
Home Forums Community Forum Does EE4 work well with Divi Builder?

Does EE4 work well with Divi Builder?

Posted: June 24, 2022 at 11:01 am

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June 24, 2022 at 11:01 am

I know EE4 says it shouldn’t be a problem using a page builder but I’ve read conflicting info. Can anyone confirm (June 2022) that EE4 is playing nice with the latest Divi? Even possibly share a link to a site doing so, or any Divi/EE4 tips? Thank you!


  • Support Staff

June 27, 2022 at 5:03 am

Hi there,

It really depends on the specifics of what you mean by this.

Event Espresso does not support any page builders, we don’t integrate with any of them and you won’t have the level of control over each of EE’s items as you do with a standard page/output.

However, that doesn’t mean EE4 won’t work with it, it will, but you can’t ‘build’ the output generated by Event Espresso using the page builder.

So if you are looking to use Divi to customize most of the EE output, you can’t, at least not using the page builder, but yes, EE4 does work ‘with’ Divi page builder, just not integrated into it.

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