
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Custom shortcode for question group in messages

Custom shortcode for question group in messages

Posted: May 18, 2017 at 1:01 am

Viewing 72 reply threads


May 18, 2017 at 1:01 am

Good day,

For my event i created a question group for the company details of the attendee. I want to add the company details into the invoice instead of the principle name.

Could someone please assist me with this.
Thank you


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 4:01 am

Hi there,

You can use the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*] for this.

That shortcode pulls the primary registrants answer the question you pass to the short.

So for example if you have a question with the question text set to ‘Company Name’ your shortcode would be:


To add those details go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Default Message Templates -> Invoice.

Then switch out the shortcodes currently in use for the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*]’s you need to display the info for.


May 18, 2017 at 4:35 am

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your help. For some reason only a few of the short codes are being pulled trough.

I have questions under company information as follows: Company name, Company VAT number, Company contact number, email, company address. Only the last 3 question answers are showing in the invoice.

I have the short codes inserted as follows:
[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Company contact number]
[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Person dealing with Account Email Address]

What am i doing wrong?


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 4:52 am

Can you link me to the event this is for so I can take a look please?


May 18, 2017 at 4:56 am

How exactly do i link you to the event? The website address is


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 5:05 am

You currently only have a single event I can find the event from the above, however to link to a specific event, view the event on the front end and then copy the address from the address bar in your browser.

For your current event that is:

You currently don’t ask for any of those above questions on the registration form –

Where does the user input those details?

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Tony.


May 18, 2017 at 5:10 am

I only have the one event on my site. On the page below the first questions i ask the attendee is the company details.


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 5:19 am

I can’t see that from the link as its based on your session, however I tested a registration on your site and this is what I see –

The shortcodes you are using:

[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Company contact number]
[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Person dealing with Account Email Address]

Would be for custom questions asked during the registration, you don’t ask those questions currently so EE doesn’t have information to show?


May 18, 2017 at 5:28 am

How is it possible that i can see the company questions field but you cannot. I now logged out from WordPress and went to the site and on my site it displays the company questions.

If i am doing something wrong i would sure be open to suggestions. How can i send you a screenshot?


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 5:41 am

Running any caching plugins on the site?

The event has now updated, the permalink changes (now has -2), the price changed and I now see the questions.

However, the Invoice template in use looks like the default template.

Have you created a custom template or did you edit the default?


May 18, 2017 at 5:45 am

I have no caching plugins on my site.
I edited the default template. Should i rather create a custom template?


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 6:02 am

No you can use the default template, as long as you haven’t already created a custom template and assigned that template to the event (which would mean editing the default template is the ‘wrong’ template). I was just confirming the correct template is being edited.

The invoice template I’m loading shows the default output, can you take a screenshot of the template you are editing, please?


May 18, 2017 at 6:15 am

see screenshot bellow as per link provided.


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 6:18 am

That’s the front end of the site, I can see that by viewing the invoice from my registration.

Can you send me a screenshot of where you have added the shortcodes into the template please? From the admin.


May 18, 2017 at 6:23 am


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 6:43 am

Look like there is an additional div included within the above, rather than pass back and forth with multiple question, can I take a look within the admin?

If so you can send temporary login details using this form:


May 18, 2017 at 6:53 am

I have sent the login trough the link provided


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 8:07 am

I just checked and can’t find any submissions, can you resubmit using the same form, please?

Be sure to select my name at the top of the form and provide all of the required details.


May 18, 2017 at 8:15 am

I resubmitted the form.


  • Support Staff

May 18, 2017 at 8:30 am

Thank you.

So the question text for the specific shortcode must match exactly, yours do not.

So for example the ‘Company name’ question, note the lower case ‘n’ –

The shortcode for that would be: [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Company name]
(you currently have an upper case ‘N’ for yours)

It is the same problem for your other shortcodes, such as:

[PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Company contact number] -> [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_ANSWER_*Company Contact Number]

You will need to go through your shortcodes and match the ‘Question text’ with the shortcode exactly for them to work.

The ‘break’ in the invoice is happening because there are additional cloasing div tags that should not be there, switching to Text mode you can view those –

There are 4 closing divs but should only have 2. I can see you have been editing the markup so I’ve not changed the above as I have no idea what your planning to do, but removing those additional divs and fixing the shortcode question text should fix the invoice for you.


