happens when you edit the page? Whitescreen? That’s unlikely to be related to EE (although its possible), we’d need more details on what happening and if any errors are being thrown from EE when it happens. You can check this by enabling WP_DEBUG and editing a page to view any errors. |
Thanks for your quick reply! I used the iframe because it looks nice. I tried the ticket selector shortcode, but it is still not working. Is there an other option to add registrations manually? Yes, the edit page is not loading and I see only a whitescreen. What kind of details do you need to help me with this issue? |
You can add registration to the event within the admin if that’s what you mean? Event Espresso -> Events -> {hover over event} -> Registrations -> Add new registrations.
Every page you edit shows a whitescreen?
If you enable WP_DEBUG on the site the whitescreen should show you an error rather than just a whitescreen, we need that error to know where to look. |
You should first rule out a theme and or plugin conflict. You can rule out a potential theme or plugin conflict by following these steps: You’ll also find the reason for the white screen on the edit page if you turn on debug mode. You can set wp_debug to true by editing the wp-config.php file. |
Thanks for the help! @Tony Warwick: We use ”Page Builder by SiteOrigin”. When clicking on edit there is a endless loadin icon on a white screen. The online pages are just as they were when we still could edit. WP_debug: I don’t know what that means, but i guess that Visual Form Builder is causing a conflict? We tried your options, but none of them work. Even if we disable Visual Form Builder, it is not working. Right now we were able to use a backup, but many of the subscribers in Visual Form Builder are lost. |
You might be getting a fatal error that’s happening before the other plugins load then. If you bump up the amount of memory that’s available for WordPress, by following this guide, does that help? |
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