
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Coupon (Promo Code) EE4 — Interim/ Alternative Solution??

Coupon (Promo Code) EE4 — Interim/ Alternative Solution??

Posted: July 28, 2015 at 2:25 am

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Stephanie Redcross

July 28, 2015 at 2:25 am

I’ve been reading in the forum that the EE team is working on releasing the promo code add on for EE4.

I was wondering if anyone has a interim solution or come up with a creative way to offer promotions in the meantime.

We want to offer a $25 off sales.

For example, we were thinking about adding a special ticket price that’s only accessible with a specific link. There are some logistical challenges with this approach, so I was hoping some one in the group might have cracked the code on a temporary solution. (instead of starting from scratch, I could build on an idea)

Thanks in advance


  • Support Staff

July 28, 2015 at 9:04 am

Hi Stephanie,

We’ve set up something very similar where one specific ticket was made available on a password protected page. There is a filter that makes it possible to only show the one special ticket on the specific page. Here’s a link to the example code:

To use it, you add the code to your custom functions file, then you plug in the post ID for the password protected page and the Ticket ID for the special price ticket.

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