May 19, 2017 at 12:33 am

Thank you so much Tony, Seems the deatils are being displayed correctly now. I seem to be having an issue when i download the PDF of the invoice and receipt. Also the invoice displays on the border of the page and almost seems like it is cutting off on the right side.


  • Support Staff

May 19, 2017 at 4:34 am

I seem to be having an issue when i download the PDF of the invoice and receipt.

This can be a couple of things, firstly check with your host that allow_url_fopen is enabled on your server, it is required by DOMPDF which we use the generate the PDFs.

Also the invoice displays on the border of the page and almost seems like it is cutting off on the right side.

This is happening because you have altered the HTML markup of the Invoice.

There is an additional div around the table with the class ‘invoice’ –

That’s isn’t on the default invoice, but that class has its own styles from the template that is causing problems on your template, I recommend removing that div from the template.

Side note – If you delete my test registration I will need to make a new one each time I need to view the Invoice to see what is happening, I’ve noted the URL for my latest registration in this thread, if you leave that registration until we have finished I won’t need to keep making new ones on your site.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Tony.


May 19, 2017 at 6:33 am

Hi Tony,

My apologies for removing your previous registrations is will be sure to leave them until we are done.

I am having some trouble with your steps in the previous steps. As i am not as clued up with the technical side of things.

On a new note:
When a attendee registers more then one delegate even if the names are filled in as different names the registration shows all delegates are the main attendees name and details. Is this because of something i did on the back end? As i really need the individual information for each delegate.

Thank you so much for all your help so far.


  • Support Staff

May 19, 2017 at 7:43 am

I am having some trouble with your steps in the previous steps. As i am not as clued up with the technical side of things.

Which part? The additional div?

Did you not manually added that div into the template previously?

When a attendee registers more then one delegate even if the names are filled in as different names the registration shows all delegates are the main attendees name and details. Is this because of something i did on the back end? As i really need the individual information for each delegate.

You need to selected the ‘Personal Information’ question group for additional registrants in order for that to happen.

Its set on the event itself and is the bottom section of this screenshot –


May 19, 2017 at 7:49 am

Yes, where do i find the div coding to remove it. I am no software programmer so i added no code to the template, all i did was remove the 2 extra .div like you suggested.

I will set the personal information in the even to fix my problem.

Thank you so much for your assistance


  • Support Staff

May 19, 2017 at 8:00 am

Did someone else modify the original invoice template?

I’m trying to find out how the additional div was added to the Invoice template as if you didn’t add it yourself there may be another issue.


May 19, 2017 at 8:05 am

I am the only one working on the website. I edited the template in visual and not in text. I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.

Thank you so much for the assistance on the previous point. Setting the personal information as the question group fixed the problem.


May 22, 2017 at 2:33 am

Good day Tony,

Did you have a chance to have a look at where that extra div could have come from and how i can change it so my invoice displays right?



  • Support Staff

May 22, 2017 at 6:01 am

I edited the template in visual and not in text. I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.

Yes possibly, the WP visual editor can do some strange things if your not careful when editing.

So there are a couple of options you can use here, either go through the template in text mode and remove any of the additional divs that have been added whilst editing, OR if the only change you have made to the template is to include the above custom shortcodes you’ll likely find it easier to copy the shortcodes ‘reset’ the template back default and reapply your shortcodes to the default template.

To reset the template you edit the invoice template and in the side bar you’ll see a ‘Reset templates’ button. Click that and it will reset back to the default.

Then re-edit the template (I recommend addind the shortcode in Text mode to avoid the same problem) and save again.


May 22, 2017 at 6:18 am

Thank you so much Tony, I saved the text from the changed template and restored the default then edited in text and it fixed the issue with the display of the invoice.

Thank you so very much for your assistance.

I have one last thing that i need to change. Lorenzo was helping me with this issue but i am still not getting it right.

I need to change the button after selecting a amount of tickets from proceed to payment options to continue and i need to change or remove the payment option as the attendee will be reserving a seat and doing a manual payment.

Please see image below.

