
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE4 2 issues RE emails

EE4 2 issues RE emails

Posted: December 3, 2014 at 10:26 pm

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December 3, 2014 at 10:26 pm

Hi team

1) EE4 how to add a second “confirm your email” text field for registration form that actually validates the previous email field? If not possible within settings, please advise javascript that will achieve this.

2) EE4 how to make the Event Espresso Admin be the primary recipient for all emails? In EE4 > General Settings I have entered as my primary contact email – however I notice these are not coming through.

The current email templates all say e.g. Recipients: Event Admin | Primary Registrant…. Is Event Admin the same as “Event Espresso Admin” ??



  • Support Staff

December 4, 2014 at 2:51 am

Hi Sol,

1) Currently EE4 does not provide email validation, to do this would require some custom development.


This has been added in version 4.10.5.p. To activate this feature on your site, you can go to edit the Person Information question group in Event Espresso > Registration Form, then check the box next to “Confirm Email Address”. Then click Save.

question groups editor
2) The EE4 messages have different Context’s (see HERE) as you have mentioned above, some messages have Event Admin & Primary Registrant, others have Registrant.

The message context it self, does not dictate where the message is sent to. So ‘Event Admin’ context is not the same as anything, however, if you edit the Event Admin context, you can alter where that message is sent to.

So for example, we can edit the Registration Pending Payment message type, Event Admin Context –

Clicking on that link allows us to edit that context, notice the To field –

Currently the Event Admin context is set to be sent to the Event Author – [EVENT_AUTHOR_FORMATTED_EMAIL] which is the email address from the user account that create the event.

Change this to [CO_EMAIL] to be sent to the ‘Primary Contact Email’ set within General Settings. Like this –

You will need to do this for each message template that has the Event Admin context (as they are all independent of each other)

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Josh. Reason: added update


December 4, 2014 at 3:58 pm


Thanks for your reply.

1) OK. Can you please add this to your dev list – I’m sure thsi is a feature that others would find useful. Also, do you have any code snippet you can provide that I can try?

2) OK – this seems a bit backward to me, and so I offer you my feedback.

In my situation, the event author is also the owner of the business, but they don’t want all the emails being sent to their personal login email, the want all emails to be sent to their registration email. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but one would have thought the Primary Contact Email setting in admin ought to be the email that receives all communications ? Otherwise, what is the function of having that setting?

So you are saying that I will have to edit every email template just to update one email address … seems rather laboursome – surely it would make sens to simply have all registrations go by default to the primary.


December 4, 2014 at 4:02 pm

Just to clarify, I think event admin should be replaced by co_email perhaps a global setting to manage this, and also specify whether event admin (and / or co_email) should both receive these…

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 4, 2014 at 4:29 pm


Each event admin message type would need to be updated to use the [CO_EMAIL] shortcode or the formatted version [CO_FORMATTED_EMAIL]

Be sure to save after making the changes.



December 4, 2014 at 7:24 pm


Another question RE emails;

I want to be able to see all registration info for each registrant on the “registration pending payment” email that goes to admin.

So, I’ve created a custom message template andfor the admin message, it says under Main content: [EVENT_LIST]

Then in Event_List section, I have the shortcode [ATTENDEE_LIST]

Do I have to add all of the shortcodes I want e.g. [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_FNAME] etc… but which section to add this to ?


December 4, 2014 at 7:28 pm

To clarify – I want to see the full name, address, email, phone no etc (all fields and answers to custom questions entered) for each registering attendee.

I realise I have to build this into the custom email message template, but need to know where to add the shortcodes (which section) and also wonder if there is a global “all info” shortcode that might simply display all entered information from the registration form. I would have thought something like [ATTENDEE_Registration_information] or something like that?



December 5, 2014 at 3:33 am

Another question: do the default email message tempates get overwritten when the plugin is updated? If yes, I presume the custom email templates do not ?


  • Support Staff

December 5, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Hi Jack,

I’ll try to answer your questions one by one:

Do I have to add all of the shortcodes I want e.g. [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_FNAME] etc… but which section to add this to ?

You can add the valid shortcodes to the [ATTENDEE_LIST] section. These include [FNAME], [LNAME], [ADDRESS], [PHONE_NUMBER].

Along with that, you can add [QUESTION_LIST] to the [ATTENDEE_LIST] section. Then, in the [QUESTION_LIST] section it can loop through the custom questions with [QUESTION] and [ANSWER]. Which is related to your other questions:

If you’re not sure if a shortcode is valid for a section, you can check in the right sidebar where it lists out all the valid shortcodes for each section.

wonder if there is a global “all info” shortcode that might simply display all entered information from the registration form. I would have thought something like [ATTENDEE_Registration_information] or something like that?

The [QUESTION_LIST] section loops through all the questions/answers when something like this is added to the [QUESTION_LIST] section:

<li><strong>Question:</strong> [QUESTION]</li>
<li><strong>Answer: </strong>[ANSWER]</li>

do the default email message tempates get overwritten when the plugin is updated?

No. When you update Event Espresso the default email message templates do not get overwritten. This is because when you first activate Event Espresso it will generate the templates and record them in the database. When you update Event Espresso it doesn’t change existing templates already in the database. There is a Reset Templates button in the Message editor, which lets you restore the default templates to the factory defaults.


December 9, 2014 at 2:28 am

Thank you that info was all very helpful 🙂

It’s certainly a steep learning curve to get your head around your product, but it’s very comprehensive.

I wish that you could simplify the email templates a bit – e.g. have a global header and footer option – that would make life a bit easier than having to modify 6 or so templates with the same stuff.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 9, 2014 at 7:12 am

Hi, the messages system is more robust as compared to the old email templates system in Event Espresso 3. It also offers more flexibility for customized messaging for different events.


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