
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Edit registration link

Edit registration link

Posted: March 14, 2023 at 11:08 am

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March 14, 2023 at 11:08 am

I still need some clarity on this post:

I added this under attendee list in Automated Upcoming Event Notification message: Edit your registration at this link: [FRONTEND_EDIT_REG_LINK]

A message was then sent out to everyone with every person’s registration link, instead of just that registrant’s.

What is the correct information to list? Thank you!


  • Support Staff

March 15, 2023 at 10:05 am

Hi there,

Attendee list in the AUEN notifications loops over all of the attendees for the event, so you don’t want to use that for registrant-specific data.

You can add the above into the event list section, or use [RECIPIENT_EDIT_REGISTRATION_LINK]

Something like this:

I recommend creating a test event, and setting up the AUEN add-on to work on that event so you can test how the message will look first before you trigger a message to all attendees, just to be sure it works how you are expecting.

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