If you could please assist me with this or point me to someone that can assist me with this.
Lorenzo sent me a link that tells me to edited code in the function.php file but i am having trouble locating the specific file that is being mentioned and with me not being a developer my knowledge of code is limited.

Thanks in advance.


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2017 at 8:19 am

Rather than editing functions.php (which is a file within your theme) you are much better creating a custom functions plugin that hold all of your custom functions (it sounds more scary than it is):

That does the same thing as your themes functions.php file, however, if you update the site’s theme, the functions.php will be reverted back to the themes default file so you lose any edits to it.

Once you have the custom functions plugin you can add the code from here:

Change the 'Go to Payment Processing' to whatever you prefer and add it to your site.

You can hide the payment method heading using some CSS:

h4#method-of-payment-hdr {
    display: none;


May 23, 2017 at 1:25 am

Hi Tony,

I would just like to say thank you so very much for all you help with the changes on the plugin. I must say I am very impressed and happy with your plugin, quality of support and responding time. I will gladly recommend your plugin to anyone who is planning an event.

Well done!!


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 3:31 am

You’re most welcome and I’m glad it’s all working for you 🙂

If you have a minute, would you mind sharing your EE experience with a review?


May 23, 2017 at 3:34 am

Hi Tony,

Upon running test on the registration i found that the details under the shortcode [event_list] is not populating in the email correctly. Where can i edit what will show under the short code or how can i get it to show all the details.

In the email it shows Registration code, Tickets, Delegate price, Dates and times. The tickets and delegate price does not populate so it shows up empty in the email. also i would like the date to show as 14 September 2017 8:00am -5:00pm instead of 14 September 2017 8:00am – 14 September 2017 5:00pm.

Thank you in advance.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 3:46 am

Is this the email sent to the admin or the registrant?

[EVENT_LIST] parses to the EVENT_LIST section within the same template –

You’ll find that can happen multiple times depending on what template youj are working on, for example In my screenshot above, [EVENT_LIST] parses to the EVENT_LIST section, within that [ATTENDEE_LIST] parses to the ATTENDEE_LIST section and so on.

Any _LIST section/sortcode in the messages system loops over each element in the registration(s) to output its details.


May 23, 2017 at 4:35 am

This email is sent to the registrant.

Thanks for your description i understand better now. I see that there is no short code after ticket, If possible i would like it to display the number of tickets bought. Also the delegate price has no short code and shows empty in the email.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 4:48 am

Can you show an example of what you are trying to output, please?

Also the delegate price has no short code and shows empty in the email.

I’m not sure what this means. If it has no shortcode how are you trying to output it?


May 23, 2017 at 5:00 am

The first screenshot is of the back end in the visual editor.

The second screenshot is of the email that the registrant would get.

As you can see the email has a space for the ticket amount and delegate price but it does not show the relevant answer. This is how the template has been set up by default. Could you please tel me what short code i have to add for the delegate price and number of tickets to display.

Also if possible as seen in the second screenshot, where can i edit the information so it only shows the event date with start and end time and not repeat the date with the start and end time.

Thanks in advance


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 5:17 am

The ‘Delegate Price’ your seeing is actually your ticket name –

EE does not include the ticket price by default, only the ticket name –

RECIPIENT_TICKET_LIST uses the TICKET_LIST section, you can add the prices in that section. If you click the stacked/’hamburger’ icon to the right of the section it shows the shortcodes that are available within that section –

To edit the datetime section you edit the next section below, again if you look within the menu for that section you’ll find the available shortcodes you can use in that section.


May 23, 2017 at 5:25 am

Thank you so much Tony.

That was a great help. Tank you for all your assistance. I made sure to leave a review on

Keep up the good work.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 5:26 am

Thank you and you are most welcome.


May 23, 2017 at 5:59 am

Hi Tony,

Me again. I have changed the allow_url_fopen on my domain to ensure that the pdf for the invoice will display. When i wanted to test the registrationnow i got the following error: please see screen shot.

Even though i have filled in all the fields a get an error saying i have to fill in required fields.

Could this be because i activated the allow_url_fopen or is something else wrong.

Just when i thought i finally had the registration done.

Thanks in advance again.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 6:13 am

Clear your browser cache and re-test the above, do you get the same error?

