June 12, 2014 at 3:31 am
I just bought EE4 and I think it was a big mistake as it seems very buggy…
If you could explain a little further what seems to be buggy we would be happy to help address any issues you may be having with EE4.
How do I customize the CSS or sidebar for the events page using EE4?
The /events/ page is actually an ‘archive’ and is therefore styled by your themes archive.php file. Depending on what you would like to change you may only need to add some extra CSS using a plugin such as My Custom CSS or Reaktiv CSS Builder or you copy your current archive.php and call it archive-espresso_events.php and make alterations within there.
We have a post that explains the options a little further available here:
If you could like us to the page and let us know what you would like to change we can advise on the best way to do so.
You can currently view the EE4 shortcodes within Event Espresso -> Help & Support -> Shortcodes Tab.