July 13, 2022 at 8:45 am
Hi there,
We added some code in version 4.10.31.p of Event Espresso to prevent the above error, your site is currently running version 4.10.29.p
If you update to the latest version and retest do you get the same error?
The error is happening because the transient used by WordPress to store details on plugin updates is retuning false rather than details of plugin updates. The code we added checks for this and works around it but the version you are currently running does not have that additional code.
Note that you may need to update manually on that site on this occasion.
Create a backup for the site first just to be safe.
Download the latest version of EE4 from your account page.
Then on the site go to Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin.
Select the .zip you just downloaded and upload.
WordPress should tell you there is a version already installed and ask if you want to replace it, do so.
That should get you running the latest version and the above error should no longer be thrown.