Which browser are you using?

It would be unlikely this is caused by enabling allow_url_fopen.


May 23, 2017 at 6:36 am

I have cleared my browser cache and re-tested. Now i get the following error.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 7:07 am

The error you saw is related to the bot trap, and your server may not be compatible with that feature. You can go to Event Espresso > Registration Form > Reg Form Settings and you set Enable Bot Trap to No, then save, to deactivate it.


May 23, 2017 at 7:12 am

Thanks Josh,

I disabled the bot trap but now receive the following error message.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 7:22 am

Can you log out of the website and try again? The error is likely related to the previous session that had the other error.


May 23, 2017 at 7:37 am

Thanks Josh,

That seemed to work. Although it seems some of my changes are not reflecting so i will just go back and make sure that i saved them. When i download the pdf of the invoice the pdf now shows only one page (which is blank) as to where it showed 9 blank pages (with the invoice scrambled on the 6th page) before i enabled allow_url_fopen.

Could there be another reason why the pdf is not downloading or displaying correctly?


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 7:44 am

A blank PDF would indicate an error was thrown when the PDF was generated by the server. Can you check the server’s error log from the time that the PDF attempt was made?


May 23, 2017 at 7:53 am

I checked on my web server (hetzner) and i see no errors at all.


May 23, 2017 at 8:10 am

I have made changes to the plugin by adding a custom plugin as per Tony’s instructions. This plugin did a update and has now removed all the changes i made to the site. When i now try to redo the coding i get a message saying “No such file exists! Double check the name and try again.”

Should i not have done the update on that plugin?

Seems like all the trouble occurred after the plugin updated.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2017 at 8:21 am

The Custom plugin per Tony’s instructions would not normally notify you there’s an update, unless, it was named exactly the same as another plugin out there. It sounds like you’ll need to re-apply the code changes outlined earlier, and it will be best to give the plugin a unique name so it’s not confused with another plugin.


May 24, 2017 at 1:10 am

Hi Josh, I removed the plugin i added with the wrong name and reloaded it where i changed the name. For some reason when i try add more code to the plugin in the plugin editor on wordpress i keep getting the error “No such file exists! Double check the name and try again”

This is also causing my changes on the buttons not to reflect as i have changed it in the code.

I also am still having trouble downloading the pdf of the invoice as it is still showing up blank.

Could you kindly assist me on this.


  • Support Staff

May 24, 2017 at 11:33 am

Hi Annalice,

My advice would be to FTP into the server and add the code instead of trying to use the built-in WordPress plugin code editor. Also the code will only run if the plugin has been activated.

You can use an [FTP client][1] and [a text editor][2] to access and change the code in your custom plugin.



May 25, 2017 at 6:24 am

Hi Tony,

Thank you so much. The plugin now works perfectly. The only last issue that i am still having problems with is the fact that the pdf shows up blank when i download the invoice as pdf. I have checked my server and found no errors. Is there something else i can try?

Thank you in advance


  • Support Staff

May 25, 2017 at 7:27 am

Can you check the wp-config.php file and make sure that WP_DEBUG is set to false?


May 25, 2017 at 7:40 am

I have checked. Please see screenshot below. WP_DEBUG is set to false.


  • Support Staff

May 25, 2017 at 8:18 am

Hi Annalice,

The PDF generator script will not work as expected if there’s some invalid HTML in the invoice, and I checked the invoice from your site and there’s at least one mistake in the html. Here’s a screenshot of the invalid html:

A browser will try to ignore and work around invalid html, but the PDF script will not.

So you can go in to edit the Invoice template, switch the editor to “Text” mode, and look for a stray closing paragraph tag, or </p> right after the
[INVOICE_LOGO] shortcode.


May 26, 2017 at 12:30 am

Hi Josh,

I checked the invoice template in text mode and i do not find the stray closing paragraph tag. Is there somewhere else i can find this stray tag to remove it.

Please see screenshot.


  • Support Staff

May 26, 2017 at 4:33 am

Can you enable WP_DEBUG and post here to let me know when it is enabled so I can run a test on your site, please.


May 26, 2017 at 5:06 am

Hi Tony,

I have enabled WP_DEBUG. So you can go ahead and test the site.


