
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium EE3 and error message from

EE3 and error message from

Posted: April 12, 2018 at 4:31 pm

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Vitaliti Wellness

April 12, 2018 at 4:31 pm

Hi – when someone tries to register for an event (the registration link is: and gets to the payment page, they click on the button and get this error message:

“The following errors have occurred.

(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid.”

I was told by “the error needs to be corrected with the Relay URL we’re specifying as the receipt page. It looks like you may be specifying more than one. This can be specified under the Account tab in the Merchant Interface, and/or in the API call your website is sending Authorize.Net. You can use the following tool to search error codes, like 14. You’ll want to use this information to correct this with your developer:

Please navigate to the next link:”

I have this page listed as the Relay Response URL said: “Perhaps your website had an update? The other end you’d need to check would be your own website settings. It may be several things you or your developer would need to check. Likely your website settings is specifying a different URL than that, or multiple.”

We also updated to SSL a few days ago and I am wondering if that is also creating the error.

Here’s our specific information:

* redacted *

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Josh. Reason: removed irrelevant information that should not be posted to a public forum


  • Support Staff

April 13, 2018 at 8:04 am

Hi there,

It looks like, from their reply, that you need to correct the receipt URL set in your Authnet account. Can you check your Authnet account settings and make sure both the Default Receipt URL and the Default Relay Response URL are set to the Thank You page URL (and include the https prefix)?

Also, since you mentioned adding SSL, it may help to check the box next to Force HTTPS on Return URL in Event Espresso > Payment Settings > SIM settings.

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