May 26, 2017 at 8:10 am

Hi, I am now getting the following erreo on my website. This error shows up on the front end, back end and login page. I can not leave my website like this for clients to see. Could someone please urgently assist.

Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: add_shortcode_param is deprecated since version 4.4 (will be removed in 5.1)! Use vc_add_shortcode_param instead. in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3830 Notice: Undefined variable: script_url in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-content/plugins/flipbook-plugin/flipbook.php on line 70 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php:3830) in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php on line 463 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-includes/functions.php:3830) in /usr/www/users/debtcrmcja/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php on line 463
Important Note: You need to activate Royal template with your purchase code to continue working.

Thanks in advance


  • Support Staff

May 26, 2017 at 10:54 am

Thank you, you can de-activate WPDebug now.

None of the above errors are from Event Espresso, they are from a function adding additional shortcode/parameters to Visual Composer (which EE does not use).

Have you tested downloading the PDF with all non-EE plugins de-activated?

Are you 100% this started when ou activated allow_url_fopen? Does your host give you control over that setting? Meaning you can disable, test a PDF to confirm it works, then enabled it again and test to confirm the PDF stops working again?


May 29, 2017 at 3:28 am

Hi Tony,

Seems the notice i was getting was because i enabled the WPDebug. I have now resolved the issue by de-activating WP Debug. Unfortunitly my pdf still downloads blank. I have de-activated all my plugins and downloaded the invoice again where it still came out blank.

I do have control over the allow_url_fopen setting and can activate and activate it as needed. I have disabled the setting and the pdf now displays, but it does not display correctly. It shows my company logo as image not found and it does not look the same as the invoice on the website at all.

Please see screen shots.


  • Support Staff

May 29, 2017 at 7:23 am

Seems the notice i was getting was because i enabled the WPDebug. I have now resolved the issue by de-activating WP Debug.

WP_DEBUG tells your site to display notices, warnings, errors etc, with that enabled any incorrect code on your site will show notices. Disabling WP_Debug hasn’t ‘fixed’ it, it has just stopped the noticed from showing, the code is still doing exactly the same as it was before, only now it doesn’t display the warning.

I do have control over the allow_url_fopen setting and can activate and activate it as needed. I have disabled the setting and the pdf now displays, but it does not display correctly. It shows my company logo as image not found and it does not look the same as the invoice on the website at all.

Yeah, that’s because allow_url_fopen is disabled, DOMPDF is dependent on it so when it’s not enabled the PDF’s will not look correct.

Although you’re able to enable allow_url_fopen on your site it seems something is not setup correctly so when DOMPDF tries to use it there’s an error that we are not seeing, it may be thrown to early for WPDebug to catch. Using FTP take a look for an error_log or similar file in the root directory of your site, do you see any error within that?

If not check with your host and have them confirm if any errors are being thrown and allow_url_fopen is enabled and a PDF is downloaded.


May 31, 2017 at 1:06 am

Thanks so much for all your help on the above issues.

I see there is an update available for your plugin. For some reason my plugin does not want to update. It keeps giving me an error that i have to insert the support licence key. I have made sure that my licence key is inserted but i still get the same error.


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2017 at 4:42 am

Can you post the full error message you see within the admin, please?


May 31, 2017 at 4:45 am

Hi Tony,

It seems the licence key took a while to register because when i retried the update now the update worked fine.

Thanks so much for all your help


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2017 at 5:04 am

That’s odd but I’m glad its working 🙂


May 31, 2017 at 6:01 am

Hi Tony,

I would like to set registration confirmation to be sent to my manager. She is not set up as a user on my site as i am the only one working on the site. Do i have to add her as a admin user then set her as the event admin for her to get the notifications or is there another way to have her receive the emails?

Thank you in advance


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2017 at 6:42 am

You can input here email address into the To fields of the admin registration confirmation emails. You edit those by going to Event Espresso > Messages > Default Message Templates.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Josh. Reason: correction


May 31, 2017 at 6:46 am

Thank you so much Josh.


  • Support Staff

May 31, 2017 at 6:48 am

Correction: her email address goes into the To field of the admin registration confirmation email editor.

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